Reminder: Guinness has 1.9g of protein per serving and is only 125 calories.
/drunk/ thread
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Time to go St Paddy's bulking.
Stew and beer. 4 pints C'MON!
No need to remind me, have one almost daily.
>tfw no friends to go out with on paddys day
>tfw going house shopping on paddyday after quitting alcohol completely last year
>straight edge
I hope you find a nice home for you and your husband.
kys drunk paddy
Struck a nerve eh?
Fanny can't handle his alcohol?
So you need as few as 150 servings of rather strong Guiness beer a day and you'll grow muscle!
nah, gives me organ failure
pancreatitis is one of the worst pains I've ever felt.
That sucks man. I was just taking the piss but my sister got pancreatitis on a long hike and I had to carry her down a mountain to get picked up by an ambulance.
Mate, it's around 4% ABV, what are you on about.
>I had to carry her down a mountain to get picked up by an ambulance.
fuck man, that's some unlucky shit.
I'm still more lucky than her, she was screaming the entire time.
>she was screaming the entire time.
that sounds right.
what happened to her that she got it while hiking?
Fucking mystery, we bivouac'd on top of the mountain and by 5 am she woke me up screaming.
We suspected food poisoning since we took water from a stream and lazily boiled it up for a very short time.
Your body wont synthesize any of that protein because it will be dealing with breaking down the ethanol first. Drink on an empty stomach or get fat.
Why is there no protein beer? That'd be fucking awesome.
>starts thread with black person meme
Weird, I though it's about 6%. Could it be that they brew different stuff for different countries?
There is a beer called Brewtein here in Sweden. I think it flopped though.
crack a raw egg into your bear, that's a paul newman.
I'd do this with egg whites but you can't exactly shake the beer to mix it.