ITT: Peak performance bodies
ITT: Peak performance bodies
thats not robbie rotten
for real is this dude athletic af with all his flips and jumps or is that tv magic?
I'm astonished Sportaflop isn't a popular meme on this board yet.
The actor is a champion gymnast irl.
so he's a manlet, dropped
>mfw I found out that Sportacus's actor is also the creator of the show
>and director
>and writer
>and producer
>all for the sake of teaching the kids the importance of being Veeky Forums
Is Magnús Scheving /ourguy/?
He is the light side of the Veeky Forums force
The dark side is John basso
Is this pic related?
>tfw will never have such a solid nose
Sam "GOMAD MAN" Hyde
>belt for one plate
Sam please
he's 1.74m or 5"9', so not THAT tiny.
That's clearly two plates, don't you be shit talking my boy
I never noticed his schnoz was so huge in the original picture, oy vey
jezus those hands, he's like slenderman lmao
he's pretty based
>tfw no obscenely volleyball playing Kazakh gf
The actress wasn't bad either.
sam uses custom heavy plates, he's doing way more than 1pl8 there. he's also drinking his patented Zippy Water™.
Where do I get Sam's zippy water recipe?
fucking lol
in all seriousness, Scheving is a hero.
in here, with the KSTV money
Magnús Scheving
> In his 20s, he made a bet with a friend, Fjölnir Þorgeirsson, that each could master a sport of the other's choosing he knew nothing about in three years. Magnús chose snooker for Fjölnir and Fjölnir chose aerobics for Magnús. Just as Magnús became a champion in aerobics, Fjölnir became Icelandic champion in snooker.[2][3]
Below 180cm is the European manlet standard. He's a manlet. SAD!
>tfw you'll never be able to master a sport just because of a silly bet made in the whim of a moment
I wonder how these people's lives are
He's fucking loaded now.
I mean they must have self esteem in the stratosphere. They must feel like they're able to do anything, no matter the field or how far fetched it is.
Yeah and then he inserted a god tier loli and replaced her soon as she got too old, so I'd say he's most of Veeky Forums's guy.
To be fair the entire Iceland pro snooker circuit must be so small that everyone is the champion once. In Britain it's a very small league and it's probably the biggest market in the world for it.
is moot really squatting the bar lmao
nvm apparently he's 5'7. goodspeed moot
hold up
"wifes boyfriend"
what am i missing?
Is this Jimmy neutron?
>nvm apparently he's 5'7
No fuckin way. I always figured moot to be at least 6 foot.
is this the guy who calls scot mendelson a fat fuck on every video comment?
No more like Jimmy NU-male kekity
he is a cuck therefore his wife is allowed to have a boyfriend
Step aside kiddos
>thought his vest said AUTISM
t-thanks Veeky Forums
Stone Cold is so amazing. Legitimately funny, very libertarian and best attitude of all time.
t. ottermode