old thread here famalam
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is there a link to this episode? Ive been skipping out on my diet lately and need some violent mental readjustment
im 3 minutes in to this and i already want to beat him with a shovel. I'm not gonna last the episode at this rate
maybe if i stare at this picture hard enough i wont want pizza
better full screen version
how is this possible
how does anyone pay the medical bills
obamacare now.
before that they would just die.
>blocked from my country
what is that? i've seen superfats before but nobody with this shit
that is cellulitis, pretty advanced.
I just watched the entire episode. I fucking hate James, he fucked his daughter hard and his father too. Fat piece of shit. Whining like a child and making the same excuses. He fucked his family over.
27 min in and really he should just die. not to mention the gf and daughter just shovel the food to him. this is disgusting
i saw the entire episode earlier today. what a waste of space. god, he actually gained fucking weight when he was supposed to be on an 800cal diet. Stupid spineless enabling wife who keeps feeding him shit. ffs they took their daughter out of school so she could help care for that monstrosity.
When you take a bite of that cheese pizza, just image you are taking a big old bite out of his necrotic diabetes leg
>my 600 lb life
nigger's only gonna weigh 400 after they amputate them legs
fucking hell james, get it together sunshine
still haven't gone to get it yet, but this fucking shredded chicken is killing me!
I only saw the first half of that 'sode. Did he die?
>them pulling him up
I'd be terrified of his arm coming off in your hand or soemthing
Drinkwater died.
Looks like she was right, it IS possible to love your body for the rest of your life
These people are on Medicare due to their disability. Obamacare has nothing to do with it.
Everyone on the show talks about how much they enjoy food so they can't stop eating. Like no one but them enjoys food. They've got special taste buds we can't even begin to comprehend that makes food more enjoyable for them....
I fucking like junk food too but I don't eat it so I don't become a fat fuck.
thanks mate, no ads too
It's literally fake news. They call her "Marge Swanson" but her name is Kelli Jean Drinkwater and she isn't dead.
>ate two square pieces of pizza today
Keep watching. You'll love how he squeals in pain when people try to move him. He probably shrieks "my leg!" 100 times in the episode
Make pizza yourself with no oil and no cheese. Just pile vegetables on and some sliced chicken or tempeh. Tastes delicious.
so is he dead yet or not
I had a very similar feeling last night after watching this. He is the personification of making horrible excuses and excuses are for losers. Hell, his lady looks like she is pushing 250lbs. If she had down the 800cal diet at the same time, he may have been motivated once she easily got trim.
Did that other fat one ever finish an Ironman like she promised?
So many times on this show the entire family is morbidly obese.
Imagine being the dad in James' life and having to be all "damn, son, I'm so proud of you and the life choices you made" when all he really wants is to finally die in his refinanced home. Like seriously imagine having to be the dad and not only sit in that chair while your bedridden son flaunts his disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing his stretchmarks and crusty skin, and just sit there, moment after moment, visit after visit, while he shovels food into his face hole. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking figure but his haughty attitude as his delusional girlfriend is saying he BARELY CHEATED and DAMN, HE LOST *THAT* MUCH WEIGHT?? because she's not the one who has to sit there and smell her child's fucking rotting flesh excrete types of smells you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been trying nothing but to be a good role model and later alleged martyr for a lost cause for your ENTIRE PARENTHOOD coming straight out of the marriage with your drunkard wife. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the yeast that's breaking out of his leg boils as he wiggles into a more comfortable position, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to watch your son while he cries out "OUHW MUH LEYHGS (for that is what he calls these stumps)", the legs he stuffed himself so much for with his enabler for the past few years. And then he yells for yet another egg roll, and you know you should kill every single person in this room before running to Mexico, but you sit there and get a stoke, because you're fucking old. You're not even going to fight it. Just fade away. Puke your soul out and fade away.
James was probably the worst episode I've ever seen. He had 0 motivation to lose weight and just wanted to wallow in bed stuffing his face until he dies.
I was surprised watching the end footage of someone who was going out with her friends to a restaurant. The woman was still over 400 lbs, but her one friend was fucking bigger than her.
ya the all eat like shit, Its just obvious which one takes 2nd's and 3rds.
It's depressing seeing some of the people on the show are 600 lbs but they still have a job.
why don't I have a job...
This was the first episode I was compelled to watch. That doesn't surprise me. I feel so bad for the daughter though. Who knows how long she's been out of school because of this? The show never says. Her entire future is in jeopardy because he can't stop eating.
I'm sure someone wants them fired but are worried about getting a frivolous discrimination suit. They probably get all sorts of special treatment at work too.
>James' girlfriend
Not only that, he cucked her ex husband
does he wash himself with a rag on a stick?
>he thinks James washes himself
That's what neighbors and family are for
She's holding up what will be left of her body after diabetes takes her arms and legs
Lmfao at that copyright avoiding filter capturing the darkness of shame James father feels
the best part was when they rolled him on his side(kinda). For being 80%+ fat he wasn't very gelatinous....
Maybe when he was 500 pounds. He could barely move his arms, especially when he was over 800 pounds!
>dad gets taken away in an ambulance due to uncontrollable vomitting
>probably because of all the time he devotes to his son
>"my chest hurts"
>"last night was scary. for me"
>"it breaks my heart that James is trapped in the bed and can't do the things he loves to do"
Like what? Does he like hiking and going outside? Cuz he is 600 lbs. he ain't been able to do that shit for a WHILE now ma'am
This guy is the epitome of how stupid people are when it comes to food and calorie burning. I legit think this fucker believes that the pizza slice is under 100 calories and that he is burning 10 calories every time he sits up.
but are you healthy?
he might be burning more. he weighs 800lbs. thats like doing a situp w/ hundreds of lbs on your chest.
God fucking damnit, Veeky Forums
>so how has your eating habits been since i talked to you last time
>"much better"
I understand how a single person can be so addicted to food that they let this happen to themselves, but how can his friends and family enable this shit? How can 4 people be crazy enough to enable an addiction that forces them to wipe a grown man's ass? Just give him nothing but salad and the occasional bit of baked chicken. The worst he can do is whine about it. He'll come to understand eventually. If he doesn't, then he's a fucking lost cause. How the fuck did this guy cuck another man?
Just made some pizza-bagels the other day. Not half as bad as a chain-restaurant-pizza and pretty much satisfied the same craving.
The best/worst part for me was when he kept on grabbing hold of the railing while the paramedics were pushing him to get him to his front door because his leg brushed against the railing. I don't blame them for roughly shoving him through the door after all that.
Do you want to sleep outside, James? Or do you want the nice paramedics to do their job and wheel your fat ass inside?
Anyone else really, really want to put a silenced pistol to James forehead and pull the trigger?
Remember the gf had an abusive husband, and was swept up by James at a lucky vulnerable moment. Now she has emotional problems because she is apparently so threatened by James's yelling at her for food that she needs to follow his demands and clean up his shit.
story time from the gym today
>visiting parents in southern Cal this week
>go to a local gym that we have a membership at
>walking into changing room and see this big fat mexican dude, probably like 24 years old
>he's sitting in the locker room playing games on his phone
>go warm up
>come back in to take preworkout, he's still there
>come back at the end of my workout, and he's STILL THERE playing fucking games on his phone
>I ask him what he's doing
>"Oh well my girlfriend wanted me to go to the gym, but I'm not gonna lose weight, so I just sit here while she does errands to make her think I'm working out."
>"She'll make me stop coming eventually when I don't see results"
>dude just fucking sits in a gym locker room for 90 minutes every day pretending to work out
Can't imagine going to that length to avoid exercise, I wanted to fucking yell at him.
I'd rather let his legs dangle for some time first.
How good was this part of the episode?
>fatty wailing
>EMTs tired and annoyed of his shit
>family worried
>Dr. Now strolls in
>"how are you doing?"
the doc wasn't having any of their excuses or bullshit, stone cold
Does Planet Pussy still give out pizza every Friday?
How the fuck do people overeat when they are depressed?
When I was a happy fuck I overate all the time, but today since some cunt I set up a date with stood me up, I don't feel like eating anything. I'm at 1200 calories today and don't plan on eating anything else.
i wonder if there's a job market to be made from living with extremely obese, bed-ridden people and NOT enabling them so they have literally no choice not to lose weight.
Like as a daily assistant or something to help them not be so fucking awful
nah it's not every friday, it's like once a month or whatever. same with the bagels.
it's the contrast between eating to take their mind off it or not having the energy to eat from sadness.
Their logic is very likely on a deep level "that cunt stood me up and i don't have control over it but i what i do have is control over what i eat"
>he has a girlfriend
No wonder he has women attracted to him, that gravitational pull must be strong.
Post pictures of cunt.
So, I just realized the location of this picture, as originally I looked at it on my phone.
>that white thing to change babies
>that paper towel holder
Holy shit did she just take her picture in a McDonald's bathroom?
>lol she fat
I was desperate.
how can anyone let themselves go that far...
eh, nothing wrong with a fatty every once in a while. (they can even be pretty fun imo) but damn she is plain as fuck. at least get one with bigger tits that actually wears makeup or something.
>gets all the way down there
>gets personal attention from a skilled doctor
>GAINS 150 lbs while lying straight to the doctor's face about eating 800 calories a day
>i was desperate
m8 there's literally nothing physically redeeming about this chick, that's way passed "desperate".
You missed out on nothing.
>says it's the bed making his "back push up" so it doesnt look like he's lost anything
>that fucking grin when he says "but Dr. you said sometimes you can't tell just by looking"
>Not having an emotionally damaged gf that you can verbally abuse until they bring you food
Why even bother brehs....
>green spess muhreen
>GREEN spess muhreen
>tried to date this
are you kermit the frog?
lmao you sly summa bitch
fuck I've been craving for pizza for several months now
This girl just can't catch a break.
Damn, Doctor Now isn't taking peoples shit anymore. He's much more outspoken in this compared to the season 2 episodes I've watched.
im sure his time dealing with these fucking people has hardened him
why silenced?
Considering the obesity rates in Murrica and Europe, I wouldn't be surprised. But you'd probably have to clean their crusty legs and ass.
How old are you?
She looks like she is in her 40s
Watching this doc pissed me off, going to bed rustled as fuck
He's a benevolent man, and it pisses him off that the person looking for help isn't trying at all. I feel for that doc... it was worth a shot, chief.
Occasionally some of them make it. If they didn't he probably would have lost all hope already.