How do you discipline your lanklet pets Veeky Forums?
When my lanklet gets a bit sassy, I yank its collar and keep him down until he calms down.
i reward him with baskethoop if he's good
>you actually drew this
I like to take him around to some fair maidens and push him around a little just to humiliate him as they laugh at his frail lanklet toothpick physique
Angry manlet detected.
kick in the shin
I don't discipline, I reward, since lanklets are a bit retarded you are going to keep having to discipline them as their freakish bodys knock into everything, worse than a pulling dog. if he manages to not be a retard i let my lanklet pet lay down since his freakishly weird body must be causing him all sorts of pain
leg sweep lol, it's so easy
we're all gunna ma-
>literally all niggers and whores
>subhuman nigresses who repulse me don't like short men
with this
>angry manlets detected
you honestly think nice little white grills don't despise you either?
Retarded lanklet scum
lol your clearly just jealous of the superior manlet masterrace
enjoy your poverty gains you lanklet chode
Yeah, punishment isn't always the answer. Lanklets are already in enough pain from the humiliation and embarrasment of being gaunt weaklings with low test. A little reward often goes along way.
Kek. So true
You can go to a party, and you'll see them, while there are rarely many 5'8s and 5'9s, there are plenty of 5'7s, and you know they don't have a chance when the 5'11-6'2 people are around. In between us, height kinda stops mattering, like the 6'0 cute guy will pull more than the 6'3 ogre, but you know that those lil guys have to get the leftovers once all the cute girls are taken and only the tumblr girls remain, like hell, even that 5'11 black dude will pull more than the blonde 5'8 dude who's pretty cute but looks just tiny in comparison. Being a manlet is a sad thing. At least outside parties in isolated places that 5'2 girl will probably be into you, since there are not other guys you can compare to, so there's that.
>going to partys
>not going to partys
oh no I can't fuck bar slags in this hypothetical degenerate gathering I'll just have to get the rope
And by the way only turbosluts will fuck a nigger, I mean in reality and not in communist propaganda whites stick to their own while higher status blacks try to upgrade
>tfw 5'7
>tfw all my girlfriends have been 5'2
they've also been bi, what does this mean Veeky Forums
>manlet detected
Is it, I dare say, Our year?
>reffering to other guys as cute
full homo
In my expirience good looks charm and confidence can make for the manletism
>that look in his eyes
b-b-because getting Veeky Forums will compensate for being 5'4
Keep dreaming, manlets.
Kek look at all this coping.
Height is everything
This guy is like 1 in 500 millions chance
lets see a pic of you
Dude I'm 5/8, I have never left a club/party/disco without at least an 8/10, I'm not sitting around for anyones leftovers. Most short guys wear their insecurity on their sleeves unfortunately and that's where they fail.
Women are going to find a million reasons not to sleep with you, don't make shit up for them, that's for lanklets and manlets alike.
And roids of course
Dudes 5/4 tops
Mini house
What the fuck is up with his elbow. Obvious roids.
I've tried searching those people on Tweeter and all I could find are single mom niggresses. Really makes you think.
Nice V taper you doughy fridge.
Also you look like a fucking manlet yourself, what are you 5 foot 9 tops!? Kek you really thought you looked anything like that guy?
What a piece of shit
LOL. keep crying breh. lets see your fat body
Fucking Lel.
Are you me?
Lanklets will never get to experience being dominated by lanklet qt3.14 gf
looking thicc fwarkkk
how tall are you bro?
My buddy at the gym is 5/8 and jacked, his wife is the most in shape gorgeous girl I've ever seen.
Stop making excuses for women not liking you, it's not your height, your weight, shit even your looks. You're just a generally uninteresting an unpleasant person to be around and you come to Veeky Forums to reassure yourself it must be something out of your control because you're so awesome.
95% of Veeky Forums are people not in shape here to put other people down, hope you all mantels and lanklets and whatever elselets have terrible lives.
I spit on all of you disgusting subhuman manlet weasels. Literally none of you will ever make it because of your height.
Tears of laughter fag, the fact you think you're in shape is awesome, delusional flickers like you are always entertaining.
Why? Because you told me to?
You can think I'm the fatest fucker in the world guess you'll never know.
But if that's you I've seen what you're working with, you should probably stop shit posting and actually hit the gym.
Or you know sit there with a sideways hat and whisper to your spotter/lover that anyone with muscle tone must be on gear.
Fuck off you genetic dud, thanks for making my day though.
lmao ok manlet stay mad
Kekkkk fuckin 6'5 160lbs skeleton is THIS mad. End yourself you walking disappointment lmao
Horse Head motherfucker
Furious bud
Going for the no width/definition are we? Is this really what Veeky Forums thinks is fit mate, or is this just some autistic fucker trying to validate himself?
Been a bit since I've seen this
Inbred dawg?
then why are you self hating
Manlet btfo lmaaaooo
6 foot 2, great try though little guy
Witness my perfect 6'4 jacked body manlets. Weep at the site of what you could have been had your dad not been a gnome.
Eh, better than the last guy
You look like a serial killer autist.
None of these women are worth dating anyway
Dude...you actually sat and read all of them...this your first time on Veeky Forums?
>Dude...you actually sat and read all of them
No I didn't
Sour grapes
Yes, if the grapes are rotten and taste like shit
>None of these women
Implying you evaluated all their worth
Which would mean...you read all of them?
I still didn't read all of them, nor will I ever.
Manlets in the club be like
It's not even like you'd date thots like that. They're for pumping and dumping. If they have a nice face and body, that's all that really matters.
I would have a one night stand with her, get her pregnant, and curse her with a manlet baby. That'll show her!
My dad was 5'11, sadly my mother was 4'11 however
I'm 5'7
all negative replys are jelly fags
u look good af brah mirin hard but fill out that chest a bit more
I have no idea how this shit works. My dad is 5'9 like me. My mom is 5'2. My brothers are 6'1 and 6'4. It just ain't fair.
Manlet put his hand on backwards