How swole do you have to be to win fights
a bit but not too much
Bigger than the other guy
Being swole does not increase your skill in combat. Learning martial arts does. Infact being too big can impede your performance as a fighter unless you are fighting someone who does not have the skills to defend themselves.
not bery big
speed/technique > siz/power
dont believe? try and "charge" a boxer, hell side step you and rain down punches on your face. try and stand toe to toe with a boxer, you will only be playing HIS game.
DYEL detected
i mean you have to be kind of delusional to think lifting weights makes you a fighter
no. the question wasn't "how swole do you have to be to win fights against trained fighters".
we are talking novice vs novice, and being stronger and having muscles will inherently make you more likely to win
Oh man this guys supposed to be a superhero? Did they purposefully nerf the white guy
Train low kicks, win every fight.
>win fights
Just wait a couple more years, OP, then you'll be out of junior high and you'll find that fights don't happen anymore.
>b-b-but they happen on my street everyday!
Move somewhere that isn't a total shithole then
>b-b-but they happen every weekend at the clubs I go to!
Stop going places where stupid violent shit happens all the time
>b-b-but it's MANLY to fight
LOL no, you're clearly Underage B&, still in grade school. Get correct. Leave Veeky Forums, don't come back until you're at least 18
>you're a fag because you don't believe in fighting!
LOL no, you're clearly Underage B&, still in grade school. Get correct. Leave Veeky Forums, don't come back until you're at least 18
>no fun allowed!
LOL no, you're clearly Underage B&, still in grade school. Get correct. Leave Veeky Forums, don't come back until you're at least 18
Just stop. Fighting is DUMB and IMMATURE.
That should be all that needs to be said about this subject.
About tree fiddy...seven
That wasn't a low kick
What in the fuck fighting style is this? Is this what they mean by weaponized autism?
>keeping your hands down at your side
>bobbing back and fourth towards the guy
>keeping palms open
>striking by flailing arms behind you
I hope no down syndrome people watch this. With their retard strength they would be unstoppable.
I think the point he was making was that those shitty stupid "I'm trying to get close but still keeping my head away" stances that untrained brawlers tend to use make them very open and unbalanced for a hard kick to the leg.
>spinning back fist
Someone watches a lot of Jon Jones
Why the fuck don't I see sumo wrestling on this list?
you can be as swole as you want.
My Katana will still cut you in half easily
This is fucking amazing
He's skinny in the comics too he's supposed to be one of the best fighters in marvel
swole enough to carry this
That's a relative question. Who are you fighting? How many others does he have with him? How good is he?
Being swole helps, but you also need to know how to throw a punch, where to hit/not get hit, and how to keep your balance.
Get fit for the overall benefits and look up army combatives. But remember, you WILL get hurt if you fight and there's always a risk that you might cause or receive irrepairable harm.
>Shaming someone for wanting to stand up for himself
>Advocating submissiveness and flight in the face of adversity
>Implying people have the money to move
I'd ask what the hell you're doing here, but then it occured to me that you have an interest in leg fitness. You know, so you can run away faster.
From single bullies to criminal minorities forming ghettos, giving people space rather than retaliating only encourages them by rewarding their behaviour and gives them more space to move.
I hope you never pass your mentality to your wife's kids.
get a bigg as roy nelson