So let's put the dumbells and protein powder tub aside for a moment..
What's bothering you on this fine sunday evening Veeky Forums?
So let's put the dumbells and protein powder tub aside for a moment..
What's bothering you on this fine sunday evening Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
I feel like I'm dumb and uneducated, but worst of all, I feel like regardless of my effort levels, I won't become better. I want to be knowledgeable, skilled, to have abilities I'm proud of. Practical skills. I want to be the kind of man who can repair something, grow food, survive outdoors, sew something that's ruined, defend his family. etc.
But I'm not.
Also I'm a manlet shitskin and the runt of the family.
How old are you? If you're still young, what's preventing you from doing so?
From becoming that kind of man?
I'm just so unskilled at even the most basic things, user. I AM young, but I'm like a baby, and everyone agrees. I lived a very sheltered life and wasnt allowed to go outside to play with other kids and spent most of my time indoors playing video games. It feels weird because I have to ask people about basic things everyone knows, as if I'm an alien masquerading as a human.
I lack a lot of skills in regards to every aspect of life. Imagining it's an RPG, I lack the stats required for most virtues and skills.
INT? I can hardly focus on anything and have ADHD. I struggle academically and always have. I barely managed to make my way to university and only through studying languages, which is easy because I already speak 3. It's a sham. I can hardly focus on a piece of paper
STR? I have joint issues, they pop out and I'm very frail and tiny. I struggle a lot and always have. My endurance is shit, too. I was almost always picked last and sometimes got picked to work with girls.
DEX? I went to dexterity therapy as a kid. They made me tie shoelaces and stuff. I can't do almost anything manual.
I even slept in the same bed as my mother until I was 13. I'm just a mess of a human. All I can hope to do is to continue to lift until I turn into an ogre of a man and to do a job that requires a lot of physical labour, like being a soldier or riot officer, so I can protect society and the values I value.
Im 25. I have two degrees, but trouble finding a real job for the past year.
My GF and best friend of most of the past 4 years just left me, its been getting worse for months, she has shit going on her in life and just emotionally shut down.
I live with my parents and now that I lost my GF, and most of my friends live a few hours away in the city I went to college, I'm desperately trying to get into a grad school in California, far away from the midwest.
My application is submitted but if I dont get in I literally have no idea what to do. My anxiety has been fucking off the charts, feeling more worthless every day, basically a shut in who lifts weights. And I used to be a social buttefly but Ive been out of work/education/friends for like a year. And without her theres no reason to keep searching for pissant jobs in my homestate.
I would sacrifice a homeless person to throw myself into debt for this grad school. I need to get away and get active.
got pissdrunk on friday and kissed the chick i've been going after. got a "lets take this slow" and the cold shoulder the rest of the night.
A fuck ton. I ended things with my ex GF/fuck buddy. My job sucks ass and I have no chance to move up. I can't afford to register for classes this semester because I'm stuck paying for half of my dad's mortgage while he cries about being broke while smoking 4 cigars a day and spending all of his time with strippers. Thinking about joining the military, or possibly the national guard before I get too old. Only chance I can get the fuck out of here.
I've stopped feeling things.
Not terribly concerning to me, but I feel like a lot of people are asking me why I don't have children or a partner yet.
Is having children and a romantic partner really the end all, be all of life? I don't think I'll ever desire these things and I'm already 25.
Deep down I know that the type of girl I love would never love a guy like me.
I’m uneducated, socially awkward, and below average on looks. I see others around me, then I look at myself and know no matter what I do I will never be has good as them. I feel like I’m barley even a husk of an actual human, and the little bit of personality I had has been lost to time, as I’ve spent the 3 years doing nothing but working out and playing video games.
All of that would be fine, if at the end of the day I came home to someone who loves me. Until that happens I don’t think I’ll ever be truly happy.
It really sucks to, because my life is good. Like, I could be poor and must work 60 hours a week just to pay rent and feed myself, but instead I’m privileged so my problems are my own.
I'm trying to do advances towards solving my abandonment issues, do starters Im abstaining from texting this girl I talk with all the time and focus on doing my own stuff so I stop being so dependant on attention
you are already half way out of your funk user, realizing that it could be worse and being grateful for what you do have is a huge step
>Is having children and a romantic partner really the end all, be all of life?
Technically, yes. Animals reproduce, raise next generation, then their purpose is fulfilled.
You need to break away from your toxic relationships, man. Even if it is your dad, why burn yourself to keep others warm? If he isn't willing to help himself, you're only enabling his behavior.
You're young, GTFO and start again somewhere new!
Well yes, I understand that from an evolutionary perspective, but the people who are asking me about kids etc. aren't looking at it like that. They think it's impossible/very unlikely to be happy or at least, 100% happy without having a romantic relationship (usually involving children).
That's rough, brah. Grad school won't be any easier, but it'll sure as hell make you forget any stress you have now. If you don't get in this year, why not take a break and work?
That's what I'm considering before I go to grad school, I want to work full time and make some dosh.
I know my place, that's why I’m sad.
I recently "woke up" and realized that, until 3 year years ago, i had never given a fuck about anything. What makes this worse is I could have been anything, but i choose to literally do nothing. Also the only times i've ever been happy is with a girl and even then i think i it was more of an illusion i made to make me think the relationships i've been in were great, but in reality they were probably awful for the both of us.
Dude I felt this way for a while, just be careful. You've already accepted a kind of psychological death. One day you might wake up and want to live your life, find love and be loved. Then it will be too late. The real terror will be in trying to figure out how to live.
That's sorta what I've been doing this past year, its just the 'job' I have is basically one of my dad and I's creation since I couldn't find a degree in my field (renewable tech and the current political climate is destroying new investment unless you live in major states like CA).
In order to work in the field I love I need a masters. And the program I would attend will also make me fluent in Spanish so if nothing else I can make bank translating shit. And honestly I would pay the ridiculous amount of money for grad school just to get the fuck out of the toxic area I live in.
But if I don't get in, my choices are either just move out of the state to one with better opportunities, or take some company man job and try not to suck off my Beretta every night.
Yeah that's the plan honestly. I'm not that young at 27, but I'm still young enough. I've been a spectator most of my life just going through the motions. Over the last year I've made leaps and bounds, but still want much more. Working on my cardio and debating which branch of military would be the best for me. If nothing else it will get me that sweet sweet GI bill money.
I feel like I'm already living the way I want to live though. All I want to do is go to school, smoke weed and do jiu-jitsu (and obviously internet and vidya).
Once I start actually making some bux I'd like to do some more traveling and camping, but I still think these are all solitary activities that would be hindered with a partner.
I just don't really feel the need to be "loved" or "wanted" in a romantic sense. Some more quality friends would be a welcome addition though.
First of all, it's Monday afternoon you cuck. Catch up or the world will pass you by. Some more.
Nothing is bothering me right now, but it should. Am conscious of an empathy towards myself and my present situation re the gym etc.
Gonna have a cry about it then write a new programme with hypertrophy as the primary focus, mostly the main compounds except ohp because meh.
Get over yourself, your parents did already.
Hmmm, in that case just do you bro. Just keep an open mind is all I'm saying.
how is this fitness related?
Brother is skinny-fat,maybe ashamed of body, and as I continue to make gains, gets more distant from me. Refuses to come to gym with me.What do?
I'll make it a week where she only crosses my mind a handful of times.
Then she'll send me something, a joke. A checkup. And she's here with me, beside me for days. Following me. It hurts so much.
BLOCK HER NOW. If you don't the consequences are your own fault.
Can't complain too much user. Have a shoulder injury, but rehab is going well. Reasonably intelligent, applying to grad school this summer.
However, after getting red pilled it dawned on me that the ideal of the smiling beautiful GF i always wanted to strive to be a better person for is a cruel illusion. Girls give me sufficient attention and all, but I see them for who they are now. They truly all are damaged goods, at least in western society.
That cruel realization is gnawing away at me and i can't help to feel melancholy in all my social interactions because of it. Hold me Veeky Forums ;(
Damn reading all of these makes me so sad. I always wonder if it's our fault or society,girls, cultural marxism etc that shit always get blamed on. Kinda the chicken or the egg scenario being played out here
That the Jews control the world
Life never really gets better, does it?
Every day I ask myself why I even bother getting out of bed.
My only goal in life is to be a family man, but I'm too lazy and useless to finish college and I'm stuck with a low end job. How could I afford a kid, much less a house? Girls don't even like me anyway, they all think i'm gay.
I wish I had the courage and resolve to neck meself m8s.
I'm having a hard time weighing my pessimism and optimism. Lack faith in myself. Easier to forsee failure than success. Not to say I assume failure, but weakens my resolve enough I've failed to see through any long-term goals.
It's crystal clear there are outside forces that will work on me uncontrollably and unexpectedly and I'm not God.
Yet I see these hyper-confident people who go full-throttle in their lives and talk like success is their destiny, Inevitable. I envy the attitude but I don't understand it. Maybe just putting on a show?
>They think it's impossible/very unlikely to be happy or at least, 100% happy without having a romantic relationship (usually involving children).
Again, they are technically correct. For most people, it goes without saying that they must find a healthy m8, and pass on their genes. Nobody's saying 'I want to reproduce', but initially loving a woman is caused by a chemical reaction, forcing you to reproduce.
I'm becoming isolated at college. All my friends went out and partied over spring break a I just stayed in my dorm and played video games. I didn't go outside for 6 days in a row. I only broke the streak to order pizza. It's not like I'm a nerd or an autist, I just don't do anything. I lift and do sports and ROTC, but everyone in rotc is a goober and the sports guys all go their separate ways after practice. I haven't gone out and partied even once this semester. I don't even know where the parties are. Anyone know how to escape this cycle? I'm becoming a hermit.
I finished up college and told myself I could do any job but something in direct sales or marketing. Fast forward to now and the only job I could find was working in sales. I'm working 6 days a week and with the commute its basically a 11 hour a day job. I almost had a breakdown yesterday and I'm dreading going in tomorrow
It's not girls. Its fucking late stage capitalism and everyone infighting without ever blaming the rich white dudes who ruin everything.
You cant focus on yourself, on education, on being an entrepreneur, without basic universal access to education and healthcare. Every state should have a couple of state-colleges that are free or less than 10k max a year. Then the smarter and richer kids can go to great private schools.
Most of us cant secure basic human benefits in order to focus on the future.
Just finish school, now that you know you really need it youll enjoy it more.
Im right there with you man.
im a manlet. Seriously thinking of getting leg extensions, although i here they break your bones. Dont know what to do.
Ive got psychosis and possibly ocd. Maybe even bipolar im so fucked up
My best friend is a drug addict, I can't be around him anymore since all he seems interested in is getting high. If this keeps up he is going to lose everything, but intervention attempts have been a bust.
I'm still so socially retarded...
No matter who I'm with, I end up getting straight up roasted for hours. It's getting annoying. I can't even hold a normal conversation over dinner without them mocking and belittling me for some petty shit. It's grating away at my nerves and I'm just getting sick of people...
Are all people like this or just the people I'm with?
I either need new friends or a new brain.
I'm actually doing pretty well and while this doesn't mean much I had some conversations with some chicks online in private chat rooms, they mentioned I seem like a normie enough guy and why I don't have a wife/kids. Odd questions to answer, but I'm working on being more normie
Im balding
Brother let me help. I was very similar in a situation as you. I grew up on a farm with my family, I was homeschooled and discouraged from being uncomfortable, and I was taught to seek comfort. I also am about dumb as shit, except in History and Literature which are two things I love now, but I used to be shit at Lit. I learned to sneak around my parents, and to try to do things on my own. I had my first kiss at 14 and I was too embarassed to tell my parents, because I was always scared of their opinion. Time goes on, and I get in the gym, and I start making an effort to be social, and learn stuff, but I understand if you get lazy about things or lose interest. Find some friends that are into similar things, have them help you, don't be afraid to ask questions.
I'm 18 now, I'm a manlet, and I don't have a six pack. But I am successful, and happy with life now. Go through fazes, radical fazes, it will teach you stuff and you'll come out better for it.
Hey lads, i'm pretty depressed and I could use a pep talk. Ive realized that im a huge fuck up that has been given amazing opportunities and squandered them. I went to an expensive private highschool but wasted it being a shut in and not being involved or making friends. Then I went to a top engineering school and my parents offered to pay for me to join a fraternity but I didnt and made friends with a bunch of losers and wasted my college years. Then I ended up joining a fraternity but it was a small one full of nerds and it barely changed things. Now I want to go to grad school but my grades are shit (im a junior with a 3.08 gpa). Literally the only thing going for me is that I have an amazing girlfriend, but I cant stop stressing/worrying that she'll leave me once she realizes how much of a loser I am (her family is rich and she has tons of friends and is way more social than me). Fuck lads I cant take it any more what do I do please help I want to end it
Bro, good friends are amazing. Try your best to make some, it's the only way to truly make it in this world
Is this pasta?
No I just had a lot to vent
Fuck meant to reply with, not pasta I just had a lot to vent
Once I got a job offer I stopped studying, and now I'm close to failing. Gonna be a tough month coming up for exams.
Talk to a complete stranger each day. Make your way up to 100. It will be painful and embarrassing at first but you will soon be comfortable in your own skin and learn to be a better version of yourself. aka stop fucking whining and get out of the god damn house.
>What's bothering you on this fine sunday evening Veeky Forums?
I get my first shot of Invega tomorrow, I'm worried about side effects.
New job starts tomorrow
Feel like kind of nervous, but I think will be ok
do what said
the military is a good way to get away from a shitty life, thats half the reason people join in the first place.
You haven't mentioned your industry, what work are you looking for and what did you study?
Have you looked for work out side the state?
Have you connected on linkedin?
What past relationships have you made?
I've been having panic attacks for hours today and I've scratched up my face. I'm staying at a friends right now but I'm supposed to head back soon but I don't want to get on the coach I'm terrified
I'm thinking of venturing out to find a guru and finally come a peace with who I am. Where could i find someone like this?
I'm not a guru however, I might be able to help you get your shit together, What is actually your problem?
Go ahead and laugh
I have this as well. most people try to hide it from me at work but I already know and it is no secret I stink pretty badly
They don't even pretend anymore, they will try to close their nose right in front of me
I think I might actually die completely alone. I have a pretty quiet and reserved personality and pretty much ignore people who try to be friends since I think they're fucking with me. I have told myself constantly that I will change, but Im getting worse.
Jesus you're 25. Mans @30 with no kids is pretty fucking normal here in Canada.
stop being so insecure and putting yourself down, assure yourself. Have some high self esteem bruv. Start with being grateful with what you have.
We all gonna make it you fags !
This is one of my issues I've been dealing with the past year. How do you guys approach this or fix this ?
>upset im not taller
>upset i can't seem to connect with larger groups and have to stick to smaller ones
>always feel left out on group events
>am considered weird and "different"
>constantly angry at something trivial and dumb
>ashamed at my failure to attract my oneitis and beat myself up over it nightly
>upset that im too dumb to understand anything that invovlves numbers
>just want to go monk mode and let go of such petty things and be at peace with who i am unaffected by those and the world around me
Were you born with it? Have you found supplements/a diet that helps?
I got a fight coming this saturday (full contact kickboxing k1 rules) and I'm shitting it.
I've fought a few times in amateur boxing but never kickboxing.
And to make things worse; I've been plagued with injuries the last 2 months that have put me out of training.
And where I train has kind of gone to shit, I've hardly done any sparring and the classes don't push us like they used to because theres a different trainer.
I don't feel ready and I'm scared I'm going to humiliate myself on saturday. Where I train theres only boxers and I've not done any kickboxing sparring in 3 weeks. Really shitting myself.
I'm also a Canadabro, nice.
Perhaps it's different for men, but all the women I know already have kids at 25, it makes me feel slightly abnormal for not even having a bf.
Having a partner that supports me in my life would obviously be awesome, but I feel that's a real selfish view of a relationship.
I want more friends that I can support and be supported by.
Truth. Making and finding Good Friends are really really hard to come by. People who stick out for you, feed you when you're hungry or shelter you when you don't have a roof. It's hard and usually those kind of relationships takes a while to build imo.
>health and fitness
>mental health thread isn't health related
Thats some truly fucked up shit, makes my problems seem insignificant. Hopefully you can get over this
Lost girlfriend a month ago. My best friend she changed my world completely. She was perfect literally the girl I've always dreamed of :/ not doing well at all bros
My campus is basically telling me to go fuck myself with internships and there are none offered for my field near me. Whats horseshit is that this at a uni and my old community college has a dedicated program for it. My parents are making me get a bachelors degree and its fucked up to the think I might have to go to community for a year or two after that just to get experience. Only other option is to go military with a degree but even then theres a high chance that wont get me anywhere. Other option is kms after a year of failed job searching. Degree is biotech to be lab tech btw
na, i still stink and it is mentally painful, i should find ways to deal with it though
i have used stuff that masks it, i especially feel embarrassed when the seasoned guys in the office bring it up as something stinks nearby in the office...
Why's everyone on this site such a mentally ill loser?
still can't find a job. I am just not hearing back from companies and have applied to like 200
Yeah same here
What is your industry? What is your background? Do you have professional/personal references?
Welcome to the current economy, bruh. I'm in the same situation. I have friends that have sent their applications out to 400+ companies and gone to about 40 interviews. He's still looking...
What field are you trying to go in to?
I'm not sure how to deal with my family. I recently figured out how to eat... less bad? I mean I eat a 100 calorie bar at breakfast, shoot for 500-600 calories at lunch, and try to eat small at dinner, still mostly garbage foods though. I've lost 30 lbs since the new year.
My fucking family though. They keep snacking on shit, going out, chugging beer and soda, getting appetizers, covering shit in ranch, getting a 1000 calorie shake before bed. It's like their concept of eating healthy is to add a salad to the meal, cover it in ranch and/or cheese, and then eat that ON TOP of what they'd normally eat. It's just super depressing working my way back from being a fat fuck and seeing my family just keep shoveling shit in to their mouths.
I am in my third year of college and am retaking two classes this quarter. I am afraid I will fail them again and the dean's office will not approve me retaking them, keeping me from getting my degree and leaving me with a lot of student debt and nothing to show for it.
Veeky Forums please help me. a lot of shit has happened in the past couple of days and all of my problems are of my own fault. long story short im isolated and alone after fucking up and cutting ties with everybody who was close to me and then on friday
>be at party
>having fun, just enjoying the drunk
>wearing my trump2016 hat, midway through party i feel somebody hitting it off
>ignore it, adjust hat, walk away
>person keeps following me as i try to walk away, keeps hitting my hat off my head every time i put it back on
>dont turn around but i hear some girl yelling dumb drunk shit about trump and how my hat belongs on the floor
>hits it off one more time and i lose my cool, turn around and shove her off of me
>say "if youre going to make things political and keep hitting my hat off of my head you need to leave"
>keeps yelling shit at me and calling me racist, takes out her phone and starts filming me while ranting
>put my hat back on and leave
>next day some guys came up to me and said "hey user i heard you hit a girl last night"
>"yeah some girl was going around showing me a picture of you saying you were hitting her"
>im completely shook, i dont even know how to respond to this
>explain what really happened
>dudes dont believe me and think i actually hit her
I dont know what to do Veeky Forums. guys have been coming out and vouching for me saying that i would never hit a girl and that they dont believe it, but im still in shock that anybody would believe I hit a girl. I think it really speaks to what kind of person ive become.
But the worst part Veeky Forums? is the nagging doubt in the back of my head asking "what if i actually did hit that girl" and that scares me. I dont know who i am anymore and i have nobody close to me anymore that i can confide in so here i am with you
and this is on top of getting irrationally angry. getting a DUI. pushing people away form me. acting like a humongous asshole. becoming more and more apathetic each day
I feel like ive become a monster
why were you wearing a trump hat? to be ironic or just cringe?
I'll try to read through and give hopefully objective advice, but I'll give a bit of a story for myself.
>first time bar crawling Friday night for Paddy's
>beautiful waitresses and girls everywhere
>realize I could never live my life plan of getting married, living in the suburbs, and working a 9 to 5
>I want to descend strait into hedonism, screw as many girls as I can, travel, see the world, make money
>passed up opportunities in the past because I didn't realize that's what I wanted, I was a dumb kid who believed in the meme that money doesn't matter, life is more about experience
>now I realize that experience, and the best places, activities, and girls require money. I don't want to just fuck white trash bitches and travel to boring places, I want quality women, I wanna see Shanghai at night, etc...
I'm realizing that I want more than I ever did, and I'm kinda depressed that I'm at this point in my life.
>shitty retail job while I finish university
>live with parents
>kissless handholdless
>fat ( but I'm slowly changing that at the moment)
My FOMO is creeping up again, and I'm worried my existence will be disappointing when I die.
>registration for classes next year
>dont realize that 3rd year chem classes fill up fast as fuck
>only get into one
>not sure if by last year of uni i'll have enough shit to get my degree
This shit has been stressing my out so much, im not sure if i fucked up ahrd or if ill be okay. Doesnt help when i have a tendency to over react to everything in my life
I supported trump t b h, but that was stupid. Don't wear a hat like that unless you're with friends who know or you're at a country club with old white dudes.
As far as your friends go, reiterate that you didn't hit this girl or that if you did, you only meant to shove her off and claim you personal space, that she was being rude and you told her to stop. Explain that you were at a drinking party and that everyone was emotional. If they won't give it up, you'll have to tell them that the ball's in their court so to speak and that if there's nothing you can say that will make them believe you, you'll have to cut ties or let them cool down.
Next time think ahead and be a bit more conscious of the social atmosphere.
thats the thing, i was with my friends and i had worn that hat so many times before. nobody had ever tried to start shit with me over it until last night until this random girl from some other school shows up and starts giving me endless shit
fit/ - Fitness
Images and discussion related to dieting, exercise, healthy living, and workout plans is welcome here.
Relationship, dating advice, and "mental health" threads belong on /adv/.
Ask the professor or your counselor. I've had to take 4 years of classes in 3.5 and I failed a class. They were able to get me everything I need through some overrides and 18/19 credit semesters. It could be tough, but it is doable.
>Be 14 year old Minecraft Nerd, Own server
>Bullied, teased, buttom tier degenerate
>4 years later, 18
>195 at 8 percent bodyfat
>Bodybuilder body at 5'11
>Lift twice a day
>Run two online business
>Going to be making 70k a year leaving high school in 2 months
>Try to be social whenever I can
>Cold approach on a daily occasion, always get a number.
I get blown the fuck out whenever I try to hit a girl up or something. I'm literally everything a Chad could fucking be. Then I see these skinny beta douchebags on social media getting with girls all the fucking time.
What the hell do I do /fit? I'm literally at the point of saying fuck it and going Monk mode for the next 10 years.
>Hardship and uncertainty characterize most of human history
>Yet time and time again greatness and achievement flourish all the while
>Now suddenly it's a massive burden for some shitposting Bernout that a rich white bogeyman won't buy him a degree in social media marketing and a prescription for xanax to keep his "anxiety" in check so he can sit the fuck still and get something done for once
Stop posting and start lurking high test threads until your balls drop, you fucking faggot.
Worst part of that story is how serious you are about not hitting a girl, and how your friends buy into that bullshit too.
The only reason girls do that shit is because people treat them like they have paper skin and glass bones, and in turn that makes them actually believe they have any worth in a fight. You should have told those cocksuckers white knighting that slag "talk shit get hit"
>Ask the professor or your counselor
I'll definitely try that, thx user. I still have like 5 months till the next semester starts, and people often drop classes so maybe there's hope
I'm a 20 year old virgin freshman. When I first got here there was a girl I loved a lot. She was socially awkward but not as socially awkward as me. Problem is at the time I was very unsettled and anxious when I got to uni. Now I've finally gained a decent amount of confidence but it's too late and she's found a boyfriend. I know the guy quite well and he doesn't really care about her, however doesn't have the stomach to end the relationship, whereas she loves him completely and is quite clingy to him. How do I work this situation to my advantage?
Or should I just give it up and move on to someone else? I feel angry at myself because she seems like my perfect girl and don't want to give up on her, but I also know it's unlikely I'll get with her and worrying about this is taking a toll.
same man
I want out, I used to be insanely outgoing and socialable in high school then as soon as I get into college I'm left with no friends, and no idea on how to make them. I hate being alone and It's making me hate myself more and more the more time I spend alone with myself
The Marines did good for me. A lot of opportunities to meet people and see the world. But it does have its down side at times.
You'll be fine user, good luck.
I'm beyond frustrated with myself.
I used to be a 310lb dyel. Last year I started dieting, and now I'm down to 250lbs. I plateaued so I decided to join the gym. I walk five miles a day (to and from gym), do 30 min of cardio and lift. I've been getting stronger and I'm almost at 1 plate but for some reason my body is really tired and I haven't been making much progress on the weight loss.
I'm worried I'm not eating enough so I was going to cut the cardio/lifting for a week (not the five mile walk) and see if I lose weight, then gradually add more food to my daily diet, start up lifting and cardio again and see if I can maintain that level of weight loss.
I'm very worried I'm not going to make it bros. I've gone so far.
Not that user, but going through university i realized that having a lot of friends and social life is just a meme for some people like me. It's not fun being alone, but honestly you get used to it as shitty as that sounds. But you can always join clubs and stuff based on your interests, thats a pretty good way to start meeting people
Fucking trump tards
god damn
I don't enjoy being alone and I don't think i'm going to get used to this. I'm bored all the time and that just leads to more depression and self-loathing. I feel like the time to meet people is over since I'm already almost done with my second year. I only leave my room to go to class, or to go sit alone in the cafeteria and eat. The only person I ever talk to is my roommate, and he's always gone. None of the clubs offered at my school interest me and I'm just afraid joining a club would mean me just existing in a room full of people who already know each other and are friends with me being the weird lonely outcast.
Aku is fucking based