>work out in the gym
>not a drop

>pool of sweat on back and under armpits

I even sweat during the fucking winter if my body gets a little warmer under the jacket. Heat doesnt agree with me at all.
Pic related, my shirt after walking 20 min ago.

I have pit stains while sitting down

One of my biggest insecurities. I know I drench women in sweat while having sex so I usually shoot myself in the foot one way or another when I see an opportunity

lose weight fatty fat fat
also dont wear a literal sweatshirt if you dont want to sweat as much>while having sex
lol, methinks you shoot yourself in the hand more than the foot

Nice diabeetus sugar fag

Its a psychological sweat, you conciously or subconciously think you are gonna sweat which puts you under the stress which makes you sweat then you notice you are sweating and start sweating even more.

You could have the opposite problem: barely sweating at all and wondering if you're actually getting a serious workout

How much of an indicator is it? Is it unreliable like DOMS or should I be worried?

Man i have stains everywhere. I dont know when was the last time i took of my underwear and that it didnt have a huge sweatstain on my ass
Lol im not fat, if i was i would know what the problem is. Im 6'3 194lbs.
I dont think about it at all. I came home today and took off my shirt and THEN noticed the huge sweat pool on the back.

>tfw hyperhydrosis as well

It's not a good feel

You're not working hard enough in the gym fatman
And your cardiovascular system is probably shit too

Didnt say you were fat. Said you had the diabeetus.

Get driclor. It'll at least fight off the pit sweat. I live in a cold area but I'm always soaked to the fucking bone with sweat. Oddly enough some days it'll be scorching (only happens occasionally during summer) and i can do cardio without a bead of sweat, meanwhile a freezing cold day I'm drenched from just sitting down.

I've always sweated a lot as well, it seems to be worse or at least more apparent in nightclubs or indoor social situations. I have mild social anxiety as well so it's probably linked, I really stopped being bothered by it after my teens. I'm a clean person therefore I wash the sweat away before it becomes stinky, apparently women are attracted to the smell of fresh male sweat.

It sucks but there's nothing you can do about it, just eat clean and wash on the reg if you don't already.

I think a long and soft ramped warm-up is key.

I dont have that either.
Warm up before walking somewhere?

If that's a problem I think you just need to walk more and train more, so that you're more used to it.
Walking makes me sweat sometimes when I'm untrained

How do I prevent ass sweat lads? It's fucking annoying.

Same. For some reason my pits will sweat all day when I'm just sitting at work, but aren't too bad when I'm working out.
But when I'm lifting my back will be soaked. I actually kinda like having a disgustingly sweaty shirt at the end of a workout desu

cos u nervous

>do 30 mins of cardio on stationary bike
>people think I've just came from getting fucked in the ass

i sweat like hell while asleep
what's the cause?

lose weight

perform workouts that are more difficult than walking

but im a skeleton

whenever i go to the gym it seems like my ass sweats a lot for some reason, it's awful