what is the most annoying diet?
I say Paleo, everyone I have met who is on it is a douche.
what is the most annoying diet?
I say Paleo, everyone I have met who is on it is a douche.
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Anyone on a "diet".
how can white girls compete ?
keto, everyone I have met on it is autistic
Vegans apparently like to tell everyone about their diet. But most that I've seen have been pretty chill, unless they're Tumblr incarnate.
Maybe whatever is the latest fad diet that 35-year-old soccer moms do can be obnoxious.
It probably depends more on the person than on the specific diet, really. Some people just have a superiority complex or don't know when to shut up every once in a while.
I know that veganism is the meme for when it comes to annoying diets, but that meme really rings truth. My sister is a vegan and she will never stop talking about what she ate, and the calories involved. She knows that I don't care, but she insists that I need to know every aspect of her diet.
they're smarter, live longer, more successful, more feminine, etc.
Can confirm. Was on Paleo, was a douche.
it will be gone in 5 years and the sheep will adopt a new meme diet.
maybe they'll revive atkins
I can deal with paleo and keto, even veganism and shit. I can't fucking stand general idiocy though.
>Can't eat that, it's not 99% fat free!
>I'm drinking a shake every day to lose weight!
>I'm only consuming green tea as a detox to help me lose weight!
Heard that shit so many fucking times already, and it's always said by unhealthy people.
>I don't get it I only ate three times today and I'm not losing weight
>I should eat 10 small meals a day to lose weight
>tfw you will never bed taytay
yeah bad posture and flat asses really do it for me too
the 'meme' diet helped me lose over 200 lbs.
it's not even some sort of special diet. it's simply - low carb, moderate protein, high fat
Low carb.
Particularly the faggots who believe it's a maintainable lifestyle and not a short term crutch for temporary weight loss.
>He fell for the grainjew
The diet where you're supposed to eat multicoloured things, because that shows you're getting lots of different types of nutrients or something. You can cheat it by eating just skittles.
Rainbow foods. That shit was like a cult sounding thing.
Paleo used to be the worst but that fad is dying off.
Now it's probably very low carb diets like keto. Not the temporary carb-cutting diets, but the carbs-are-poisonous-and-all-sources-of-carbohydrate-are-comparable-to-refined-fructose-syrup low carb lifestyle diets. I've never seen such a scientifically illiterate group of people have such a strong opinion about something.
>alkalized water
>with vinegar in it
>all this diet faggotry and he looks like a typical skinnyfat dadbod
Is that really the beat bit though? Several points on there really activate my almonds.
What's the difference between vegies and vegetables?
Vegies are cultured, vegetables are for plebs
>Vegans apparently like to tell everyone about their diet. But most that I've seen have been pretty chill
I've experienced the same. Hating on vegans is unironically a Reddit thing.
>a homemade coconut
cracks me up every time
Any diet that last longer than 2 months.
So fucking boring man.
doesn't matter what diet, but the person. anyone who treats their diet like a religion or an ideal, like wtf it's food faggot
>american reading comprehension
Cardio is more important than lifting for being "in shape".
pretty much any womens diet
yeah like ~20 min of light cardio 2-3 times a week not grinding for hours on the treadmill everyday like most of the people presume
But I like tight little tushies
Explain to me how 9 years is short term. Go on, I'll wait.
You're not doing low carb.
30g a day not low carb?
You're not doing 30g a day.
Says you. Get the fuck out of here, my nigga. Carefully measured carb intake all day, every day. All from vegetables. Meals are strictly meat and veg.
Yeah post a diet journal or you're lying (not that you can't lie in those). 30 is keto territory, you have not been in keto for 9 years.
>Keto territory
Exactly. Eat shit, bro.
Waiting on that journal.
Every vegan I've ever met has been really, really nice and I never even found out they were vegans until long after I met them because they never brought it up. I'm not sure where the stereotype comes from.
What the fuck are cultured vegetables?
The most annoying to me is people that base their diet around arbitrary things like "Low Carb" / "Low Fat" while consuming absolute trash as long as it's not in the bad category of the week. "I can't eat that it has too much salt" proceeds to eat gobs of sugary foods that are low sodium. "Too high in carb for me" so instead eats a fucking block of cheese on top of a salad.
Also people who recommend keto. Yeah bro, just put your body in starvation mode by eating as much terrible food as you can stomach and you'll lose weight. Say goodbye to your arteries too because you won't need them where we're going.
The stereotype is because many vegans feel it is partly their duty to inform and educate the public about veganism. Just like Jehovah's Witnesses get a bad name for being the guys that bang on your door wanting to talk about Jesus when that's only a small percent of active witnesses. Also PETA, which is a shitty organization but has become the face of veganism for a lot of people.
Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Natto, Pickles, Tempeh, etc.
>did KDE diet for one year
>looking awesome
>switched to normal diet after it
keto just for reaching certain goals is pretty awesome desu
annoying or not, id rather a woman on a paleo diet than on a sugar only diet that most women are on.
gee you'd think with 9 years of "careful measuring" and spreadsheets and charts and shit it'd be no big deal for him just to screenshot even a tiny portion of it.
random meme diets girls swear by
detox diets
Literally any diet any woman has ever talked about being on.
I still don't know why anyone listens to them.
a girl I knew explained basic nutrition to me once.
>I still don't know why anyone listens to them.
Most of them have a vagina.
>tfw your veggies aren't cultured, almonds weren't activated enough, your coconut secretly wasn't homemade, you didn't use the balls of an emu only the benis so you get kicked out of your organic eating paleo club and have to face life alone as an uncultured food taster
don't be too upset, white people will gone soon.
Falling for the transitioned jew
Why the fuck do people put so much effort into (((diets))), I pretty much live off mre's and SHTF food and nothing bad has happened.
too spooky for me
>What the fuck are cultured vegetables?
Why do you think there are handicapped seats at the opera brah? They're for the cultured vegetables
oh shit, this.
I hate female diet logic. It's always women with their stupid fucking buzzwords too. I need to "detox" all of the "toxins" in my "core" so I can get "toned."
Dumb sluts need to stop watching Dr. Oz.
All the paleo and keto hate in this thread. If you don't eat muh oats and boiled chicken you're on some weird fad diet!
Excuse me while I go eat some lean fish and brown rice.
>Veeky Forums
I follow the zero carb method. Allow pic related to explain it further.
>Excuse me while I go eat some lean fish
Enjoy your PCBs, dioxins, and mercury brah.
Please make a tumblr to talk about your ALS and Alzheimer's progression. I wanna read what it's like for you. Gonna so much fun.
Also write down March 21, 2017, as the day some random faggot on Veeky Forums told you about the risks of ALS and Alzheimer's from your diet and then you proceeded to get ALS and Alzheimer's from your diet.
>Enjoy your PCBs, dioxins, and mercury brah.
I was mocking you dipshits you fucking retard.
I even said
>I follow the zero carb method.
My diet actually treats both of those conditions.
Very good user
Fuck Atkins, every time one of these 40 something's come in and order "protein style" and think that makes it okay to pig out on anything non carb, aswell as beileving their making a difference in there life, only too break it with "sneaking" a couple fries, is literally the lowest common denominator and should be executed on the spot..
Wait. You faggots think activating your almonds is some kind of fucking joke?
My sister has turned into an insufferable cunt. Her diet consumes her life, it's all she talks about, she spends money on organic sprouted bullshit, over priced juices and God knows what else. She won't eat at a restaurant except some terrible hippie place. She has no hobbies, no interests ,she just works, and then spends the rest of time watching television and obsessing about food.
Initially I listened and had an idea of she was eating, but she just never stopped and now I just can longer give a fuck, I have no idea what or why she eats anymore. I took my parents out to dinner at Ruth's Chris (fancy steak house) for their anniversary and she was just a wet blanket the whole time. Made snide comments to the waiter and us, ordered a salad, then refused to eat it for some reason and pouted the rest of the dinner. Why couldn't we just go where I can eat something, she whined.
She doesn't have a medicall reason to do this, but it now defines her.
I live about 45 minutes from her, so I don't see her, and I don't bother to talk to her anymore. She didn't have any hobbies growing up besides being a mediocre volley player and shopping, and she's even worse.
>Live of MREs
user, no. The only thing to look forward to was the green Skittles in the old ones. I'll never eat another one again if I can help it.
found the non-lifter
>Vegans apparently like to tell everyone about their diet. But most that I've seen have been pretty chill
nice try richard
Taylor Swift has no ass?
all diets and dieters are obnoxious
just eat healthy and shut the fuck up, as soon as you have to start telling people about whatever new trend you hopped on, YOU have become the cancer
the best diet is generic bodybuilder diet i.e. chicken, rice, sweet potatoes, broccoli, avocados, and a gallon of water
t. Lardass hater who can't control his cravings for cupcakes and pizza.
I'm not even the person you were talking to, but had to chime in. It's not that hard, you fat fuck. You're just as bad as HAES fatties that say no diet is sustainable.
I do keto with intermittent fasting, and my diet is primarily "paleo" style foods.
There is nothing meme about any of these. They are all scientifically proven to help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce glucose levels. I try to only eat carbs before/after exercise so that I am actually using it as energy and it doesn't make me fat.
Paleo is pretty much synonymous with not eating processed shit. I'm not strict on this, I still eat some cheese and drink milk, and I'll have a snack bar every so often, but it doesn't make up a significant portion of my diet.
Paleo has to be the biggest group of retards. It's what our malnourished ancestors who rarely made it past 40 ate, so it must be good for us right?
Even paleo people don't do paleo right. Paleo dieters seem to eat primarily meat. It's not like early man had to eat primarily vegetables and fruits because he had factory farms too, right?
Never understood why there isn't any organic produce in whole foods.
considering how important a low bf% is for looking in shape, he's probably right. diet and genetics are the most important.
Her FACE though
Are you fucking kidding man, eating fish once in a while doesn't do shit, stop fear mongering.
Modern fish stocks are filled with PCBs, dioxins, and mercury contamination. You are better off not eating them than eating them.
This wasn't necessarily always true, but in modern times our pollution of the ocean has ruined fisheries.
>PCBs, dioxins, and mercury contamination.
Any links?
Tay a cute.
>Fish provide nutrition for much of the world's population, and when not contaminated with chemicals, fish is a very good food. ... But the problem is that most fish have at least some degree of chemical contamination with methylmercury, (which binds to muscle) and/or with persistent organic pollutants such as dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, chlorinated pesticides (which concentrate in fish fat). These chemicals have adverse effects on nervous system function, modulate the immune system, and are associated with elevations in risk of cardiovascular disease. Thus the question of benefits and risk from fish consumption is complex but very important.
>alkalised water with apple cider vinegar
>activated almonds
>cultured vegetable
>fucking emu meatballs
jesus christ
>saturated fat is bad for you!
>falling for the heart disease meme
keto is pretty simple. stay under about 30g carbohydrates per day. high fat. moderate protein. don't eat processed junk. daily is okay in moderation.
let me guess you're one of those types that thinks that a diet has be shit like white rice, chicken breast, kale, oatmeal, and egg whites so it tastes extra bland and makes you miserable as fuck
I was about to ask if that was tswizzle but I recognise that flat ass.
Cute girl, wish I could shop for vegetables with her.
LOL a random youtube video from "nutrition facts". great source bro
>saturated fat ISN'T bad for you!
>I don't want to eat "bland" food so I'll make up my own reality!
There's the most annoying diet
it's okay. you were indoctrinated from a young age to think that saturated fat is bad for you and causes heart disease
Can I have her snapchat? I want to date her.
Promise I'll break her diet for you familia
>he thinks carbs == cupcakes and pizza
this is how I know you're fat
Thats everyone in the world faggot
I fucking love this picture so much
>homemade coconut
I die every time