Is Green Tea actually good for weight loss/general wellness, or is it just a meme?

Is Green Tea actually good for weight loss/general wellness, or is it just a meme?

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Tastes like piss. Caffeine is caffeine, green tea just happens to be high in it.

It can suppress appetite, caffeine is a stimulant so it probably burns a negligible amount of calories.

As for well being, caffeine has some benefits, also high quality teas (such as Gyokuro) have a higher amount of L-Theanine, which can by itself calm you down, and in tea it counteracts the anxiety inducing effect of caffeine without making you sleepy.

I think black tea also has a higher amount of L-Theanine.

yes it's magic and will remove all unwanted bodyfat, ancient mayans drank it and they were ripped it legit bro

Wym high in it
from caffeine intake it's
coffee > black tea > green tea

also antioxidants and shit, but I don't know much about that

The benefits of tea has absolutely nothing to do with caffeine you addict

They drank mate, which I think has higher caffeine. Whatever it is, it makes you fucking crazy, more than even strong coffee.

>green tea has caffeine
Are you fucking kidding me? I've been drinking this shit by the gallon!

>It can suppress appetite
It has the exact opposite effect. It will increase it, and can make you nauseous if you drink it on an empty stomach

>can make you nauseous if you drink it on an empty stomach

I can attest to this.
Just makes me feel "off" a bit aye, hard to explain.

You don't know the about L-theanine that is found in green tea, and the anti-oxidants. Despite this clear lack of knowledge on this herb, you decided to hold a strong opinion and then ignorantly spew it.

Also, green tea isn't even very high in caffeine. Black tea is more fit to that description

lol how do you not notice
I think it goes ooloong>green>black>white for ltheanine content but matcha powder has a lot so a green tea with matcha will have more than oolong

>can make you nauseous if you drink it on an empty stomach
I agree

>It has the exact opposite effect

Not in my experience

Yeah. I have puked in the past because I drank it before doing morning cardio on an empty stomach.
Not advisable.

Also, to anyone in this thread: One study in rats, where they were given green tea extracts, were found to decrease testosterone by, if I recall, about 70% for one hour after consumption, and about 40% after two hours. The study is not entirely conclusive, since it was done on rats with an obscene amount of green tea relative to their sizes.

Still, worth keeping that in mind if you like drinking it

I've read that white tea had on the top of the list for theanine content, because the young leaves didn't have it convert to tannis or whatever yet, but I can't seem to find that article

It does say that basically the 'sweeter' the tea is, the more theanine is in it (obviously this doesn't count for artifically flavoured teas)

Huh, I remember hearing about a study that confirmed what I said, but I can't seem to find it. Indeed, I can only find studies that suggest the opposite.

Still, I always grew hungry from drinking it

I guess that's something each person will have to experiment with

I did notice that if I drink it after eating, I stop feeling full sooner, could be placebo though.

Try to drink loose leaf that way you don't drink a boiled bag which sometimes they use bleach to whiten. Best green tea is Matcha green tea.

You're a fucking retard mate. Also, it tastes good unless you're a faggot who can't handle it.

Is not as good for weight loss as some people make out in my experience but it might help a bit. It's negligible as far as I have found though. Pretty good for general wellness though, after a few days of drinking a few cups through the day I always feel pretty good. After several cups a day for a few days my skin looks better and I generally feel better. Maybe I'm just better hydrated but I drink water even if I'm not drinking green tea and I always feel better with the tea. Anecdotal but there you go.