I'm tired of looking like shit. Workout and diet advice for me specifically?
I'm tired of looking like shit. Workout and diet advice for me specifically?
Another angle so you can see how bad I look
start a 5x5 program and lose about 30-40 pounds
First work on your mental gains. Then use that knowledge to READ THE FUCKING STICKY
you have basically no muscle mass.
I'd recommend doing "starting strength" weightlifting program, and eating at 500 calories above your TDEE
cut to 10% bodyfat then start lifting weights
>for me specifically
I recommend suicide if you unironically believe your body is so much different to everyone elses we would recommend anything but READING THE FUCKING STICKY
>then start lifting weights
you're an idiot
+1 for GOMAD, did me wonders
diet and
good post. real helpful
There is no reason he should not start lifting weights IMMEDIATELY
Why in the world would it be a good idea to lose weight before starting a weight lifting program?
Lifting weights will help him to maintain/gain a small bit of muscle while losing weight faster.
Lifting weights should be part of losing weight, does that help?
Read the fecking sticky Seamus
you cant lose weight and gain mass at the same time retard
yes you can retard he just has to eat like hes cutting the fat turns it into a bulk.
I looked so much worse than OP when I started GOMAD.
Been on it for three years now and now I'm shredded. Only way you'll see better results is if you go on gear.
You can gain a very small amount if you are just starting out.
But, you ignored the rest of the post you dummy.
He should be lifting weights IMMEDIATELY to:
>maintain muscle mass and maybe even gain a small amount
>learn movements
>expend extra calories
you are right, but if your a noob you can still make starter gains, and it will prevent him from losing what little muscle he already has. also even though you cant build muscle working your muscles is overall healthy for you, and you can still get stronger without building muscle as your muscles learn to work together
Yes you can, the body is a dynamic system, not a computer with an on/off switch
I lost 50lbs and gained 15lb of lean body mass in the process in my first 9 months of cutting and lifting lifting