>going to a gym
>doing any cardio
yeah nah
>going to a gym
>doing any cardio
yeah nah
btw are those things on the side muscles or ribs?
>going to a gym
>lifting any weights
yeah nah
>people still use digital cameras
>yeah nah ur a kunt XDDD
I use my phone but it's shit
>Eating french fries without catsup
yeah nah
yeah nah
What happened to your finger dude? Does it fuck up your rutine?
That's the serratus
Fuckin´Chicanos, ven para acá, deja te doy un vergazo.
go fuck yourself loser i am U S A american
Show me your documentation, and you are free to go.
>showing my papers to a guy who speaks mexican
nice try. have fun going over the wall. if you come back, you must do so LEGALLY.
No need my fellow American, Tejano here, family has lived here for generations, and I studied Spanish due to how resourceful it is in my state.
>speaks mexican
Skinnyfat DYEL trying to be impressive.
Your body looks gross and your arms are twigs.
>those pants
>those shoes
>pink sweater
You better suck dick like a champion, otherwise you're just a faggot.
>having gay fluorishes on your mirror
Yea super america freedom, remeber waynes world? Mickey mouse am I right? I citizen just like everyone else.
Why do you have the body of a fit old man?