Let's get a thread on the messiah of Veeky Forums
>the messiah of Veeky Forums
If you look up to someone who is famous for little more than being on roids, fucking thots at music festivals and dying at a young age, you're a fucking idiot.
You gonna make it we all gonna make it
No Cardio, how'd that work out for you Zyzz?
It's easy to look at Zyzz that way but he had a simple message of self improvement through fitness.
You're a sik cunt if you wanna be. Not a sad cunt.
That's actually pretty powerful and considering all the bucket of crabs crap on and negativity at times on Veeky Forums & in life in general pretty powerful.
>not mentioning steroids
fuck off
that dog shitting on his grave
hes dead
>mindset of a guy who was leeching off daddy
I can never get over how fucken good his pec insertions are
some of it is just genetics
I met chestbrah yesterday, cool guy was weird as fuck seeing him in person.