New current body thread since old one is filling up. What are your plans for the summer? Are you happy with your progress?
CBT: Summer Plans
To somehow stop looking like a scrawny twig when clothed, and bowl of cottage cheese that's bee sitting out all night when naked.
Happy with my progress so far.
Gained 21 pounds since October, almost all lean. Now 146 lbs.
I have been very underweight at 125 lbs with a hieght of 5'11" for the past 8 years so I am happy with breaking that barrier finally.
I achieved a decent ottermode over the past several months. Still trying to gain weight, but I'm a former lanklet so it's slow. If worst comes to worst, I will just cut before summer and be ottermode.
I'm happy with the progress I've made and I was happy to know that I had the time and the energy to reach all my goals by June.
However, I just got a horrible case of a swollen throat. I might have to get my tonsils taken out now. This is going to cost a lot of money, distract me from school (end of senior year of college, suppose to graduate in a few months) and it's probably going to kill a lot of my gainz.
Please hold me as I slip into the abyss.
Getting your tonsils out isn't so bad since you get to eat a shit load of icecream which is better than starving.
Just attack those goals twice as hard now, we're all gonna make it brah.
Pretty much just maintain.. Overall period I think it would be nice to gain another 5 pounds of muscle period, but ive been pretty much the same for the past year or 2.. just sometimes more ripped than others.. I guess ill probably try to lose a pound or 2 durning summer since ill be walking around a lot more since not winter and cold. But over all ill be pretty similar im sure.
i fucked up past year because school + gf dumping + stressful gaming + smoking got me into a shit state. I gained like 20 lbs and so far I have been trying to get back to where I was.
body recomp is amazing though. 6 weeks in and im already getting back to it
cut hard over the next two months
Leave humanity behind.
Go from 142 lbs to at least 180 lbs by the start of September
Hopefully go from 6'3 to 6'5
Are those stretch marks? What were your fat stats & current stats?
Left relaxed, right light flexing.
Wanna be thicc mode but my stomach doesn't want to stay flat. Does anyone here stop taking creatine when cutting? I feel like it might be causing me to retain too much water.
keep it up m8, want to get to your body fat by summer
you're gonna make it brah.
lookin good
from very very fat, 250 lbs down to 160
mirin, also out of curiosity what is tattoo of?
Hi fit, would this be a good workout for muscle gain? I know there's a sticky but i wanna know about this work out.
>30 push ups
>1 minute squat hold
>30 second bridge
>30 leg raises
Do every hour
If you are completely untrained, it will build some muscle and give you some much needed strength and muscle endurance.
But since you are untrained you'll probably bonk after 3.
by the way, if you feel any ANY pain in any joint then stop.
thanks brah. it's a wolf dedicated to my grandmother.
It's a good beginner routine. I go to the gym to wear my muscles out, so I don't leave until they're shot.. then do some basic sit up, pushup, pull up stuff later on in the night before bed. Make sure your diet works with your workout intensity.
Nice job maintaining a good core even when cut
What are your lifts like? You look strong
Like everything in fitness it'll only make you stronger if it's hard to do.
Do it til you can do more reps, hold it longer, and/or add weight and that's how you'll build muscle
Just did one of those bodystat machines and got 15% bf
155x3 ohp
275x3 bench
345x2 squat
445x1 ded
I feel pretty good. I've finally gotten my squat and dead back up from my lower back and ankle injuries.
5'10 200
Gonna just stay around this weight for a while and try to get as strong as possible.
Still working on chest, of course.
You look good m8, mirin biceps. What's your routine for them?
Thx m8.
I try to train them 2x per week after whatever compound I'm doing that day. 3-5 sets of 2-3 movements.
Main staples are reverse grip ez bar curls, supinated barbell curls, and alternating dumbell curls on an incline bench.
thicc upper body not so thicc lower body. Always had a problem with squat form but deadlift pretty heavy. Any tips? Squat max around 125 DL max 200 kg
Bench 122 kg
Should i keep bulking?