Hey Veeky Forums I'm from an Italian family and my mother gets super offended when I refuse to eat her pasta and bread dishes. What can I do?
Italian Heritage
Kill yourself for being an italian manlet
You betta eta her pasta joey!
tell her ta makea da gabagool
stop being a little bitch and eat the carbs so you can get some actual gains?
also io voglio scopare la tua sorella
I'm 6'4
Still italian. End your life
Hide it all in your mouth then discreetly go to the bathroom and flush it down the toilet
Better than your shitty country
Fuck you
That would only be possible if I were dutch, and brother I ain't wearing wooden fucking shoes.
accumulate more added work in your training regimen to afford the extra calories
Star tracking macros more diligently to afford yourself to eat enough pasta/bread so as not to offend your mother while not necessarily going over your TDEE
Alternatively: kill your mother, and eat her corpse to gain her powers
Tell her carbs give you headaches or whatever.
just ask her to make some broccoli rabe and clams or sausage instead. tell her you've got celiac disease and can't eat gluten or something. you can't not eat an italian woman's cooking, but you can steer her in the right direction with choice words. whenever she gives you bread be like
>mannaggia la miseria *goofy italian hand gesture*
Does she cook pasta everyday?
If its just ocasionally make the rest of your meals very low carb and you are set.
What is your goal OP? I don't see how exactly pasta can be bad in some way.
>he's italian
Unless you're a Northerner, I wonder how it feels to be an arabic rape-baby manlet.
Just perma bulk and get yourself a gold chain and a thicc Sicilian woman.
Have her whacked.
Your uncle Antonio will probably do it on the cheap. No not her brother tony, the other uncle Antonio, Nino.
Just try to explain her. Since I moved out it's way easier for me but when I was still at home my familiy was supportive.
Pretty good, it's nice to insult people into sicilian dialect.
But in Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns.
It's just a butthurt /pol/tard. Cry moar about being on the wrong side of populism.
I follow the example of the rider who wishes to become an expert horseman, none of your soft-mouthed, docile animals for me. The horse for me to own must show some spirit: in the belief, no doubt, if he can manage such an animal, it will be easy enough to deal with every other horse besides. And that is just my case. I wish to deal with human beings, to associate with man in general; hence my choice of wife. I know full well, if I can tolerate her spirit, I can with ease attach myself to every human being else.
>tell her you've got celiac disease
Are you trying to kill his mother?
Remind her that the most Italian man to ever live was ricepilled.
Kek vult, kill the mother by shame.
Also, this.
He is on some good shit right here.
Just gotta burn those extra calories, old Irish moms are the same way when it comes to cooking... and everything they make is fucking carbs.
I went to Italy last year June for a month. I must say the people were quite swarthy ,even the northern ones. Why is this?
Start cooking. Fellow italian here. My grandpa earned a lot of respect for me when I started cooking and let me do some of the dinners. It'll be a way to compromise with her while picking up some responsibility if you still live at home.
Trust me dude I know the struggle
>be on second serving
>not even half done
>Grandpa already telling me to eat some more and dumping more on my plate
>papi why
Why are nigger black?
Because of evolution.
What's wrong with pasta? It contains a shitload of protein.
>tfw italian living in the netherlands
Here's your answer.
Lel op is asking a simple question and you're being antagonistic af
Unironic manlet detected
Northern ones really aren't, atleast not the ones from Milano/Turin, fwb is from there, and she's as white as me and I'm a nordcuck
Eat her pasta and bread dishes. Do a little more cardio.
I'd eat her pasta if you catch my drift
Fuck you, there's nothing wrong with being Dutch.
I thought u were gonna start doin some grime there
>not eating your mother's pasta
You have to give up your Italian card. Or tell her to make some risotto.
This guy's dutch.
That swarthiness is the reason Italians are considered the most attractive Europeans
>excuse me sirs but I know of one person who is very pale like myself and is from Northern Italy
Italian American here. How do I look whiter? I know hispanics that have lighter skin, so it is difficult to convince qts that I'm white
I'm Italian and a little bit of German and I'm 6 foot must a got the good genes
You don't have it nearly as bad as I do
>tfw Cajun
>tfw have to turn down the best food in the country
>italian manlet
Lol i'm 6 ft 7
Citation needed
Every white person I know thinks I have Hispanic in me. I contribute it to the factor that I Hang around A lot of Mexicans and am always in the sun cause Florida
Why would you not eat pasta for fuck's sake?
>tfw American retards can't differentiate heritage and culture
How the fuck can people mistake you as hispanic? Jesus even Southern Italians aren't even that brown wtf
I'd argue there is a notable difference in facial features even if some southerns are can be pretty swarthy.
t. Sicilian