>have to squat in the upcoming workout
>hate it so much that I keep pushing the workout off
>day gone by and haven't worked out at all
I fucking hate squats and a lot of times I miss entire workouts because I don't want to do them. What do Veeky Forums?
Have to squat in the upcoming workout
deadlift instead
Can deadlifting and leg pressing replace squatting?
Literally don't squat, better to do some shit and not squat than do nothing at all
Squat you fucking pussy
Cut back on them? Or do low weight
>miss workouts because I have to do squats
Literally not going to make it
Try starting the workout with a different exercise, once you started it'll be easier to make yourself squat
Just leg press then, not the end of the world.
Replace them with leg extensions and leg presses
Do this if you're a pussy but still want leg gains. I don't do squats cause "it feels good", but because it trains my legs, my stabilizer muscles, and putting that much weight on your back releases a ton of testosterone. Fucking squat deep
Why do you hate squats?
Hey don't worry bro, take a bit of a rest. You don't have to push yourself that much. You can always do it later. It's allright. We all tend to avoid things we don't like. But you know what? That's normal. Don't be so harsh on yourself bro. Just do it later =)
sad, back squats are my favourite and I look forward to them every time, theyre so comfy dood
I fucking love squats. It's the only compound lift I'm good at.
Do other workouts first.
If im having a good Bench press at the beginning of a workout, that emotional high will carry on till the end of the training so doing some Squats ain't a big deeal
Have to warmup like 15 minutes for them because of a hip problem and my knee sounds like popcorn in the microwave when I do them
but microwave popcorn is delicious user.
keep that in mind. positive reinforcement!
>implying squats are even necessary.
other machines exist, and alot of people workout without doing squats
B-But ripptoe said you have to squat or you're a pussy
can someone explain why anyone would hate squats? this is a serious question
For me they are very hard, don't know why but I barely progress on them compared to other compounds
Have you tried setting up the safety pins? I used to hate them as well because I was afraid of failing a weight. With safety pins on I don't care anymore and the lift became fun, I have failed many times but progress has improved.
I have safety pins that's not the issue. I just can't progress much, I stall, deload, work back up and progress by 2.5 kg-5kg and stall again and so on.
Been trying them for nearly a month now....started highbar...leaning forward....then with weights under heels...then low bar...removed the weights....now i got to sort my knees out as they move out as i go down only stopping when i get parralell....shits annoying....im weak as fuck and not even 1 plating and ive spent a month trying to sort my form...
You'll get there eventually man, we are all going to make it.
Change your program, don't do squats, whatever dude. It's just a meme that has gone too far, you can make good fucking progress without back squats or even squats at all.
If it keeps you from working out just don't do them, it's better to miss squats than entire workouts
i know that feel OP. i only do bodyweight but i train for over 2 hours. i can drive myself to the ground from exaustion, keep repping beyond my limits at everysingle exercise be it pushups, pullup, planks etc.etc. squats is the ONE SOLE exercise in which the moment i am not even tired, just winded my brain screams for me to give up and do something else. everyother exercise i go super sayan till there is puddle of sweat under me, squats nope.
muscle confusion. walk in like it's chest day, get ready to bench then just run to the squat rack and go, no thinking.
someone post that pasta.