Classic Veeky Forums blunders
>Doing Starting Strength and ending up T-Rex mode
>Snapping your shit up from bad form deadlifts
>Taking creatine and having your hair get thinner
More please
Classic Veeky Forums blunders
>Doing Starting Strength and ending up T-Rex mode
>Snapping your shit up from bad form deadlifts
>Taking creatine and having your hair get thinner
More please
>wearing basketball shorts to the gym
Lifting to get 'the girl' and she ends up fucking a skinny hipster
>shitposting here daily without actually lifting
>lifting for women but slowly turning into a bitter Eliott because girls don't suddenly throw themselves at you after you've fucked around in the gym for half a year
>lifting as a natty
Man I wasted so much time.
>training natty
Got something against sips?
>cardio kills gains
>you should train strength before you train hypertrophy
>Sucking dick in the showers for extra protons
>lifting weights equals gf
>you just need confidence bro!
>have you just tried not being depressed?
expensive and worthless
they taste fine but so does soda
>Doing Starting Strength and ending up T-Rex mode
Didn't happen to me cause I alternated barbell curls curls and skullcrushers and included chinups (later weighted chinups), as advised in the book, from the get go. I highly suggest everyone who wants to do SS and not end up bottom heavy do the same.
Also, once you start stalling on your deadlift or squat, switch the squat on the day you deadlift with a 80% deloaded squat 2x5 or do front squats with less weight.
get this cultural appropriation out of my sight
So, so much this.
Do you keep your gains if you stop taking the drugs? Why does every exposed athlete end up looking like shit afterward? Consequently do you have to take the drugs for a lifetime?
Not against it. Just wondering honestly.
>not doing SS
>remaining dyel mode
t Rex mode happens because SS is extremely effective for lower bod for beginners, while ppl/split are mediocre in a balanced way.
But w/e senpai, keep doing a billion auxiliary exercises and never raising your weights
Would you guys stop lifting if you notice your hair is receding ?
I always thought i would have killed myself by the time i started to go bald but here i am a better man 4 days a week in the gym.
now im losing my hair and dont know what to do
>Would you guys stop lifting if you notice your hair is receding ?
Depends on your goals and methods. If you stop you will lose muscle that was acquired beyond your natural capability.
In my case I take ligandrol to get to my natty limit asap, not necessarily to stay above it, is if I lose some muscle after the cycle that is fine with me as long as it is better than it was before.
With athletes they go beyond the limit and so it seems like they lose a lot when off cycle, when they are probably still stronger and more fit that 99.9% of population.
Let it go, bro. It happens to men.
Gains leave when vitamin T dries up. Long term steroid use can turn in to a lifetime sentence from killing natural production.
Would you go full on chemo mode or just buzz cut?
>weighted dips
>eating bread
>nonsipper detected
>doing cardio
Is cardio worthless?
i row 2km after workout every day for some reason
i just started doing that once and never stopped,
am i getting memed?
Say goodbye to your gains.
who dat fluid druid
God fucking damn it
Whatever looks good on you. I like to reduce it to stubble because it's not as jarring to look at and women like to touch it. Full chemo takes maintenance and causes dandruff, but the guys that pull it off can be kinda badass.
don't listen to that retard, cardio is good for you. You don't necessarily need to do it every day but if you like it then sure keep it up, just make sure you're eating more to cover the lost calories