>"I wish I spent more of my life on Veeky Forums instead of putting maximum effort into achieving my dreams"
Do you think anyone has ever said this?
>"I wish I spent more of my life on Veeky Forums instead of putting maximum effort into achieving my dreams"
Do you think anyone has ever said this?
really makes you think...
Veeky Forums makes us happy just like food makes fat people happy. But it doesn't have negative effects.
Your time being wasted and your brain atrophying is not a negative effect?
Can you honestly say you enjoy spending time here?
I was happy these last 2 hours, so it ain't wasted time. Every person is guilty of spending time on the internet and many people are like you and me - spending a lot of time.
That's a scary fucking thought. So true
Used to scary me too, when I was afraid of dying. You'll get over it.
You shouldn't be scared of dying, user. You should be of not having lived.
I'm not on here by choice fag. I'm trying to get better just been getting kicked lately m80. It's good tho. Sometimes you need humbling moments to make you work harder
>he's an apu poster
Its the same thing. People usually say they are scared of dying but mean that they are scared of not having lived.
that's the frogs name
>No friends
>Can't afford college
>Got fired over PC stuff
>Can't get hired anywhere atm
I'd say I'll wish I had a better life from the start. Veeky Forums is all I have left.
>It's easy to look at something in hindsight and say it was a terrible decision. Putting 100% of my time and day into a goal is unrealistic and an easy way to burn out. The time I spent on Veeky Forums was a good source of entertainment and sometimes a good source of knowledge.
Newfag detected
Veeky Forums fucks you up mentally
Not the oldest not the newest. Spend here about 6-7 years. I doubt it can fuck me at this point. You seem to be okay mentally.
I'm old. It did back in the day
Veeky Forums has set me on my path to success motivated me to stop being an autist.
I travelled, got fit, stop dressing in nike everyday and lost my virginity amd starting getting results night clubbing. Now I'm starting a masters program in fall.
Idk maybe you're just finding excuses why your life is shit.
Anecdotal but I've been here since close to the beginning. It has definitely fucked me mentally. Won't ever go to /b/ again. Too much time wasted there. Veeky Forums is ok in moderation but I spend most of my time on Reddit. Reddit is fucking gay but it keeps me grounded.
>we're here because we love it and not because it's a bad habit/addiction
top meme bro
I've had some amazing laughs here and read some really interesting threads, I've also wasted an unreal amount of time and viewed some of the most fucked up shit and have become a woman hating,semi racist,negative internet troll because of the shit I've seen here. Working on not trolling people on other platforms and being less misanthropic and a less negative person. I tried leaving in august 2016 for about a month after being here since 09-10 and all I did was replace it with netflix and it felt empty. I'd say this place has done more damage than good but it's a pretty entertaining place and occasionally you will find some treasures here.
I used to be less socially retarded. Now I have trouble not yelling at people and calling them gains goblins or saying "fat people are a disgrace to society"
>"I totally love shitposting/reading shitposts all day long bro! t-trust me!"
>Dunno how i look never really get any compliments so dunno
>white as a ghost
>No friends
>In college
>Got laid off from work
>Running out of money real fucking soon
Everything is going to hell. I'll need to drop out in a few months if i don't get a new job. Also flunked one course because i was too busy with work to study properly.
My nutrition and sleep schedule is all fucked up and i'm having a constant brain fog.
Shit's really affecting my workouts as well. My gains are leaving me at a record pace. Can't do much with 4 hours of sleep and shitty food. Also my mattress busted a spring so i'll have to sleep on the floor.
I'm just so tired of it all. Might as well nestle into a corner and give up.
>no job
>4 hours of sleep
What else do you do in your life?
Gotta keep up the shitposting senpai
When I'm dying I'm going to be thinking I wish I shit posted and played more vidya. It truly was the best part of my life.
Just lost my job this week. Obviously i could sleep more now but its hard since im too stressed out about everything. Id like to think everything will work out but if this keeps up ill end up homeless.
>I wish I shit posted and played more vidya. It truly was the best part of my life.
That's fucking pathetic.
But it is true user. Not like I'm going to be looking at all the horrible jobs and struggle to get the CPA as fun times. Fun times are here!
And to think, even if he is the most pathetic of creatures, and you're top tier dandy and grandy, you'll both share the same fate. You're both bound for the same destination. You'll both be equally content. That is to say, you'll both be dead and none the wiser, baby.
So let him be pathetic, because it amounts to just about the same as any success you'll ever have
My life progressively gets shittier whenever I browse Veeky Forums too much. I get way more stressed out, antisocial, and unproductive. I usually end up quitting and not coming here for long periods of time and I end up becoming more level headed and productive but I eventually get the urge to see what's happening on Veeky Forums then I end up becoming massively insecure and antisocial. /pol/ is probably the one that causes me to become bitter and antisocial the most. Veeky Forums exaserbated my body dysmorphia and made me more height conscious. Even though I'm 6' I would feel fucking short and feel like everyone was taller than me but when I quit coming on Veeky Forums all of that eventually goes away and I live my life like a normal person.
Tl;dr Veeky Forums gives me autism
Take a step back, and realize the people on this site, probably including me, are jokes and idiots.
What can Veeky Forums possibly have to say that could have so much influence on you?
I really can't take anything Veeky Forums has to say serious anymore. It all seems so absurd. A big practical joke
>your brain atrophying
Veeky Forums is more mentally stimulating than most normie activities. It's more mentally stimulation than my primary hobbies of lifting and bowling.
>Sometimes you need humbling moments to make you work harder
a week ago I would have scoffed at this, but I now realize the truth of it
Of course I know most people on Veeky Forums are either NEETs, Virgins, spergs, etc. but it's not as much what they're saying but it's the mindset that most people have on here that eventually rubs off on me over time. Most people on here are riddled with anxiety, insecurity, bitterness and paranoia and you can see it in their posts. When you read enough of this shit every day it rubs off on you in one way or another whether you're aware of it or not. Haven't you heard the term you are who you hang out with? Most people on Veeky Forums have extremely warped ideas of reality and society and reading through enough of their nonsense can make me noticabaly more stressed out at the end of the day yet I can't get myself to stop binging on this shitty site. There are a few gems (laughs and knowledge) I have found here and there but the shittiness of Veeky Forums far ourweighs all of that.
I unironically wish I spent more time on /pol/ to experience the U.S. election related threads again
>Jeb! and Cruzmissile
>hilldawg and CTR shills
>high energy
>bernie getting cucked and match my donation
>we can't let trump get nucleur codes
>PA and MI last minute anime betrayal
>WI out of nowhere
>tears on Twitter and TYT suicide watch
I honestly know /pol/ made me a shittier person. Most /pol/lacks know this is true for themselves as well unless they're happier with being more paranoid and antisocial.
If you realize it's bullshit, why do you adapt their idiot sentiments?
Just laugh at the creatures instead. Why let them pull you down to something you're aware is a black hole.
Get a stronger sense of self. You're too easily warped
Agreed I often think about getting my name in the history books the bad boy way.
However since I'm fit I might just get a wife and fuck her until I die.
>This is what Veeky Forums virgins actually believe
That's not how it works bruv.
If you replace "on Veeky Forums" with "with my family", then yes, I'm sure tons of people have said something to that effect. Since many Veeky Forums "power users" have little to no family/community ties and use the site as a cheap substitute for human interaction, it is not inconceivable to think that one of these people might, on their deathbed, wish they had spent more time developing personal relationships in the only way they knew how.
>That's not how it works bruv.
Sure it is. I just imagine all the posters as children. Works like a charm
Why not spend that effort developing real relationships then?
Veeky Forums isn't a replacement.
I agree it's not a replacement, but my point was that some people might find even a simulacrum of real relationships to be more fulfilling than a life of "maximum effort" in the service of future goals. Also, some people are limited in their ability to form real relationships by factors beyond their control.
it was one of the greatest times of my life, it and brexit
>incapable of separating himself from Veeky Forums negativity
>Calls others Veeky Forums virgins
Oh the irony
I usually detest /pol/ but i remember reading it the night of the election and practically jazzing my pants. I still can't say "President Trump" with a straight face.