The Muslim guy on the left
Is this achievable natty
Yeah man, there aren't any physical requirements to convert to Islam, what kind of question is this
Redpill me on Islam
what about mutilating your dick
needs to have a beard
i don't know why you would want that kind of bicep to forearm size ratio. it looks ridiculous. also, don't post muslim people on this board, or anywhere.
they're infiltrating western countries through our misguided compassion and in 2 or 3 decades our entire way of life will be in peril. along the way there will be much bloodshed. most people alive now are complacent and think the idea of mass violence and horror are laughable and do not understand it as a real thing, or a possibility. you all will understand in your lifetime. much death and mutilation is at hand.
>our entire way of life will be in peril
The new generation of Muslims will assimilate before that happens. Only the older generation is dangerous.
Martyn has been roiding for time.
Kebab was deadlifting 140 for few reps lat year.
No doubt he is supplementing his income
One guy at the gym might be close to his level, but not that big. I don't think hes natty nor achievable natty.
Just take a look at the arm/head ration. His arms are wider than the distance between it's fucking ears
what the fuck that's that cringey you tuber "prankster". HE clearly hopped on gear these past few months, so obvious
4 months ago he was pretty skinny too
You don't need drugs to be a lying piece of shit but yeah they do make it easier
False most terriosts are 2nd or 3 rd generation immigrants.
The both of them are complete tools. Idk why people on youtube condone this shit yet they're still popular as fuck.
they'll assimilate? they'll assimilate from what to what?
what i'm getting at is that the religion is not new, them being in our society is not new. there is nothing to assimilate from. their religion is not compatible with western culture. shariah law is not radical to them. shariah law is just their law, their end goal. and it directly shits on western law and order. this passive attitude towards our future is what will ruin my society. i enjoy peace, i enjoy my cities and people as much as i can. i do not want to see the world plunge into chaos. this can all seem tinfoil hat to you, but i'm sure people have felt this way for decades at a time between massive wars.
The heroin addict on the left? He looked like shit half a year ago.
Someone make a joke about them both being bald and beta
>this is what stormcucks actually believe
The only reason that "islamic terrorists" exist today is because they're marginalised by your bigotry. The more white people start acting out against them the more white people are signing their own death warrants. Inshallah.
/fit is a board for white people only
No mudshit, spics or niggers, and if you guys give exceptions to chinks and gooks you deserve redpilled white girls to leave you
Asian girls are pan faced gooks stop worshipping those sluts
why are huge jacked men always fuccbois?
guys that get their eyebrows done look so weird to me.
Do girls like that look?
Post your body,
I'm genuinely curious as to what race austists look like
Im a average regular white girl, 5'2, 135, im not posting my curves for some thirst lord, the fact that i have big green eyes already means im more attractive than most slant eyed chinks, why does this question even need to be asked
What compels you to shitpost?
sex me, red pill lady
Fuck off back to /pol/ austistic Conservashits
What compels you to be a gook loving cuck?
Thank god i don't have to see pictures of these stupid bitches on /pol
You have just outed yourself as to clearly never going on /pol/
you must new to not know /pol doesn't approve of the race mixing degeneracy u see here, and i report every thread with pics of asian whores, once on my phone and once with my wifi
stop falseflagging faggot, everyone knows /pol/ loves asians because the jew fears the samurai
>don't insult Islam guys, otherwise the totally levelheaded and normal people that subscribe to islam will blow up your house
Glad I'm full fedora
Religious cunts are all loony
They don't assimilate, they're coming in too large of numbers
Sure bud all the Muslims with families and comfy lives in the west are gonna suddenly activate like battlebots and take over.
Source for that?
Yeah in Europe because your politicians are so leftist its insane
Actually, that scenario is very realistic. Muslims dont really have to resort to violence to get their way anymore. Through systematic replacement, just looking at fertility rates alone, they dont have to commit a single conventional terror attack in order to destroy our collective western values and ideals. Even in western nations, the countries in which you'd expect muslims would be liberal and secular, muslims still hold radical beliefs. 1 in 4 young american muslims believe suicide bombings are sometimes or often justified. 2 out of 3 muslims, globally, believe sharia law takes precedence when it conflicts with national legislature. The enlightened few dont want this in the western world.
Why would you want them to assimilate? They ruin the natural aesthetics of white western cultures.
If he truly is muslim then yes he is natural. Drugs use are punished by stoning to death in muslim world.
With the amount of closet homosexuality and underrage male prostitution in the muslim world I think it's safe to say that less than 1% of self-identified muslims adhere to islam.
this pic makes me want to quit lifting more than an omar isuf video
a lot of arab women are thicc and ridiculously hot. they also laser away all of their hair so they end up with less body hair than white women who might grudgingly shave their legs once a week
How do you actually get this out of proportion?
is that the highest biceps:wrist ratio in history?
haha, yes, yes they will, user
get off /pol/ and get some sun man lmao
Veeky Forums is a place for homosexual men of all races to get together and bond in friendship and lifting
Veeky Forums is a board for men who want to look like girls (trap routine) and guys who want to get fit to hookup with men who want to look like girls
No, his body fat is like 10 percent and it's just about impossible to maintain that natty.
wow this is some next level retardation. he isnt natty but u can definitely maintain 10% bf lmfao
>he rps as a short girl
No amount of natural training will make you look enhanced
>mfw i see this picture and remember bradly says he is 6,4
Can a person get down to 10% body fat and maintain it natty? Yeah but it's gonna take 100% concentration and a lifestyle that maybe 1% of the population can maintain. Most normal dudes are gonna get to like 12% and I think you are vastly underestimating the difference between 10% and 12%. Starting at 10% your body will slow test production.
> wanting to look like a Muslim
> why not just explode in a public place?
Americans are prepared for that one already.
Do you know any actual muslims?
Hindu here. 3rd gen brit indian.
They fucking hate white people with a passion. Almost as much as they hate us. Don't be fooled.
Don't for a moment forget that if the call went out, your muslim 'friends' would fucking drop you... Off the top of a 10 storey building.
you'll be safe pajeet I put in the word to only bomb the loos
10xf Allah akbars
Are they marginalised by biggotry in Muslim countries as well where they are all killing eachother, raping women, killing gays?
Ever heard of drones? The US military?
Stupid kuffar.
It's the drones beating gays to death and throwing them off buildings? It's the drones stoning women to death for stupid shit? Do they also have rape drones?
Nope that's where the US military comes in.