What is the most realistic form of self defense that one can practice without murdering their gains through intense cardio, e.g. boxing?
Best of the best of martial arts
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Contrary to popular belief, the best self defense there ever is or was is always vigilance.
learn to assess threats before it could happen, and believe it or not it all starts with eye contact, not a stare down, mind you, but that split second eye contact.
The point is you let people know that you 'know' that you are aware of them, this reduces their willingness to 'jump' you, not only this but you should and always try to avoid fights, but you do not deny them, you do not tell yourself that 'I'm never gonna be in a real life and death scenario anyway', you should never live in denial, no matter where you live, it doesnt matter that youre living in a first world country, shit will always try to make things happen.
Heres a basic rundown how to survive
1. is always Vigilance, assess them before it happens, and always do your best to try and avoid fights, steer confrontations from fist fights, apologize if you must, a slightly scratched ego is better than getting stabbed.
2. learn Boxing, I dont give a shit what people say around here, but Boxing IS the best striking art there is for a normie, enrolling in almost any boxing class will give you balance and coordination which is very important more so than power when it comes to life and death
Note; I said 'normie', there are alot of more complicated striking arts which are arguably better than boxing in most cases, but to attain that level you must be a competing fighter, so for people with jobs and only have a few time per week to spare, boxing is actually your best bet, you benefit so much for so little time.
2.5 If its a boxing gym with only a couple of sparring PER MONTH, quit it ASAP, its a fucking boxercise gym, a good way to know if youre in the right place is if your place is having sparrings ATLEAST once or twice a week.
3. Ground work Bjj, Judo or wrestling, this will almost 80% of the time allow you to come on top in a street fight (aspalt and all) but is very situational compared to striking, you use this when you want to skip all the bullshit and just end the fight as quickly as possible, BUT you do not use this when your aggressor is with a group, you dont want to get your head kicked in.
Note; You do not prefer one over the other, train them together.
4. EDCs, knives, whistles, tasers, sprays, the works. Almost any knife with at maximum 4 inch of blade length can be passed off as a 'tool', if you ever decide to bring an EDC, YOU MUST ALWAYS bring it with you, it doesnt matter where, you must have it at all times, its always better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
Also, it doesnt mean that you carry a knife that you must personally SEEK confrontations, just go fuck yourself
As Mike Tyson once said "weights have as much resemblance to punching power as a cheesecake"
For the reason for this, you have to go deep on why being buffed doesnt necessarily scare people
the main reason for this would be; Ego. especially for criminals or people with ill intent, they are not scared of your muscles, they see it as a challenge, and will make them want to confront you as a group instead, having a big physique intimidates them but doesnt trigger a flight response, but rather the opposite, these people will want to see you fall, they want to humiliate you, especially when youre with your girl, they want to assert dominance.
dont get me wrong, being 6'6 has its perks, but people will bleed out the same when slashed in the thighs, people will fall the same when their knees are pushed in, or their throats smacked
5. maybe redundant with #1 but, NEVER LIVE IN DENIAL
I want to say that you should never get comfortable, ever, but that maybe pushing it, just get this, never live in denial
7. guts
When everything is all said and done, when you've trained enough, you've started to carry a knife, or have decided to finally be more aware, it still comes down to whether youre willing what to do what it takes to survive, and 'what it takes' doesnt always feel nice.
>Are you willing to use your skills to bring down your aggressor?
>Are you willing to use these skills to hit the throat, the knee, the shins, the eyes, the ears, the balls in order to put yourself in an advantage?
>Are you willing to put these skills aside and just apologize to avoid a physical confrontation?
>are you willing to get your ego a bit damaged?
>are you willing to use that knife when it comes to it and never pull it out until the body stops twitching?
>are you willing to take down your aggressor on an aspalt ground?
>are you willing to run for your life and leave a crime scene?
obviously this applies to the most extreme of cases but should be treated the same nonetheless
9. motivation
10. get a fucking gun
Judo nigga.
Don't listen to that normie fag go hardcore grappling and throws, in a real conflict against a professional your not gonna be standing for more than maybe 10 seconds at most and the fight will almost immediately go to the ground boxers may be hot shit on "the streets" or whatever where people have no fucking clue what they're doing and it's more aesthetically pleasing to watch a guy beat the crap out of another than hold him down and suppress him. Any proffesional whether it be special forces to swat to even basic police officers know your not gonna sit there and throw jabs at one another as long as you can do basic uppercuts and other primary strikes your good, most blows are going to come from the legs and knees, do wrestling to start off so you can learn basic stand and holds as well as hand control then move onto judo and jiujitsu as well as some basic akido to deal with multiple opponents or to deescalate a situation. Watch some instructional police suppression videos and offer to practice those at your local dojo. Other than that just learn basic body control try some gymnastics or heaven forbid calisthenics if you have to and you'll be able to understand how to take down most any opponent regardless of size or weapon. Other than that attention to detail, observation of your surroundings, proper footwork, and a calm collected state of mind then you from a victim to the first defense against threats to the public, throw in a concealed handgun or a blade and you can consider yourself prepared to handle your common active shooter
its obviously kick boxing, fastest to learn and most affective in rl
>10. get a fucking gun
You could have just said that
I would invest my time and money in the fine art of not living in a subhuman thirdworld shithole.
If you absolutely INSIST on surrounding yourself with human garbage, I would carefully study and apply point 10 in this anons recommendations
Christ alive why are you fags giving such in depth advice. Just learn any decent martial art half seriously and you'll be able to beat the shit out of like 80% of people on the street.
Boxing? Good.
Kickboxing/Muay Thai? Works Great.
Judo? Fuck yes, throw that cunt into the pavement and see how much he wants to fight after that.
Grappling is probably the best but if you are good at punching and the other guy is just some shithead off the street your still probably going to have a huge advantage.
No..no no no no.....just no....anyone who ever mentions kick boxing should be thrown in a gutter try your "kicking" or basic punches on equal footing against someone who has any experience and they'll have your face slamming on he ground faster than you can say your sorry with your arm behind your back and possibly a gun placed against your head, kicking is only viable when performing a toss or sweeping any kick placed higher than the thighs is a gauanteed trip to the emergency room...and as for boxing in general unless your competing for some martial arts tournament where they want flashy excessive fights or your dealing with a petty street prick who would most certainly back down as soon as they saw a weapon or noticed you weren't gonna back down to begin with is useless, it's about as practical as using nunchucks or a scythe something I bet anyone with no idea what the fuck they're talking about would think is a viable strategy
Bersa Thunder Fu
if your fighting someone with extreme expertise in any other sort of martial art found in china, thailand then your fucked . But with any loser at the bar in general you will fuck them up pretty quickly
>Kicking and Punching
>the two most fundamental forms of fighting
>both useless
Guess how I know you dont do martial arts user?
The thing is we live in a world where even officers are becoming outclassed as everyone is so intent on martial arts, has some experience with a basic striking sport, or is even ex military, in this world even the officers of the law are having to step up their game to deal with the increase in fighting practices as well as the influx in knives and other small weapons possibly even guns, that 80% you mentioned is more like 42% as it's becoming a minority for people at least in urban populations to not have some basic experience...I doubt you want just enough training when dealing with someone full of adrenaline on bath salts coming at you with a knife or hell even just their bare hands, and what happens when that one buddy you threw down has 3 or four friends ready to step up and finish what he started?...I believe everyone should be prepared to protect themselves so long as it's that protection not assholes who learn this shit and go looking for fights to show off to some broad every time someone looks their way
>e fight will almost immediately go to the ground
You're right.
But only one half of the fighters will go to the ground. The loser, or the murder victim.
Knowing what to do after you get knocked the fuck out HOPING the other guy will decide to jump on the ground and "roll" with you is useless.
They call those kinds of martial arts soft arts for a reason.
Can I get a good explanation why Krav Maga is shot for street fight self devense?
As far as I remember, it is more in the meme tier of self defense, but I can't tell why.
If someone is coming at you with a knife and you arent some sort of navy seal badass you run away like a little bitch.
Officers were at one time heavily trained in boxing judo and how to use the tonfa.
After a while they were given the far less destructive martial arts of wrestling and holds.
Basic boxing and judo with a bit more emphasis on ground work and holds will basically make you bullet proof in most physical altercations.
Haha fundamental? I want to see you go up to an officer and throw a punch ch or try and land a kick, see how fast your gonna be in the back of his car on your way to the office, hell I want to see you try punching someone twice your size with a reach and weight advantage go back to your boxing class normie where someone will stand there and let you throw swings at them and not slam your ass on the ground as soon as they have an opening the only time a kick is effective is when performing a sweep or finishing a Throw and unless your getting someone off balance or in the middle of a tumble you won't have a chance to be throwing punches even if it's shallow strikes to the sides, striking martial arts are pretty much useless against someone who has any clue of what they're doing and the fact you seem to think otherwise shows your inexperience much the same way as parents who have never touched a gun seem to think violent video games prepare their children to become the next top shooter of their school
If you want a non-meme answer then its because Krav Maga is made to maim and kill people in the battlefield, what they teach in classes (for civilians) are the dumb down version of the real thing which can be compared to a boxercise or a mcdojo since by teaching it to normal people (whom live a normal life style) it kind of loses the point.
point is, alot of people who trained with Krav Maga don't have the balls to actually apply it, and the ones that do don't because the can be sued
No one mentioned "rolling" I don't care how tough you are when someone takes a shot on your leg and does a sweep your going down and he's going down right on top of youor if he's good with your face landing on the asphalt while he has your arm pinned behind your shoulder and a knee pressed into your lower back
Actual Krav Maga is probably pretty good seeing as it was made by a dude who was a champion boxer and fought in WW2 and knew what he was fucking on about. Its what they got the Israeli military to learn for a reason.
Its a meme these days because people hear about how badass it is and people with no experience set up their own schools just to make money.
It's a good style, but the Jews selling it in America don't care about the quality of the service they're selling. So most schools are just glorified cardio training, without sparring or other vital stuff.
If you can find a school run by some grizzled old Israeli expat with visible scars, fucking take it.
wrestling is the only martial "art" that matters
pin your opponent, then elbow them in the face until they are unconscious
You've been watching too much fucking mma and van damme movies.
A guy who has six months of boxing and a good amount of practical experience can lay a grappler the fuck out. I don't give a fuck what kind of belt he has.
Krav Maga just like the rest of the Israelis shitty tactics is based on overly aggressive flashy stunts, watch close quarters combat training with anti terrorist professionals and you don't see any of the focus inparted through the overly excessive art of tearing and gouging at people's soft spots, your right it is gonna get you sued because it's not meant to properly suppress an opponent it's focus is all on harm and not on victory Krav Maga should honestly be banned as it's nothing more than the destructive tendencies you could teach a primate as they tear apart a woman's face
I know this is pasta but its kind of informative, thanks
Yeah because people just stand still and wait for punches in boxing/kickboxing. Its not like movement is the thing they tell you to do more of every single class.
Tell me this Sensei if punching and kicking are both useless why are they both still prominently used in MMA, a sport which permits grappling as well?
Well hey now, I like striking as much as the next guy and its what I train in exclusively but thats going a bit too far. Grappling is the real deal and shouldn't be made light of. Both are very important aspects of fighting.
Striking is useless because larger and or more experienced people can beat you?
You do also realize that grappling is LESS useful because larger opponents will cripple a smaller grappler and more experienced people will just out grapple or simply lay the grappler out.
Do you understand?
Krav Maga is objectively less useful then the self-defense courses that they teach to middle class white women in community colleges.
Although I do admit wrestling is only the begging as unless it's Greco roman your not gonna learn any proper throws most likely and as for proper suppression it's really quite lacking, but sure it is good for what it entails as a former wrestler I can say first hand you could most certainly take down your average opponent but when it comes to more experienced individuals your offering yourself up for a world of hurt...as for your whole boxers could lay out a grappler once again I would like to see a disciple of judo twist your punch and slam you down like a ragdoll, or even better yet see how defenseless a boxer is when their leg is snapped down to the floor and their entire body goes down with someone's hands forming a headlock from behind and they just sprawl out letting all your punches go to waste leaving you clawing at their head in a desperate attempt for air...boxing will get you nowhere, any decent grappler will have shot timing if not the ability to use a punch agaisnt you, your fist will mean nothing against someone who has you from behind ready for a toss.
Is arguing about hypothetical martial arts matchups the stupidest most autistic thing on Veeky Forums? Maybe
There's a difference between basic footwork and circling and knowing how to properly evade a shot, I'm getting tired of having to explain this, you cannot I repeat cannot block a shot by a proffesional with decent shot timing with your fist it is suicide, and as for mma that's a joke nothing more, if that "sport" was meant to be anything more than flashy entertainment why the hell don't we see counter terrorist units training for it? Why the hell do special forces focus on throws and grappling almost exclusively? Your little ring means nothing I want to see one of these "pros" go against an officer qualified for swat operations and see how quickly that look of pride turns into fear as he's on his back with a boot stomping on his neck crushing his windpipe like a branch
Massive bull dyke action starlette who won the bronze for judo in the olympics vs cute 8/10 fuckmeat who was personally trained by a top tier boxer and took a few kick boxing classes.
nigga is you dumb. officer mcdonald aint got shit on a single nigger that never trained... his fat ass would be rolling down hollywod blvd. if he didnt have a gun.
Ju-do....plain and simple back in my wrestling days we had to train with heavier weight classes and even in basic Greco roman you learn how to throw someone twice your size using proper foot work and alleviation, you use their weight against them and with proper hip extension and foot work I've seen 120 lb light class toss 200 lb heavyweights face first with the force of a battering ram on the mat, as for suppression every officer knows how to pin down a heavier opponent by using your body weight on their shoulders and lower back making their weight advantage pointless, you know who isn't going to be able to properly evade a heavy weight or perform a perfect toss on someone heavier? A boxer with no experience on how to even handle situation as they're wrapped in a bear hug and thrown on the floor like a ragdoll cmon it's not that hard to figure out I shouldn't have to explain this like your a child
The disrespect you show for the officers who keep your sorry ass from being stabbed by any hoodlum is just ridiculous, yes there are some shitty cops and I'd love to rant about letting in those incapable in the force but that's another issue, in some sectors officers are required to practice regularly in grappling and anti striking defenses in order to take down opponents as should be plainly obvious to anyone who's ever done any research in becoming an officer
>Why the hell do special forces focus on throws and grappling almost exclusively?
That's actually because they're going to be in situations where striking is kind of useless because they people they are fighting are either going to be wearing armor that makes strikes useless or have weapons using those people as shields or suppressing them to keep them as hostages is needed.
And they don't drill as much in boxing and escrima much because these are and far easier to master and can actually end any non-lethal fight with a regular jack off with little effort.
>seal combat style ineffective
>learn MMA style fighting instead
Brought to you by actual special forces operatives.
Your going to compare female martial arts once again in a ring, mma a flashy sport focused on appeasing an audience to two adult males having a real altercation? Do I even need to explain how different the scenarios are? And do I even need to point out how she obviously didn't use the proper technique to catch and either toss or roll with a kick anyone with judo training should know in this picture? I also won't mention the controversy behind this whole affair as I think you should understand yourself
You also forget to mention the fact that it correctly surpresses an opponent with ease and is based on dealing with experienced individuals while leaving farrrr less openings exactly what I said...I think your just proving my point, these men don't have time to deal with using a threat as a punching bag they are tasked with surpassing a target as swiftly as possible without openings as well as the possibility they have experience and are armed....exactly what I said
Dude, both combatants are keenly aware of the other and the woman won bronze in fucking judo. If she couldn't use that fancy technique in a match then she damned sure isn't going to use it in a random altercation against someone on the street.
The fact that an advanced technique exists that can counter an attack does not mean that it's actually fucking useable by the average or even advanced practitioner of that sport in every day situations.
It's effectively useless.
The issue presented isn't whether or not striking can be affected but how it is implemented in this case boxing, your straw manning my argument by implying striking can't be utilized in a grappling art AKA jiu jitsu rather than a boxer who confronts with strikes rather than resorting to strikes as the need arises....twist my words once more your only proving my point that a base of grappling is required to even utilize striking assuming it comes into affect
I am one the most cop loving cuck out there especially that im canadian so " no to self defense". But what im talking about is american cops and also how stupid the example this other user gave about how kick boxing would lose versus any officer.
kys you cop sucking triggered bitch.
also most officers have the easiest job.
Magical? It's not magical it's called a catch and toss or a catch and flip, it's one of the first things you learn in taking down an aggressor, if it's a front kick you shift and perform as bough it were to the side and if it's a side kick you go ahead and perform naturally, if she's kicking to the face or even to the shoulders you do a high catch and press it's simple, this woman who you claim is an expert is by no means the most capable, rank doesn't mean shit in your quality it just means time spent and how you can perform by a dojos standards under certain conditions there are judo "experts" who could get their asses handed to them by someone with half the time spent, some people learn better and are able to apply better than others and the ranking systems in dojos are not designed to take that into account due to their history in the Far East and the ethics over there...this should once again be obvious if you've ever been to a dojo but then again I don't know if I should expect as much and once more this all happened in a ring during an mma meet BY WOMEN who have to rework their entire fightin style based on hip placement as well as strength differences and durability
Also the army has a new emphasis on subduing and capturing thanks to years of being basically police in the desert.
>point that a base of grappling is required to even utilize striking assuming it comes into affect
That's the most retarded shit I've ever heard.
Show me 4 youtube videos of judokas using that technique in a street fighting altercation.
There are two people in this thread who are enormous faggots.
This guy Who seems to believe grappling is some sort of godlike ability that can effectively negate all incoming strikes.
And this guy who seems to think any grappler can be beaten by any half competent striker no matter what their ability is.
The truth is that:
1) In a street fight any combat training is going to be a huge advantage to you and you should go out and learn something be it boxing, kickboxing, judo, jiu jitsu whatever.
2) Grappling and striking are both very important and if you have good sense you should practice both instead of jacking off to how great your favorite style is.
Now I'm going to ditch this thread and watch more videos of the seals talking about martial arts because I know no matter what anyone says these two handicaps are going to spend the whole day arguing with each other.
Let me reiterate for you then my picky friend any qualified officer with the proper physical condition and experience that I personally condone, in this case I would say officers who are required to train in these fields as some districts do already entail...get the fat fucks, the women, and those who aren't willing to put forth the effort to be able to respond to any situation off of the streets I have been saying this for years, the requirements and training regiment for our local protective forces should he just as if not more so intense as for the military, and the training should focus rather than on parades and combat iniative on aggressors of the public safety ranging from armed theft to handing an opponent...these officers are ARE ex military and are required to practice against said striking martial arts and through grappling were my examples not the damn neck beards who sleaze by and mock the rest of our officers with their disgraceful etiquette but hey the system is an sjw heap of acceptance and needs to be shut down and restarted
Huh. That's funny when I played judo, we trained closer to our own weight. Not too sure about what the usja insurance people would think about even training with people twice your size.
That's fucking nice but grappling is fucking useless when weapons and multiple opponents are involved.
The "punching" bag thing? Are you legit fucking retarded? A few well placed punches to someone not in gear can end a fucking fight in seconds. Want to know won't end a fight in a second? Grappling with them on the ground.
You see they have guns and fucking knives. They do not bother with the grappling shit unless they are fighting in close quarters with fully geared people, who they'll be shooting or completely weaker opponents like weak shit indian peasents and the like.
>implying Mike Tyson wouldn't destroy bruce lee in a fight
lmao fucking leefags are hilarious
The most retarded shit you've ever heard? Well I'm sorry that you still haven't grasped what I'm trying to tell you but honestly it's not worth my time to have to go into detail about martial arts an issue I have been resolved in since I was a child ranging from early judo and joy jitsu classes to my wrestling "career" to my experience with aikido and the police force, but of course I have my experience that forms my opinions and after years on the issue in pretty convinced, believe me or don't I honestly don't care but I can tell you first hand I would go against a striker any day without heaitstion over someone with a history of grappling not only because I'm used to the field but more importantly because I personally feel I'd have a substantially higher rate of success in my takedowns and holds than vice versa...good day in almost done here
Thanks, this explains it pretty good and clear.
Thanks for the slur I'll accept it with love kek there's a difference between godlike abilities and nullifying a strike and being able to properly evade and shoot through/past strikes something most grapplers should have experience with and I personally always found quite easily in any sparring sessions or conflict I've faced, as I'm far from the best grappler (although I do like to think I'm fairly decent after my short lifetime of experience but that's besides the point) I think it's fairly easy to conclude striking is pretty much pointless without a proper base in holds and grappling in general as it'll just leave you open and be bypassed with ease...now is it fool proof? Of course not but one or two punches aren't going to knock most people out and against someone who's regularly hit and bunted excessively ranging from being elbowed across the chin with the force of any punch or kicked in the stomach knocking your air out one forced to keep going as if nothing happened I think most grapplers are going to be able to handle a few blows without difficulty and even if they are offput they just need a brief moment to readjust and go back on for a second shot. Ah well I'm done with this thread in just repeating myself over and over as well as being strawmanned occasionally so meh have a good day grappling for the win and fuck normies
Should I start with Kyokushin or Muay Thai? I want to unlearn my fear of pain and make some new friends, and if I can find some qts that'd be nice as well.
Grappling should be ended almost immediately with a hold, grappling isn't only for fights on the floor as even in wrestling you learn hand control and standing altercations...I know I said I was fine but this just irked me, no one pumped on adrenaline is gonna mind a punch or two and will keep slashing or firing...you know what will deal with someone with a gun disarming them oooohhh spooky, a gun isn't a magical device it has a very limited area of affect and isn't some godly device of mass destruction a gun just like any weapon can be used both by wielded and opponent alike, just because your the one with the finger on the trigger doesn't mean that weapon is even any use to you and at any moment could even be turned against you...that's the point of grappling with an opponent, to redirect their weapon so you can either subdue or finish them off whether it be by a hold or by slamming them on the ground in a toss and blowing their brains out or crushing their neck with your boot..you don't keep grappling with someone for fun you use it to reposition them where you can end the conflict assuming you have to move on quickly, punching someone won't do shit to stop then if they're coming at you with a weapon they'll just back up and shoot you or keep slashing till they land a good stab into your chest..but I suppose you've never taken disarming classes or anti weapon training, a knife is just an extension of the arm with an edge to it and can easily be removed or used against someone even if it's still in their hand, control the arm you control the knife control the wrist and you can easily get the knife yourself a weapon is never owned it is its own entity and can easily be used by anyone to perform its purpose it is just an object and if you understand how to control it and avoid its affects you can deal with the situation swiftly without harm plain and simple hope you learned something today if not then ah well believe what you want
Want men? Then do Kyokushin. Want hot as fuck fit women? Then do Muay Thai.
ive had my arm broken in a fight before and it was more painful than when I got hit by a motorbike
grappler all day every day
There's no martial art I know of that will protect you against being hit on the back of the head with a metal pipe so you should probably try using your brains instead.
Had a fight with 3 wankers last year. Need to be developed all round. i your mentality you cant give up. Be good at striking, punching and blocks are the main things flying around and also kicks below the waist. Learning control and manipulation for when the enemy engages. One floor thing i definatly learning mount, you can sit on them and use your legs behind and teeth to the front. Teeth are very useful plus it looks good. All in all your going to get a beating but you just have to keep calm, think and react in as many ways as possible and try to give em hell.
not that i condone biting but when people have in this case belts and you have nothing, biting does make people worry about who you are. Iv done martial arts for years but this was the first time i really had use it in real self defence. So much of that side of fighting is toughness as much as skill.