Any red-pill books about building muscle?
building muscle by me lol
lift weights
eat food
lift more weights
eat less food if u wanna be lean
keep lifting weights
take steroids if u wanna be bigger than normal sized people who work out
the end.
you can download the ebook version of my book from amazon for only $5 thanks
yeah google, the fuck u need books for thats wasted time/effort
>the fuck u need books for thats wasted time/effort
Sun and steel.
Lift weights
eat food
> take gear
> red-pill
> can I get fit by never leaving my room and posting Nazi wank on /pol/?
No. Go be small.
Keys to progress
Read it. In short so behind the neck presses, rows, high rep squats and shrugs to get juicy
>Matrix references is Nazism
On Pain, by Ernst Junger
Anything by Ernst Junger or Julius Evola
>Someone who obviously browses /pol/ isn't an edgy faggot who pretends to be a nazi
Sun and Steel
Red pills?
Every single well built person in movies is on drugs. Every single college level or up athlete in any sport is on drugs.
Every single male model is on drugs
As a natural, if you bust nuts you will build all of the easy muscle you will gain within the first 5 years.
You do not have the work capacity of the geared up bodybuilders and strength trainers so following their workouts is retarded.
You as a natural can not lift for strength or mass. You have to work for both to get anywhere. Anyone who even hints otherwise is fucking retarded and will soon injure themselves or get on gear so their ridiculous exercise world view will finally make sense.
You will not automagically get bigger biceps from squatting.
The people who tell you that are either utterly fucking retarded or gear heads who can get bigger biceps from sitting on their ass doing fuck and all.
Dreamer bulks(eating any and everything in sight to build muscle)work. But you will get fat as fuck in the process. A dreamer bulk and a cut is a fantasy. You will lose most of your muscle in the attempt at losing all of that fat and if you fucked up and got obese then that fat will NEVER fully leave.
Dreamer bulks and cuts only fully work if you are a young teen-young adult man who's still has some growing to do or a pregnant woman. OR if you're on shit tons of drugs.
You can not walk around at sub 11% bodyfat as a natural and be strong, look full(in terms of muscle), or have a fully functional dick. It's not happening. You have to be on drugs.
No you can not change the shape of a muscle by lifting in a certain way.
To put on muscle is quite simple. Do heavy resistance training(lifting weights or calisthenics or isometrics,resistance is resistance) or high intensity efforts and eat more calories then you need to function normally.
he probably meant books for lifting
just fucking go to the gym and pick heavy shit up and put it down like how fucking hard is this shit?
Thanks man,that's the kind of info i was looking for
5 year gains as natty.. lol breh, make that 3 AT MOST (unless you just fuck around with machines the first 2 years perhaps)
And keeps a folder full of /pol/ memes, what a winner at life he must be.
should i sleep too?
>Thinking you need drugs to play college level sports
Honestly, genetics are more important. And no not everyone is using. pls go blahino.