How do you even cut?

>Want to be 12%

How do I:
1. Get to 12%
2. How long will it take?
3. What sort of routine should I do with this?
4. Minimize atrophy.
5. Be able to get drunk on 1 day of the week because it's poker night.

Please help.

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Read the sticky thanks

>be able to get drunk
You are weak and you will not achieve your goals. You fucking lazy fat sack of shit.

i have legit identical stats to you. I'm now 210, and prlly 14%ish. cut hard and lift hard.

Get enough protein, count your calories, time depends on how much you cut calories, light cardio and any weightlifting routine should do just google that shit.

What do you guys use to count your calories?

I barely eat and I lift and it seems like it's impossible for me to lose weight.

Lift for a few weeks straight and I get tired and sore as fuck in the joints.

It's like my body is fighting losing weight or some shit.

Lifting isn't the way to drop weight, cardio is better. Mix of both is best

What sort of cardio should I be doing?

(I do none.)

The more movement in general the better. Running, swimming, rowing, or even sports work fine. Check that heart rate and make sure you're working.

You know after seeing the Veeky Forums survey, chances are you're a dyel who thinks 1/2/3/4 requires you to give up your life.

don't drink after lifting. wait like 6-8 hours.

alcohol inhibits protein synthesis.

good luck


The Correct answer is Jumprope
1 minute on, one minute off
took me from 220 to 179. I'm 6'1

ya welcome

also, do it for 60 minutes total (30 minutes of cardio, 30 for resting)

> 1 minute on 1 minute off
How long total?

Oh whoops thanks senpai

yw, these guys helped me out

6'3, 205 ~17% bf
The leanest I ever was must've been 15%, maybe slightly less, after 6 month of running 1 hour everyday and cutting.
I was 20% 2 month ago, started cutting but this time added Intermittent Fasting, dropped 3 % bf although I spent 2 weeks in bed and 6 weeks without working out due to a lumbago.
IF seems to work pretty well, and I just started fasted HIIT, so I'm expecting more results.
You should give it a try, especially if you're older than 25.
Alcohol for dieting: dry reds, vodka, some beers(the disgusting ones)

What do you mean 1 minute on and 1 minute off with jumprope?

Just completely stop for 1 min or slow down or what?
I've heard you always want to keep moving when doing cardio

Not him but I'd imagine stop jumproping and slowly walk/catch your breath

HIIT routines alternate rest and movement, 1:1 ratio for beginners, 1:2 for advanced.
Given the intensity of jumproping, you're closer to HIIT than regular cardio, unless you have a boxer's stamina, in which case you probably wouldn't be browsing Veeky Forums

do you have any good HIIT routine pls

6'5, 265lbs here

>heavily modified SS with assistances
>2x cardio days (25min fast walking + KB swings/squats/single leg dl 4x15 + ab circuits)
>eating at 2500kcal
>on saturday I eat about 3500kcal

cut is going great
strength is going up, when stalling move to 1x5 + 3x3 + heavy singles otherwise 3x5 or 5x5 is taxing as fuck when cutting