Cut or bulk - 5'11,17M
Skinny fat
Cut to 12-14% bodyfat and then clean bulk
I was currently on a small surplus(+250) because I want to build muscle but idk whether I'll just look fat at the end of my slow bulk
When you're leaner you can focus on bulking only, and you will have a better Test/Estrogen ratio for gaining muscle, which you currently do not have because of the excess bodyfat.
So I better cut like about 20-25 pounds and do a lean bulk right?
What have you been eating to get that gut?
I think you will die if you cut 25lbs, you already look weak and light af.
You just have no muscles.
Best thing for you would be just to fucking lift.
Jesus christ there are actually people falling into bulking meme when already being >25% bodyfat
you do realize that you are 'supposed' to STOP your bulk when you hit 15-16% bf?
eating shitty food
and not working out.
there is a thing called recomp which can be applied to your situation (lose fat, gain muscle)
look more into it, but essentially you get the benefits of noob gains while on a cut.
Eat at a slight surplus and lift + cardio.
Cardio to burn the fat and lifting to build muscle.
umm ive been lifting for like 5 months but ive been fucking around most of the time
yeah i'm doing this right now but Im afraid ill just get fat again
lost a lot of weight too fast.Became skinny fat and just fucking around with diet
I am lifting but what the fuck do i do about my diet
Fix posture.
Why did you fuck around, stupid ass?
my trainer's been making me do bro splits and I dont think this shit is helping
EEEWWWWW, my suggestion is just give up and KYS
cut...your wrists!
lift and time.
working on it
How the fuck did you end up like this in the first place???
drinking 4 cups of green tea a day and starving myself like the fucking retard I am. How do i fucking fix my body?
Don't fall for the cut/bulk meme. Increasing the amount of muscles will automatically increase the amount of calories you burn, even in your sleep.
With your current bodytype you can probably shed the worst fat just from weightlifting alone, but for good measure do 2 days of cardio. I reccomend sprinting.
>not a single person calling underage b&
eat at a very very very small surplus, just enough so that the only weight u will be gaining is muscle. dont listen to these pooftas that tell u to cut ur only gonna lose strength and become really skinny
>tfw escaped the skinny fat curse just in time
At least you don't look too bad during winter
Exercise and cut fats. Read the sticky. Post on dick rate threads.
fix APT
you can cut once you have some muscle to show
cutting now will just make you look like a skele and you will not get gains nearly as quick while you are cutting
Same question.
Lost 40 lbs over the summer.
Been lifting at maintenance.
How can I get rid of this stomach before summer?
6'2 193lbs
Lots of cardio
High protein
Lift to not lose muscle
honestly if you really want to you can cut and have abs by summer, you dont have much muscle though so dont get your hopes up.
do a fuckton of cardio and lift
and start clean bulking once your bellyfat is gone.
don't fall for the bulk/cut meme
you just need to lift, like, in the first place.
dont fall for the bulk/cut meme
>ctrl+f pajeet
Stay away from my Stacey, PooJeet