>does adding a lot of accessories take away from the program
First person to get trips will get a visit tonight by Rippletits to show off his functional strength
>does adding a lot of accessories take away from the program
First person to get trips will get a visit tonight by Rippletits to show off his functional strength
Yes as it is a strength program focusing on the main compound lifts( squat,bench, deadlift etc). Adding other workouts will reduce the gains in strength from those. The exercises in the book are more then enough.
Yes, starting strength is 6 exercises:
Overhead Press
Bench Press
Power Cleans
To start, you should do:
Squat 3x5
OHP/Bench 3x5 (alternating)
Deadlift 1x5
Three days a week.
Once you are confident in the deadlift, add power cleans. Also, add chin-ups after a few weeks.
The book goes into great detail. I recommend reading the full thing.
he recommends barbell curls and rows in practical programming
do bicep curls/ whatever tricep exercise if you do SS. Trust me, you do not want SS arms.
You only have SS arms cause you're fucking weak. Once you're benching 275 and change programs you can worry about that shit. I hate seeing people saying their arms are small
And the only bench 135. No shit mother fucker of course they're small.
Fucking retard
Good one
Totally agree
You's a weak bitch.
Some people handle high intensity well, others don't; Some people benefit from isolation work early on, others don't. I was able to progress adequately on SS with bent over rows, CGPB, skull crushers, curls, and face pulls added by my own volition.
>he recommends barbell curls and rows in practical programming
Bullshit. Show me where he recommends curls and rows for novice strength training.
I've deloaded twice now and I'm stallling on all my lifts. I've been on SS for 7 months and now have been stalling for about 3 weeks.
My lifts are (in lbs)
>95 OHP
>145 bench
>195 squat
>245 deadlift
I've been getting enough sleep and eating at a large surplus, I've gained about 35lbs since I started and am now 160lbs (I started out very skelly)
Can I switch to PHAT? I feel like mixing things up and it looks so fun
What is the smallest increment you have used for overload?
If you want to get your OHP unstuck, you will need micro plates that will let you increase the weight one pound a workout.
This is the stupidest thing I have seen on this site in a long time. You don't need to be benching 120kg to have big arms but you do need to do direct arm work.
At the OP, SS is a crap program. That said only add direct arm and ab work - nothing more.
SS is not crap m8, it it specifically for newbies interested in getting into classical strength training. It is meant to be used for 3-6 months tops.
This is wrong
You're an idiot. SS is not crap and I want you to prove me wrong so post your body with and I'll post mine faggot
That can explain OHP, but not everything else
I have a lot of difficulty just hitting my current weight for deadlifts that I hit weeks ago
>I have a lot of difficulty just hitting my current weight for deadlifts that I hit weeks ago
>that I hit weeks ago
What? You deadlift 1.5 times a week minimum on Starting Strength. Why are you only deadlifting heavy every few weeks?
when to stop, I've not had consistent linear progression but mainly because of other factors, like being a cunt and not having a consistent lifestyle
since its so up and down, can I just pick something like
Bench 1xBW
squat 1.5xBW
Dead 2xBW
as a finishing point?
how tall are you
LP deadlift should go past 2x bodyweight (eventually dropping to once a week). seems like somethings wrong
that's pretty close to finishing point
ultimately the "true" finishing point is when a different program causes you to progress faster than the repetitive deloading you'd do if you kept doing SS
Is it a good idea to up a weight by ten pounds if I can lift it? Bench seems tp.be improving quick and 5lb not enough.
Can you read?
>I've deloaded twice now
Form checks first, dude. It's possible there's small accumulated errors that are causing the stalls. I had a stall hard deadlift at 1.5 bodyweight, made a two-inch adjustment in the setup, and stopped stalling immediately.
Not doing bis/tris every session. It's like you want tiny bitch arms. 48 hours is ample time for biceps and triceps to recover. Why not isolate them
Sounds like a grip problem or a form problem:
If you aren't using mixed or hook grip, then give that a try.
If you are, then your form is most likely off. Try filming your deadlift from the side to see your bar path, and then watch it in very slow motion. I'm willing to bet that at the start of the lift your hips shoot up and/or the bar goes forward of mid foot. It's very very common for beginners that are struggling with deadlifts.
Underrated post
Bet he won't post pics of his arms though
>The exercises in the book are more then enough.
There are 70 pages describing assistance exercises. Including variations of the main compound lifts and completely unrelated exercises like chin-ups, dips, skull crushers (lying triceps extensions) and even bicep curls.
... which are to be used for specific identified weaknesses and are not the fucking program.
If you can still progress 5 pounds a session how is it hindering progress.
>pls explain
Also this
Fact: no one can provide evidence that accessories detract from the main lifts.
Rippetoe just disdains lifting for aesthetics.
This is the program.
That's a big IF towards the end of your LP.
What kind of caloric surplus should I have doing SS and light cardio? Can I fill the gap with junk food?
Better than that - why is using accessories to strengthen weaker muscles not a good thing, when it doesn't detract from the main lifts?
>This is the program.
Wrong, I posted the whole sub-chapter about the workout-order here And you conveniently left out the parts that don't agree with your statement. But I highlighted some especially for you.
It's not, when it doesn't compromise the main lifts. The problem is people tend to over-do their accessories and fuck their recovery.
It literally begins "After you progress beyond the novice phase".
SS is a novice program; if you can't add more weight to the bar every session - or in the advanced novice variant every other session - you're no longer a novice.
THAT is why I left it out; in the context of the question of accessories in SS, it's irrelevant.
Are back extensions super important to the program? My gym doesn't have the appropriate bench for it
Yea I could see how some people would over do it. But highly unlikely a 3x8 low weight curl after every session can hurt next sessions squats or diddlys. I also do extra chest work on press day and extra shoulder/trap work on ohp days.
They start to detract from the main lifts because the program forces to constantly up the weight. In other words you are doing just enough volume to force an adaptation and not more.
except for chin-ups and back extensions which you didn't even mention at first, right?
Maybe you should just read the book.