Would you ever date a pornstar?
Would you ever date a pornstar?
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Yes. A pornstar is less likely to have STD's than the average millennial woman, because pornstars are required to get tested often. Plus average women take just as many dicks as pornstars these days, maybe not quite as much but it's close.
Yeah they seem pretty chill
But let's be honest it ain't happening
>Plus average women take just as many dicks as pornstars these days, maybe not quite as much but it's close
almost had me going
yes because maybe then i can finally get a good bj. i swear that no woman knows how to suck a dick and i'm very close to letting my gay friend show me how a dick should be sucked which were literally his words when i told him this
Still on the bluepill I see. Well let me enlighten you: Yes, the average 23 year old woman today has been in contact with upwards of 50 penises. How could it possibly be that high, you ask? Blowjobs and handjobs with strangers at bars and parties.
>amazing technique
>best blowjob you'll ever get
>guaranteed nice ass and body
yes I would "date" as long as she didnt fuck niggers. Just don't get attached and fuck as much as you can and act like a friend when you're not fucking. Watch behind the scenes, they all stay naked the whole time when the camera is not rolling and act like cutesy and touchy with the guys, sometimes stroking them for an hour before they're ready to film to not lose the erection, even the camera man touches them. I wouldn't want a gf doing that. I'm thinking alexis texas btw
>tfw Ariel Rebel and I used to have a mutual friend back she wasn't really known, and I met her a few times
>she almost came to sleep at my place once, but I blew it due to autismo
>one of the biggest regret in my life tbph
No nigger fuckers. Fucking niggers is what gave Mia Khalifa aids
>would you ever date a girl who fucks men for money
>would you ever fuck a girl who fucks men for money
>would you ever fuck a girl who fucks men for money
You're still bluepilled about it and that's alright, but there is literally nothing wrong with prostitutes and it's much less awkward than you think. I pay 150$ to bang a new girl each month and my mood has been 10x better eversince I began that, after having enough of a 10 months dryspell
Poor little white boy
Go for it. A tranny gave me a great bj.
Yea sure. who cares really. as long as your comfy with yourself and aesthetic then you'll both have a good time.
Are you in the United States? Could you seriously please give any advice on how to hire prostitutes? Obviously backpage is where you find them , but any good websites to verify it's not a sting operation etc?
yeah you keep telling yourself that bud lmfaooo
just hire escorts, they're basically high class prostitutes that won't get you in trouble.
if you are really worried just film your sex and if the police bust you just say you were making a porno and tada it's no longer a crime.
You realize that pornstars have sex because it's their job, right? What makes you think they aren't hoes in their romantic life?
>You realize that pornstars have sex because it's their job, right?
And mercenaries kill people because it's there job. but it's not like they are killers, it's just their job.
>if you are really worried just film your sex and if the police bust you just say you were making a porno and tada it's no longer a crime.
You have to go through a rigorous process of registration and authentication and proper government forms to in order to film sex as an industry official you fucking retard. You can't just put a camera in any encounter and call it porn.
Is Anri the GOAT?
No I'm actually in Montreal Canada where escort agency are legal. You order them like a pizza.
You could checkout internationalsexguide and find out reviews of girls in your area (implying you live in a big city)
>You can't just put a camera in any encounter and call it porn.
My 350 gigabytes of amateurs says otherwise
Those aren't for fucking sale you fucking retard, and if they were then they passed all the necessary government papers and authentication, they just aren't signed onto a big time porn producer as a regular actor which is why they describe themselves as "amateur"
None of the "amateur" porn you watch is actually "amateur," just in case that wasn't clear.
someone sure has a big bureaucratic stick up their ass when it comes to porno.
>I'm afraid you can't jack off to that sir it hasn't passed all our rules and regulations so their fore it isn't real porn.
it's illegal here in Ontario as far as I know. Maybe i'll make a trip down to quebec and spend a weekend having sex with those ladies.
>and if they were then they passed all the necessary government papers and authentication,
this gave me a great idea, I could work at the department of porno and black mail all the eager young porn girls to blow me.
Yes, at least the regular ones from known porn brands. They know pretty well how to fuck and suck dick.
Would I marry one? Ofcourse not.
Chloe vevier
According to the internet, 'Selling sex is legal, but buying it is a criminal offense.' so you're taking a risk every-time you order one, bud.
Oh believe me it's legal in ontario.
Register on terb.cc if you live in Toronto, or else google your city + escort agency
No, I wouldn't want my parents to know I'm dating a fucking porn star.
>Ahaha blue pill fag, i am superior because i pay $150 per month for what can easily be obtained for free at a bar
>you're taking a risk every-time you order one, bud
Only massage parlors and brothels get busted. I can assure you I know the business and have never heard of a legit escort agency getting busted.
Cops, politicians, and people use their services afterall... no way they would bust em (unless one employs minors or something)
You think they'd have easily accessible website if it was illegal? That would be like somebody selling weed on craigslist, nobody is that stupid
Quads confirm
Anri is the GOAT
I would date anyone with personality that is compatible to mine an dis feminine enough [spoiler]yes, even someone with a feminine dick if everything else check out. [/spoiler]. I'm not a special little snowflake but mainstream is fucked atm and "spiritual" people are either depressed or take things too seriously, I just want to chill and have fun do whatever the fuck i want and have another person do the same and for us to understand and appreciate the place we are coming from.
I wouldn't date one but I would stick my dick in them.
"Feminine dick" is an oxymoron you homo
Your all fucking degenerates not even in the good way fucking cucks, you'd probably watch as a damn nigger plows your wife from behind and raise the bastard child of the sandjockey who raped your daughter as your own teaching him how he's so oppressed and deserves all the love in the world...it's beta males like you who ensure the white master races are dying out, there used to be a time when a man was obliged to kill another for even seeing his lover nude and now your willing to let random men fuck her and monotize it to the world...hell you might as well just sell her off as a sex slave to the spics so they can imogregnate her before sending you the bill
Bro believe me if I could just go to a random club and easily bring home a 8/10 19 y-o babe, I wouldn't use escorts.
Obviously if you're successful with hot young ladies you don't need to pay whores
When's the last time you tried? Anyone who is fit should be able to in a bar or club where they are half-drunk.
These are fucking words of wisdom good day sir
looks like someone is angry that they got cucked by the big mouse dick.
>You think they'd have easily accessible website if it was illegal?
I mean, I live in Los Angeles where it is illegal, and there are hella agency web sites. That means nothing.
just film it when you have sex
>what can easily be obtained for free at a bar
that's where you're wrong kiddo
Nowadays the only difference between a pornstar and a a 'normal' young women is that one is getting paid for her services.
Quick story rundown for you Veeky Forums:
>had gf with tiddies like that
>due to self esteem issues she got them reduced
>I couldn't get boner to stretched pepperoni nips with a zip
>causes her more self esteem issues
>Her issues are leading to crazy town so we breakup
>causes her more self esteem issues
>here we are in 2016, a year and a half later
>she's posting she got implants to "feel more like a woman"
>every other post is about her struggles with self esteem issues
Titcows, not even once.
>Selling sex is legal, but buying it is a criminal offense
Canada is the biggest piece of shit country on the map
Veeky Forums is so gay, man.
wait why is it a mouse?
is this a Mickey or Disney thing?
yeah, Canada is a piece of shit. Just fucking legalize it and stop being shitlords.
Or maybe fully criminalize it. Why leave it in this retarded limbo where only Johns can get persecuted and all the prostitutes get off scott free
no more half-measures, basically. Pick a stance on prostitution.
>the average 23 year old woman today has been in contact with upwards of 50 penises
WTF? Citition pls?
I'm sure she didn't
>Girls don't really like fucking blacks, r-right?
Yes, why leave it in a half legal state? In what other industry are the buyers criminals but the sellers arent?
I would fuck one, but not date them.
That is such a bizarre stance. Wtf did they think they were achieving drafting those laws. Just fucking decide.
Sluts rule this world, first you let women vote then you let them out in their own next thing you know they're getting stolen away by niggers and losing their virginity at age 4 to beaners, if we keep at it everyone will be in the service of the dunecoons and curry munchers as Sex slaves while the men are forced to sit back and watch the degeneracy of women...women are like puppies perfectly good to own as a pet and raise as a responsible loyal friend till your death or you can let them roam wild where they'll become savage mongrels and tear apart any other little puppies who don't fit in to appease themselves...I'm waiting for someone to continue this anomigy and make it screwed up so don't disappoint me
Why is this cuckoldry so common on Veeky Forums lately?
Is this some butthurt nigger? Or some white cuck?
The reason is simple, most prostitutes are women, feminists/men in power view women as needing protection and greater economic advantages and so its legal for women to make money that way because there sting and independent , but men are still pigs/predators for paying for it.
Cuckhokds aren't people and neither are women who are willing to betray their race and history by having a mutt child, you don't see black women being hounded to be screwed by white men or told that the superior whites are gonna appease them but now our women are being convinced it's not only ok but better to let yourself be taken in by a nigger and help end the glory of European dominiation
top kek of the day
/pol/ has completely taken over Veeky Forums.
Welcome to the interspecies breeding forest!
Same experience here t-thanks Veeky Forums
You mad, bro?
Idk about average, but as a robot who has slowly been slipping in to some more popular circles I've gotten to talk to more people from these groups. Girls are having 4-somes, sleeping around with multiple guus at once. He's really not exaggerating.
Why are 99% of these captions so awful? It's not even just the cuck ones, the wincest ones are terrible too. And really any other caption porn I've seen.
Don't worry bro your Cinderella virgin is out there somewhere. Probably sucking Chads dick and then doing anal because it doesn't count XD
I've dated a few strippers. They all have massive confidence issues and are hot. So the answer is obviously yes. Never gotten really attached which is key.
I imagine pornstars are similar in some aspects so yeah probably
>average women
Oh my god dude take a break from Veeky Forums and step outside
Always written by some basement shut in with no fucking clue but has twisted their fetish to neck beard levels. Fucking sad really, reading them kills whatever is good about the image.
lonely mans thoughts inc. linked the study.
did it ever occur to you faggots that you will find a decent girl at shit like volounteer work, soup kitchen or homeless shelter instead of a slut bar or a mall or some shit.
seriously people, i mean... what the fuck? does it really take above average intelect to realize you will most likely meet a slut in a slut bar?
I did a few years ago. The sex was just ok and the girl was completely nuts.
Dating a pornstar it's only useful if the idea turns you on, but they are all emotional wrecks.
You guys may shit on pornstars but quite a few of them are so chill to hang out with. I.. Probably won't go out with one cause I'm a beta who still cares about how others view me but yea they're pretty cool to be around.
That's not always true man. I did some volunteer work for 3 summers in a row and quite a few of the chick's there were "sluts". Fondest memory was me and my friend tag teaming this girl. She was straight up nuts. Some guy picked her up one day and he was apparently her bf. Fucking insane, I suppose it depends on who you surround yourself with. Just have be able to judge someone's character and hope you're right about them.
yeah I mean we can't generalize but you'll probably find a better decent girl somewhere not promiscous (spelling) than at some rave party.
I don't remember last time I laid out that much cash for a girl. Never had to pay for their dates/stuff/gifts/etc
You are paying $1800 a year just to have sex with somebody. Yup. Totally blue pilled. And don't say that you have to spend money on regular girls, because you don't. I just invite a girl over to my place and fuck her there. Completely free.
Just don't be surprised if you get an STD or herpes, because condoms won't save you forever. Best of luck.
Yeah if you want an official company. Clearly you never heard of the word amatuer.
I don't know what you are so mad about, but do you know what the definition of porn is?
I can literally record me having sex with my gf, put it on my website, and have it considered porn. You don't need to be some big time rich producer to make a porn video. Nobody will throw you in jail for video taping yourself have sex.
It's because of trafficking, not because le feminists are taking over, jesus
>Nobody will throw you in jail for video taping yourself have sex
No, but they will if you pay someone to have sex with you while taping