How does it feel to know that there is a fucking 15 year old kid that looks better than probably 60% of Veeky Forums, and he goes to FUCKING PLANET FITNESS.
He's just a skinny little faggot, nothing more
Probably doesn't squat cuz it'll "hurt his knees"
Kek his legs are small asf
I fucking hate kids like this. He probably thinks he's hot shit because he has abs, meanwhile probs can't squat 1pl8
>doesn't squat so he couldn't have damaged spine from bad form
poor lad, no US chick will ever want him
>oh wow
He can rep out 45s on seated military.
>shredded 135 lbs, 5'8"
>lifting 8 months
So what's his realistic end goal? A 165 lbs soaking wet? Jesus.
Lol someone pleaseee DM him
Idk why that user said he doesn't squat, he probs does
He's taller than most of the manlets on Veeky Forums tho, and he's only 15
Do you guys think he has potential though? I mean, I guess he's made good progress for 8 months.
That user is elaborating on his opinion by drawing this user's attention to his legs, and showing this user that they are of the 'chicken-shit' variety in terms of muscle development.
Lmao his legs are pretty bad
Guy should be playing sport and getting his head kicked in, and learning what it means to be a man.
Right now he's a 'sophomore' fuckboy in the making.
He's adorable.
Would wreck.
>implying I could touch the sides of his blown out rentboy hole
I've been talking to him for the past few mins, he's actually a really down to earth kid. Not douchey, or arrogant. Pretty sincere. And by the way, he says he hates Planet Fitness but it's all he can afford right now, lmao.
10/10 would pound desu
He runs track and cross country he says. Pussy sports
I think he has something like 5-6 more years to grow
Kek he's still 5'8
Who wants to bet that this kid browses Veeky Forums
I'm sure he's alright, but tell him to stop posting a fucking progress pic every 5 minutes, and focus on interesting hobbies like contact sports and DIY.
Granted telling someone to focus on DIY sounds autistic as fuck, but it's character building and satisfying.
Regardless, he doesn't have to indulge in this selfie culture we have going on. If you've got a decent body, make it thicc and be husbando mode right from the outset.
To keep up with his followers he says he has to post every 3-4 days
He said he's gonna bulk in October
good luck to him, I hope he doesn't get too much of an ego boost from it all
Nah, he says he does this to inspire and help others. The goal of his account isn't really centered around fame.
manlets, when will they learn
Good for him :)
What's the deal with planet fitness hate?
It has the machines, weights, and everything I see at any other gym. Is Veeky Forums just contrarian like /v/?
I could bear it if they had a power rack.
They deserve hate because they market directly towards people that will never get fit, and they do that by pushing out "Lunks". The people that sign up sign long contracts and stop going in mid January, and cause minimal wear on machines when they do go, unlike lunks. Plus, they use all the surplus cash to have free pizza and donut days.
Most don't allow OHP, deadlifts, squats, bench, etc. Smith machine does not count, those things are unnatural, good way to snap your shit up.
It's the gym for the person trying to "tone up" essentially. Not the serious lifters.