ITT: post your face gains
Face Gains
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how this happen
you became white?
man i feel bad for indians
whatever they do they just NEVER look good
the fuck
Plastic surgery and skin lightening creams.
>they just NEVER look good
guy on the right is extremely attractive
you are delusional
this is not the same guy
please don't tell me it's this easy to chump you faggots
Indians are so ugly it's SAD!
except it is
look up tsh123456789 on
uncomfortable truths thread:
a good looking light brown guy > a good looking white guy
tru that
Pic not related. His girly eyes and chimp hairline only make him a good gay model.
look up Toni Mahfud
then feel bad about yourself
OP image is a good looking brown guy though, not yours
t. gay
Laughable. If this were true, the highest paid models would be brown guys with brown eyes as opposed to white guys with blue eyes.
Neither of those things.
he only looks great in that pic tho, someone posted some of him a while back
Ah yes the classic genetic swap that happens when you lose weight
ur dumb
puberty turned me into a james bond villain
>poo in Loo on the left
>poo in Loo on the right.
still looks better than you, nordicuck
it litally is he posted his entire looksmaxxing progress on lookism you copecel
NOTHING beats a good looking North Atlantid with a slight tan and perfect colouring from beta carotene and astaxanthin
y-yeah bro... atlantid master r-r-ra-r-r-rac--race!!
yeah from a video game not a movie
Why do people want to push this dumb agenda that it's impossible to be attractive with dark skin. Christ yall are being babies right now. It's possible to be attractive with white skin, its possible to be attractive with dark skin.
Because of /pol/.
gandy is british
sooner or later they step outside and realize how stupid they were to be racist. (at least that's what happened to me, never been happier)
I mean op is handsome but this guys just looks like a bitch
come on.
christ dude i'd fuck you no homers
chin gainz on point my friend
>please ignore the fact that 99% of models are either white or nonwhites with unusually pale skin
uhh looks like he lost weight
put his hair up
shaved the sides
both of those create the illusion of lengthening the face.
grew some stubble
Zidane is french
your point?
>please ignore the fact that models usually come from places that modern and industrialized
> that chin
breh i would just kms
How do I look?
Isn't the Mr Universe and Indian guy
you look good man, just rework that hairstyle a bit.
You look exactly the same you just got a haircut, way to go
Thanks mang. I actually got a haircut, but the only picture I've taken with it I look like a tool.
shoo shoo
Daayyymm user ur looking like Channing Tatum now! Keep lifting bro you look handsome af :)
I can't tell if you're trolling or not.
But if the event that you're serious, thank you mango
I'm not trolling user, enjoy the small confidence boost stud
that's definitely me on the left.
I actually lift though.
you ever use that chin as a dildo b4
Highest paid are naturally tanned whites with brown hair you retard, not pale nordic subhumans
There are North Atlantids in Britain nigger
jesus fucking christ you guys talk about this bullshit more than teenage girls
Get better hair tho
>tfw hitting 30s and on test
>look like a dyke and get id'd
i think my source is bamboozling me.
The before is from June 16.. And my after is from Dec 16. I was on a keto diet/eating less and gyming. Now I'm gyming a lot more but not that great of a diet :(
No, I'm from USA.
dont cry, its going to be okay :(
I know this is b8, but lmao you fucking wish.
Maybe he meant you look a little like London Keys, the pornstar... least in the first pic.
not me
Take a tiny trip to LONDON maybe?
Adie made some pretty good face gains
Ugh i want to fug you
except this indian guy at my school was chad and he fucked every qt white grill. fuck him
because this board is 90% insecure whitebois
what ethnicity are you?
Went from a 2/10 to a 4/10, sometimes what hides underneath should remain undiscovered
>/pol/ is the reason people have been racist for thousands of years.
/pol/ is very powerful
why many guys after have bulked and cutted have a much better jawline? he could have had the face of the right just by cutting fat and entering in skeleton mode or it is some kind of shit for the higher test and muscles?
ok I posted the wrong picture tho
>looks better
It's a shame he's fat and doesn't lift now.
You need a better haircut and to stop looking like you're about to cry.
go away beetus manlet
Yes and he has a North Atlantid phenotype just like a lot of other Brits, what's your point?
Are you me?
>was a skinnyfat /pol/tard with no social life for most of my late teens
>fell for the "le race war" meme and unironically start lifting for it
>social life improves partially because I get Veeky Forums, actually interact with people in real life and not just on a tanzanian scoop collecting forum
>realise how autistic and far removed from reality all of the /pol/ shit is and realise how much having that outlook on life ruined me while I was a part of it
>realise that self improvement is miles more important than politics, especially in the sense of improving your appearance/health, financial status, social status and relationships
>probably some sort of libertarian right now but really don't care about politics anymore
please be in London
nice face gains
If only there was a surgery to fix that hair...
How did they fix his chin?
You look like an Elliot Rodgers waiting to happen.
by lifting and mewing bro :)
jk he had jaw surgery
you're not alone. ever since quitting /pol/ my mental health has improved ten fold
>apple watch
>that hand sign
hopefully you die soon
dude you look pretty pathetic with those contacts on
It's a fitbit friendo :^)
>poo eyes trying to copy blue/green eyes
Jesus, there's surgery to fix some things sure. But to make yourself an entirely new person - im not sure anyone should do that regardless of how ugly they are.