Should I get GYMANO power rack?
It seems like a good deal for only 230 $
Should I get GYMANO power rack?
How tall is it?
I have a similar cheap branded rack and it's sturdy enough. Well worth the cash I think.
237 cm
any rack will be good until serious serious serious serious serious weight approched and you dont throw weights of you just lower them to safeties
oly lifters use standard racks like this so nigger please it will b guud until you want to move like 300kg without spot
good barbell is way more important than good rack
height of it doesnt matter as I see that you can take pins to outside and do shit like ohp there
Btw I can pay only 50 $ and get this
>*only more
you can pay only 200$ more again and get hammer strenght
Yeah it does matter for pull-ups on the pull-up bar.
Having the ability to deadhang makes pull-ups better.
lmao just fucking bend your legs you dumb shit, im 6'3 so I bend legs anywhere i want to pullup kys desu
Are you 5'5? You can't do dead hang pull-ups if you have standart ceiling height
This looks much weaker and why the Fuck are the safety bars at the top like that. I would not buy this one.
in case you are oly lifter and you want to practise overloaded overhead squat like we all here lmao
What's the weight limits?
Is the weight limit under or over your overall goals. For example if your goal is to squat 300lbs you'd want something that can hold over 300lbs. Also look up some reviews.
Calm down lank
Maybe not in your country.
Mine has high ceilings.
And are a manlet
t. never done a muscle up and never will.
okkay big guy
>Saving thumbnails
I just walked down to my local gym and bought the whole place - but then again, I'm not poor like you, so...
If it's a Chinese made one (gymano os bound to be) go cheap as possible. The difference is in post manufacture non-destructive testing when compared to quality brand stuff, there guarantee that the rack will be solid in so many years or could really handle what they list as the max.
For your own use it'll probably be good for a few years, but when it starts falling apart and getting old just throw it in the trash.
Also I can get this for 340$
Probably looks full size from his perspective.
>not getting yourself hammer strenght, rogue or matrix for your home gym
matrix magnum is cheapest of them beacuse you cannot switch safties to the rope ones
I don't have a lot of knowledge when it comes to gym so equipment, so can you explain how can power rack fall apart? The whole construction looks very simple, I guess the only moment here Is quality of the steel, since welding seems to be the same quality on all racks
rogue is decent equipment, but overpriced for the crossfit crowd. Elitefts has lower prices with the same stuff, and while they aren't as innovative, York products last pretty much forever.
>not making your own rack
Lmao at this 'safety bars'
What you should find is it start to warp and crack in certain places, also you can find a lot corrosion occuring where the metal is going to crack in advance of it happening. For the most part it's common sense, if it starts to fall apart and get old don't expect it not to break. If any of the hollow sections start buckling or look crushed also don't use.
So metal cracks or signs of buckling = throw away.
You may find as you get to weights where they claim the max load is it'll do those things. If you get to that point I would suggest buying a higher quality frame rather than another Chinese one.
>le homemade guillotine meme
>doing OHP in a cage
Lmaoing at your life
despite all your rage, i'm still gonna OHP in a cage
Titan t3. 410 on Amazon free shipping. Its a rogue r3 replica so all accessories for rogues infinity racks will fit it
> tfw when 6'3
>live in a concert box
>can touch the ceiling when standing with raised arms
S-s-seated ohp press is much better, right?
Elitefts has great equipment for decent prices
Nigger everything on elitefts is ten times the price for most shit. I couldn't believe it. Outside of racks you must be rich to buy elitefts