Wait, is he right?
Have I been lifting all this time for nothing?
Wait, is he right?
Have I been lifting all this time for nothing?
Women care about your place in the male dominance hierarchy. Easiest way to get them to want you is to lie. Present yourself as better than you are. That's the basis of PUA.
If you have been lifting just for women then yes you have been lifting for nothing.
Not because of what he says, but because you should lift for yourself.
Lifting helps your social status
Not really.
I have an amazing gf of 4 years who was first attracted to me due to my body.
I have an average job and I'm not particularly high on any social ladders.
That said, she works in TV and has an inside view of the shallow side of money and society.
>become Veeky Forums
>post body pics on insta
>get thousands of likes aka social status
This isn't quantum physics.
>he finally learned
if you are still lifting for women you are a cuck
Your implying OP has met a real women outside of internet bimbos and hook up whores who care about social media and the Kardashians
> believing the bitter nu-males of /mu/ about what women want
friendly reminder pic related is the average /mu/tant
I would say he is right, but he fails to include that looks also translate to social status, think about it. If you saw two women, whom you didn't know, one was hot as fuck and the other was fat and ugly, who would you assume is more popular?
>le vektor face
>Veeky Forums
>people don't think youre a fucking freak right away and are okay talking to you.
>gain social status
Just like said.
mixed feels. i like fantango, I'm a well groomed non-white that could possibly pass for a white, /pol/ irl, don't watch porn, hate rap and niggers in general. so idk. also ghost sounds nice
>hates niggers
>Lifting for girls
Yes he's right. And yes, if you have been lifting for girls you have been wasting your time.
lmao that guy's friend thinks that spam accounts on facebook are actual females that wanna bang fuckin' owned.
>i like fantango
Yeah that's a weird guy to attack. Needle Drop is one of the best things out there for music and isn't tied to any genre or view in particular.
/pol/ in a nutshell
Yes, but looks are only valuable for the first impression so long as you aren't fucking disgusting. Lots of girls like objectively average men bexause they are popular. For a female example look at the girl from GoT
>weird guy to attack
Except he's one of the easiest internet celebrities to make fun of. I remember a few years ago when I browsed /mu/ they would constantly argue about if he had a power lifter build or just fat physique
You're thinking of Jason Blaha.
It's too soon mate. Please delete this. They're not ready yet.
woman care about evolutionary advantageous traits that ensure the biggest chances of their offspring making it
yeah social status is a big factor in that
physical fitness too; strength and fitness are indications of good protection capabilities
smarts and personality also play a part; wits and a competitive mindset are also likely to ensure good offspring and care
anyone claiming something as complex as sexual selection is a one factor thing is just looking for (you)'s so he can congratulate himself on being this smart cool dood who has this little thang called SECKS figured out