Anyone know how to get rid of stretch marks? I've made great gains but I'm kind of embarrassed to take my shirt off.
Anyone know how to get rid of stretch marks? I've made great gains but I'm kind of embarrassed to take my shirt off
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you can't
expensive surgery.
unless you're rolling in dough prepare to live with your ugly scars for life.
>female Marines
9/10 they are the worst creatures but that 1 other makes my dick diamonds.
The ones I see at MEPS are 99% lesbians.
Here you go breh
Thanks bruh. I'll use this after I go lift rn
Yeah, but they're dykes till horny and Chad/Jamal gives them the rape stare. Then they're easy pussy.
dermaroller helps fade stretch marks. i did a 1 mm treatment once a month for a year and the stretch marks on my hips are very hard to notice now.
>Open jacket with nothing underneath
It's so fucking good. I literally make all my girlfriends do that shit.
Don't know why I never thought of it.
Lmao this
What are you, a poolee?
God MEPS is hilarious. Go to take a PICAT verification test, end up rolling into a full ASVAB and stay there for 7 hours.
Waiting on some medical paperwork so for now I'm just an applicant. I have to do all the same things poolees do. PT twice a week, poolee functons. College isn't in the cards for me and I'm still young so I went this route.
Best choice i ever fucking made. Completely changed me.
Before and after military pic.
a lie
stretch marks fade overtime once you stop the thing that caused it (puberty, body size)
you can add cocoa butter and aloe vera gel to it which helps the fading process as well
Then don't talk shit about female marines until you're in. You might not be wrong, they look like lesbians, but you don't yet rate. That said, good luck and don't pick a shit MOS.
Good Army MOS>Marines>Shitty Army MOS>Air Force>Navy
Good Army MOSs include
Special Forces
Military Intelligence
Foreign Area Officers
Enjoy your time in the fattest branch. Why even be military at that point? At least the Air Force is a little bit more honest.
>female marine
Gtfo with that shit. Get back in the kitchen bitch
>the chair force is above literally anything
Fucking a female Marine is kinda hot. I used to bang this one chick in my barracks.
Maybe it's a Marine thing but taking her cammies off and all was super hot. Like a motivated kind of sexual. No I'm not re-enlisting
I can't tell you the contempt I have for the Navy, dude. I once encountered sailors walking away from a unit mandatory fun event with their faces painted and holding cookies.
>I hate fun
Most mando fun events are super gay and everyone puts on a fake happy face to appease the higher ups user
I'm seconding FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, if you've got a good ASVAB score, DO NOT THROW IT AWAY ON TRANSPORT.
Go with some kind of Intel or Engineering.
And, as always, embrace the suck
Just got home from the gym. I'm planning on doing Aircraft Maintenance. How would you rank that MOS?
He's not lying, you can't ever remove stretch marks.
Aloe vera and cocoa butter are placebo.
Generally, what you see is people apply these when the scars are angry, red, and brand new. When they really stick out just when you get them.
So they apply the topical ointments (which physiologically don't do anything to scar tissue at the deepest layers of the skin) and they think it works because they fade.
The reality, the scars are fading because that's a natural maturation process as they go from striae rubra (red) to striae alba (white).
It's kinda like somebody getting a throat infection, poppn 100 vitamin cs a day, and at the end of the week they feel better so they assume "wow vitamin c cured my throat infection". No, your body did all the work regardless of that shit.
serves you right for abusing steroids
Hey devildog, what would the commandant think?
It's not bad. The airwing is a pretty nice place with all the best bases (Miramar is the bomb). You'll have something you can make money with once you get out, which is always good. I'd say go for it.
This they're only gay..or have a boyfriend...or whatever other excuse they've made until a 'better' man or at least a man that's not you shows up
You should've put vitamin E and coconut oil on areas that normally stretch out.
Should've listened to your black friends.
>playing dark souls
How to get a gf like this
Saved for preworkout test boost. Thanks, bro
>playing Dark Souls
muh diik
playing dark souls 3
>most likely has the new dlc
i wanna suck on her tiddies and lagstab noobs
If I've gotten stretch marks only on my armpits, and I keep getting more, what should I do? My skin is already permafucked, that's obvious. Should I stop lifting and lose fat until I can lift again? Should I just tiger stripe my entire arm? Fuck what the fuck.
Doesn't have to be steroids. I got them all over my backs since I started growing a lot in high school. Now I have some on my shoulder after I started lifting. I never understood how people don't have stretchmarks after they start lifting.
Scars prove your worth, stupid.
Same here. When I'd go to the beach people used to ask me if I got whipped.
Non-military college fag here. From what I've always been told the Air Force is for people with 3 digit IQs and the rest is for the dumbasses/rednecks, hence the hate on the air force. Is this true?
>dyel bf
>thinking making an STR build will help you on something you need CHARIMSA checks for
don't worry mate lots of people fell for that meme
Not really. How smart people are within specific branches usually depends what job they have, as certain test scores are required for certain jobs. The Air Force has low skill jobs for mouth breathers, just like everyone else, and the other branches need smart people (nuke school for the Navy anyone?) too. It's more that the Air Force's standards and discipline are laughable to the other branches.
This. MY uncle and brother in law are both army. My uncle is a doctorate holder in a command position, my brother in law is a grunt that hardly got through high school.
Stop being such a woman. Stretch marks are great.
>that light belt
Kek wanna know how I know she's a maintainer?
I love how much hate the Air Force gets. It's almost as if those that hate don't realize that the Air Force has the most skilled technicians in the military. We may not have the military culture of the other branches, or hold ourselves to the same military standards, however we are technical experts and there's really no competition there.
more of this girl
In modern warfare, the Air Force is the most vital branch.
Reminder that women are not real Marines. They are given special, female-only courses taught by other faux-Marines for the purposes of creating a less-effective, less-efficient, and less combat ready force.
The Air Force has the most autists who were too coddled by their moms to learn independence so they took the DoD as their new parent but picked AF because Mom thought it was safer in the rear with the gear. The Air Force is tied to some high speed programs and you autists latch on to that image to try and feel cool but 90% of your force is barely functional knuckle draggers, just like the other services. The difference is you're spoiled and undisciplined.
Civilian Force (tm) here, can confirm.
I think if you ask the majority of Airmen what the Air Force is, they would tell you it's a logistical machine with air, space, and cyberspace subsets. The difference is, that we happened to sign into the branch that provides better quality of life. Naturally that draws envy from those less fortunate
Cocoa butter sticks
Fuck dude I have stretch marks all over my back and ass from puberty. They've never even faded that much.
You're not wrong, the quality of life is definitely good in the AF, but you also don't get the same prestige.
Saying you're an Airman will never have the same umph as saying that you're a Marine.
Not the other guy but I say that's a worthy trade off. Sure go have your "prestige" with shitty living standards. I'll enjoy getting the same base pay + hazardous pay.
The branch you're in doesn't really mean shit. It only matters if you're a pog or not.
How does dough help me with my stretch marks?
>ultimate faggot tattoo
kys would be an even better choice you homo
That's a very fair assertion. I wanted to be the first person in my family to be a Marine, and that meant a lot to me. It's all about what's best for YOU.
If I love to sail, but you hate cramped living conditions and get chronically sea-sick, then the Navy and the Marines would not be a good option.
That's not true. That's why there was such a controversy about it a couple of [decades] ago. Faux feminism wanted to lower the standards for women, but the military told them to fuck off.
>those implants
>not joining the bimbo corps
>not getting dropped behind enemy lines to demoralize enemy betas by not having sex with them
>not being all you can be
dat edgy 160lbs manlet insta pic
Unless ladies can hump gear with the guys, shave their heads with the guys, train with the guys, and be held to the same standards as the guys, then I will never be able to consider them real Marines.
It'd be like if BUD/S had a separate section of all female sailors who only had to run 8 miles instead of 14, didn't have to knock out as many push ups, had reduced log PT, and then had the gall to say they graduated and were ready to move on to Seal Qualification Training.
Bio oil apparently.
Takes some time and you have to apply it everyday.
>tribal shoulder tatoo
>le geeky marvel tank top
You are literally the male version of a basic bitch