Do you drink enough water, Veeky Forums?
Do you drink enough water, Veeky Forums?
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What a pretty flower.
Do people actually piss that stuff out? thank god I dont drink soda or juice
I am someone who has passed over 20 kidney stones and will keep passing more.
I'm only 22
Got my first one at age 10
My life has been agony.
This is what its like to LOSE the genetic lottery.
If I were you I'd stretch out my urethra daily until it was a centimeter or two in diameter. That would make your life a lot easier.
Oh so that's what a kidney stone look like
Do people actually pass that through their urethra ? That shit seems impossible or insanely painful and damaging
What's the relief like immediately after you pass one?
Can you describe the pain?
>If I were you I'd stretch out my urethra daily until it was a centimeter or two in diameter
How does one do it?
>How does one do it?
Not too hard, start here:
Thats from drinking Cow milk BTW
i passed one that was half the size of a grain of rice, if not smaller, i pissed blood, threw up, had chills and nearly fainted from the pain. you know those green sticky things you can get on your feet from running around outside? it was like pissing one of those out. like pissing out a barbed pebble. would not do again.
>How does one do it?
I wanted to post the coffee edit but couldn't find it
I need the sauce, plz
Veeky Forums BTFO!!
how do bypass panda
>wake up
>stomach in fucking pain
>holy shit why
>go to doctor
>it's a kidney stone
>luckily it's only a tad bit bigger than the tube it's in in my kidney
>get meds right away
>kidney stone gets crushed and I don't have to feel the pain of pissing it out
Drink water boys, I would never wish a kidney stone on anyone.
google how to get past the sad panda
That looks like a sharp booger
No, that's from being from a shit family, m8.
The tendency for kidney stones is heritable.
Fuck off vegecuck
does water help with gallbladder stones? dad had his removed
Going vegan made me never get another stone. Seriously, read up on just how bad animal products are for us. We are physiologically herbivores. All these fucking diseases are from animal products. Fucking juden want more shekels
10 subjects were made to go into a low carb diet and the results were they entered ketosis? Wtf who pays for this shit where can I get funding for a study where people get thrown in pools and I determine how many of them get wet
i know a guy who cured it by going vegan, and eating healthy. It is diet, just genetics make some people more likely to get it.
that seems about right except for the fat part
good diet = high healthy fats, high healthy carbohydrates, moderate protein
gallstones happen if you're fat
This. Why do you think they dont eat meat and cheese together? they know its fucking bad for you
stats + pics + 1rm max
It's what ONE type of kidney stone looks like, it looks like calcium oxilate which is the one I typically get. And yes, you pee that out, it's hell.
Heaven, and then despair that you had to go through that and know it will only happen again.
>Can you describe the pain?
When it's in your kidneys, moving and trying to pass through, it feels like you've been fucking shot there over and over again.
When you're pissing it out, it feels like a hot, sharp, shard of glass is passing through your dick.
I don't think meat is bad, just the way we're eating it. Everything about it from the animal to the way we prepare it is not good for us. ESPECIALLY RED meat, that's what doctors told me for the longest to avoid. Otherwise I think meat is fine., humans are definitely opportunistic omnivores.
Yes. I've reduced how bad it is severely by eating healthier and drinking TONS of water, CONSTANTLY. It's a chore but it's worth it. However, I don't know if I could do something like going pure vegan yet, that's just torment.
I haven't drank soda in years.
Gallon of water a day along with a sip a few times a week and chocolate milk everyday
good luck with your vitamin A, D, and K deficiencies
not to mention there are NO usable sources of B12 in a vegan diet
grassfed/freerange all the way
Why do they not remove it surgically? I'm guessing there's a reason, I just don't know. Second, do you have to like keep pissing and pissing and pissing over the course of a few weeks? It looks like something that big would get stuck plus I only piss for like a 20 seconds how far down the tube will it go?
fuck off
vegan is a meme
noone forces you to eat everyday shitloads of animal products
moderation is key you fucking hippie
>Why do they not remove it surgically?
Incredibly invasive and unnecessary. You'd do more harm than good unless the stone is ridiculously huge and there's no other way. Even then, they prefer to break the stone down and let you pee it out in smaller chunks then to cut you open and extract it.
>Second, do you have to like keep pissing and pissing and pissing over the course of a few weeks? It looks like something that big would get stuck plus I only piss for like a 20 seconds how far down the tube will it go?
Yes you have to pee a lot. Depending on the size and shape of the stone, it will likely be getting stuck on the way down. Even though the part where its going from your kidneys to your bladder is incredibly painful, i mean INCREDIBLY, it's honestly the easier part (provided you get pain meds). The worst part it coming out. The variables of the stone matter even more here, because I've countless times have been peeing, screaming, building up all the courage I can, and I try to blast it out with the most pressure possible and it ends up getting stuck near the tip.
Fuck me that is the WORST.
You should drink 2 beers a week min.
Yes. I drink several 750ml bottles from my stainless steel canister every day like the autist I am. My piss is almost always crystal clear. Come at me bro.
this is scaring me so fucking much.
if I ever get one of those I'll just have a surgeon cut my belly open fuck that shit.
Not gonna happen. I begged for that, i begged for death. You'll just have to man up and deal with it.
Nope, thanks for reminding me.
fuck off, kidney stones are due to mineral buildup from material you can get on a vegan diet too
kill yourself herbivorous faggot
I'm this guy, ask feel free to ask me anything about kidney stones
Im like 95% a carnivore who eats mainly hamburgers and ive never had one, in fact im pretty damn healthy.
>tfw you drink so much water your piss is completely clear
Water is the fucking best. Fuck you if you don't drink water.
If the piss ain't clear, stones are near
I've never seen one before, whenever I heard people say kidney stones, I just assumed it was like a pebble sized thing. How are you still alive? Holy fuck dude.
Can someone ELI5 please
> vitamin A [...] K deficiencies
Retard. Plant foods are by far the best sources to get these vitamins from.
No one gets enough vitamin D in their diet, animal foods or not, this has to be obtained from sunlight or supplements.
is it possible to slice kidney stones with a knife? how hardened are they? what does the inside of it look like
there seems to be a correlation between people who drink soda/ pop over water, and being stupid and or fucking annoying
God damn I don't drink a whole lot of water to begin with and I've never gotten one of these yet. But fuck this shit, I'm upping my intake hardcore now, thanks for the wake up call OP.
Drink apple cider vinegar it dissolves them
Looks like something out of a fucking sci-fi movie. I always imagined they looked like peas or little beans or something. You poor thing, hope you can sort this out somehow.
>written by a woman
Main reason for kidney stone disease is a diet with too much oxalate.
Food with highest oxalate concentration are spinach, rhubarb, raw almonds and wheat bran.
Sounds vegan to me
>We are physiologically herbivores
Our teeth literally show that we are omnivores, and our eyes are on the front of our head because it allows us to hunt better, as opposed to herbivores whose eyes are usually on the sides. Our bodies are built for endurance running, for chasing animals over long distances until they are exhausted and killing them. I'm fact we are the best endurance runners on the planet.
Kys for spreading misinformation
K 2 M K 7
i fucking hope so
I've had kidney stones before, AMA
I could just pop a cocktail of hydros, xanax, and weed edibles. Pass that shit like nothing.
>Our teeth literally show that we are omnivores
Our molars are flat to grind veggies and seeds, the K9's evolved in primates for interspecies fighting in order to get m8's. The front teeth are thin and flat to chop tough root vegetable.
>our eyes are on the front of our head because it allows us to hunt better
Our eyes are at the front of our head in order to judge distance. When our primate relatives were jumping around in trees it was real useful to be able to judge how far away the next branch is.
>Our bodies are built for endurance running, for chasing animals over long distances until they are exhausted and killing them
We are built for endurance it's true, but that does not specifically mean it's for running down prey. That would also require knowledge of tracking techniques which is not something that can be taught genetically. One theory for our upright mobility and endurance walking is that as primates moved into the Sahara and food and water sources were more scarce, traveling long distances was useful to get these scattered food sources.
think before you post jesus
>Our molars are flat to grind veggies and seeds, the K9's evolved in primates for interspecies fighting in order to get m8's. The front teeth are thin and flat to chop tough root vegetable.
yes, and we have canines for tearing through meat.
your other points are not scientifically backed.
I thought I was unlucky having a chronic inflammation in my cocktip for 3+ years that makes cumming and pissing painful, sometimes impossible.
This shit seems way, way fucking worse man. Sorry to hear this is something that bothers you. Have you tried some of the stuff people recommend online? Sometimes your body can just be very good at using some type of nuitrient to minimize or stop this stuff from happening. Doesn't work for everyone, but I'd recommend you try some stuff out if you can.
jesus fucking christ and here I was thinking kidney stones are just like little grains of sand, that thing looks like a fucking mineral MARIE
user I legit almost started crying reading this post and I've seen some shit, I pray to god I don't have to bear this pain in my entire life, just the thought of a fucking desert rose passing through the inside of my cock is fucking horrible, can't imagine actually living it
I'm so sorry for you man, really
Ask me anything I've passed over 20 at age 22
Fucking kill yourself. We're omnivores so get over it
According to the doc the scar tissue inside of me has made them easier to pass. The last one I had was about 10mm, shit will make you genuinely contemplate suicide but I passed it with less trouble than most. I also had a 10mm before that wouldn't even go through so they had to break it down with sound waves. The sound waves bruised up my kidneys so much I felt like I had another fucking stone in me.
btfo autismo. Do some research instead of spewing retard tier broscience.
I will triplescoop the water tonight now
>scar tissue inside
>the pain and all the other shit
Oh god no, i'll drink a liter of water more every day from now on
>Biology is now broscience
I try and force myself to drink like 6 cups at minimum. I usually have diet sweet tea tho
my dad has passed a few and my brother too. brother drinks... a lot. dad just drinks gaterade and other nasty shit all day