So why aren't you roiding yet? 2 bulking cycles on Test and a cutting cycle on Tren and you can look like this. This would take you 10 years or more as a natty.
Nobody cares about ball size.
So why aren't you roiding yet? 2 bulking cycles on Test and a cutting cycle on Tren and you can look like this...
Cause thats ugly as fk
Siamese twins?
Then what?
Ever cheat a video game, console commands? You play for a little while longer, reveling in the sudden power and lack of real obstacles. Then you get bored. This deep feeling of disinterest overtakes you and it hits you that if you could do this to life, remove all barriers you'd feel the same way and probably kill yourself
>journey vs. goal mentality
>apples vs oranges
you'll be too busy swimming in pussy to even care about dumb shit like "integrity"
>So why aren't you roiding yet?
I was born with bitchtits, my father has bitch tits and my son has little protobitchtits.
Every time I got depressed, my bitch tits grew. When I got back in shape, they were smaller, but still there.
If I roid, I'll have a full blown hairy rack.
You really think looking like a roided cunt will get you more girls?
This is a concept this board doesn't grasp. yes being ripped can help you get more woman, IF YOU ARENT AN AUTISTIC AND CAN INTERACT WITH WOMAN. all it does is provide more opportunity. you still need to learn how to act on it
>thinks roofs give you an immediate god mode physique without effort.
Its more like spending money on a pay 2 win type game
120mg ralox every day for 3 months for your bitch tits.
thank me later
hmm this is true. cheating in games is awsome, but it does destroy the fun of the game after a while
thank god gym was never fun for me aye lmao
not if its pubertal gyno. Wont do shit
nope, it might work
anecdotally whenever I go out and see jacked up obv roided dudes they swim in puss
I'll wait until I am 50 years old
Then why does everything online say pubertal gyno is impossible to get rid of without surgery? i thought all of these SERMS only got prevented gyno in the early stages of development? Whats the legit consensus on this because I see differing opinions everywhere
That's just because they are probably typical meat heads that fuck around the lower social circle anyway.
I mean, nothing against those guys, but they just have a different mentality and attract different kind of women. Like turks, they usually do quite well with their type of women too, but I don't want to be a turk and even if test made me look like one i wouldn't act like one.
Because I'm a manlet, so no one will ever find me attractive regardless of how good I look
>That's just because they are probably typical meat heads that fuck around the lower social circle anyway.
Said the incel. Lawl.
Jesus, the coping
Are you seriously in denial about that?
Have you ever checked /fraud/ trips? They are literally a bunch of drug addicts with low class shitty jobs that party on recreational drugs all day every day and fuck girls with all kinds of STDs.
I mean cmon, get a fucking grip.
You are fucking delusional if you believe you will look like that after few cycles.
Pic related is a namefag from /fraud/ and I just had to save his pic for kek's. I don't remember exactly what he takes but it was way more than just test.
I don't have any personal experience but if it's possible to look this bad while taking gear then steroids apparently aren't magic like I used to think.
This is retarded comparsion. I can give you actually a good one if you want to compare it to video games.
Imagine lifting as MMO game. Everyone is doing their thing. When you hop on roids it's like abusing a glitch in the game. It's pretty much availble for everyone but a lot of people don't know about it or how to make it work. You are progressing faster than others and being higher level you gain access to higher level zones or items. It's not like everything in life/game is fitted for weak/noob faggots.
>Veeky Forums steroid users = all steroid users
Keep spinning your wheels natty while some dude spends 40$ for a vial of Test E and blows you out of the fucking water in a matter of a few months.
Because he had shit genetics to begin with. Look at all the Instagram fake natties and how huge and lean they got in just one year.
>roiding for this
seriously? Is there no shame in not acquiring gains before taking steroids? How pathetic
No they do not represent all. They represent those that roid for girls and fuck club sluts as their main life motive.
37 dollars a bottle my man, and 85 a bottle for dat der tren, shits good too, lifting for probably 6 years totalbefore frauding, frauding for less than 1, made more progress than in the last 3 years of natty lifting already, feel better than ever. And I am on and intend to stay on very low doses, my bp is fantastic, my hdl and ldl numbers are great, so inb4 I'm killing myself, my 200g a week test e and 300 a week tren e a week is not wreaking havok on my body, and I'll be cruising on 200 a week of test e only soon and keeping dem gains
If those cunts had the balls and will power to attain gains they wouldn't be on gear in the first place.
I wish roiding was as simple as pinning your gloots and lifting weights. There is a lot more to that. Pip, allergic reactions, gyno and the worst of all ACNE. You will never know if roids will give you acne until you actually push the plunger and inject unknown substance in your gluteus maximus. It doesn't have to appear during your cycle, mostly you get acne after you come off the gear. You can't look good if you have disgusting bacne and volcanos on your chest and shoulders.
this is the reason im considering turning to the dark side. Been lifting for 6 years natty and i havent made hardly any gains the past year. Feels bad man.
>roiding for this
>ruining your body for this
Absolutely embarassing
>This would take you 10 years or more as a natty.
No it wouldn't, you would just need unhealthy levels of body fat and water weight.
is that you? Are you running an AI? What dosages you using for gear? This level of acne should be very preventable in 95+% of cases.
>and you can look like this.
Well, that's why.
Juice is expensive and don't have a good uk source
it's not me, some random guy. He said his acne came out of nowhere during his second cycle and on this picture he was already 4 months on accutane with zero results.
Yeah. I was still progressing but slow as fuck, then I had a pretty bad back injury and lost a lot, and decided to come back with a vengeance, also npp did wonders for how my back feels, now I'm starting to shake the little weight I put in with the npp, gonna be ready for summer this year for the first time in my life, like really ready
I can almost guarantee he was doing something wrong. This is easily prevented.
I plan on having kids in the future so no roids for me. I dont want to have potato roided out kinder
You can buy it online in the UK, and a vial of test is like £15
You spent 6 years lifting and not a single summer you were ready to impress some girls on the beach?
Girls are litterally impressed by ottermode, what the hell have you done?
>This is easily prevented
I don't think so. Even pro bodybuilders have acne. It's pretty much a lottery.
Have them first then come to the dark side my son, I started at 30, already have 3 kids, I hope this shit makes me sterile now, I don't want any more lol
I got tricked into the perma bulk, everyone said I looked good but my body dismorphia said otherwise, I was built like the leaner side of strongmen, slightly visible abs at best, but big and thicc in a decent way, I was just never happy with it, this year I'm starting to get to a point where I don't want to rip down mirrors when I see them. I'm full autist and admit it though, to most people I was very fit, now I'm in that small percentage of people, I'm almost always the biggest guy in the room ( 6'2 250) but also leaner than the vast majority of people, I don't plan on getting much bigger, just cruising and enjoying life.
I might as well, I was born with an expired natty card anyway
thats like 2 trips that are like that, the rest are normal dudes.
the biggest roiding trip in /fraud/ has the same gf for years and never cheated on her.
cope more faggot.
>the biggest
Who is that?
More like 40 i looked
So thats 80 on test - about 40 on an ai
Another 20 on pct
And that's just for a basic 10 week test e cycle
Ever want to work on something other than size? Speed? Flexibility? Stamina? Balance? Size is one thing but being able to do 100 meter dashes, muscle ups, splits... Etc. That shit is impressive and would put you at peak levels of fit. Size for the sake of size limits you.
Yeah I'm a non trip frauder, been married 9 years, never cheated, used to be a drug abuser ( coke was best but whatever worked) and drank a lot, frauding gave me something else to work towards, I've been lifting forever but now I feel as though I've crossed a line and I must give it more than 100 percent every time, so I don't drink, don't fuck with drugs, and I'm a better husband now than I was before, not all of us are full blown degenerates, I used to be but Not anymore
nice dude, you're gonna make it. Hopefully i will, despite lifting for 6 years ive acquired good strength gains and good mass, i just cant convince myself to cut to
i just want to look aesthetic user. Idgaf about functionality, i still do my HIIT to stay in shape, i stretch, but i primarily just want to look like a sikkunt. U mad? I am.. because 6 years later and my pipe dream of looking as good as someone like Zyzz has completely emploded in my face because when i was a kid I thought he was natty. Boy was I wrong
I agree, and I know I struggle hard with my body image issues, so when someone who is actively putting in the hard work, that I know trains hard asks my "secret" I tell them, I don't encourage the use, that's their decision but I don't want someone else to struggle more with their body issues because my super serum body gave them a complex.
well we have 2 actually, but one of them is big because hes 6'5".
Regarding pure muscle size, masT is the biggest there.
So you were a drug abuser and you figured that the best way of solving that is abusing another drug.
I mean, I'm glad for you fixing your life and being in a stable and good relationship now.
But you have to allow the rest of the world to be a little honest here: you using steroids is just literally another version of you partying on coke. It's a mentality issue, not being able to accept certain limits and looking for a way to get past them.
With coke it's your mental level of enjoyment, partying and fun and with steroids it's your self esteem and worth deriving from your visual looks.
You can do whatever you want in life, but you have to be so realistic and fair to admit that, by no means, this is a recommended way of living your life.
There is no reason for a healthy minded adult to jump on roids, it doesn't display dedication to the sport nor anything else.
I have bad acne as a natty. Roids would certainly fuck my shit up to the 12th degree and face is literally everything. I'll stay natty until I'm in my 40s at least.
Good for you man, props. I think everyone using should feel obligated to do this. The kid who has been in the gym for a couple months sees the guy pinning and immediately wants to look like that guy. Not only does he not have any idea its an unrealistic goal for his situation, but when he actually does ask the guy and he just says some typical bullshit "eat good and train hard" bullshit then the kid ends up spinning his wheels for years trying to achieve something he never will without exogenous hormones. Thats where body dysmorphia comes from, its very real and I struggle with it every day.
So you are using masT as representative of /fraud/?
The guy that goes around CBT threads, posting his images and bashing random natties for being smaller than him?
I mean, if you think that this is a good representative for a roider then go figure.
Yeah I never said it was a health well adjusted mental decision, I'm have a host of mental issues really and I'm pretty much going to always have issues, at least what I am doing now I am taking much better care of myself, I get labs done every three months, I don't allow things to go out of range, sure I'd be a better person if I was a natty vegan Christian cross fitter or whatever, but I am what I am with my faults, and I like myself more now than ever with the way I am handeling them
>There is no reason for a healthy minded adult to jump on roids, it doesn't display dedication to the sport nor anything else
why are you shilling this hard dude? Steroids are one of the least worrying drugs as far as safety goes. No one should feel ashamed for making this choice, call it "cheating" or "frauding" but in the end hes making more gains than you and the only excuse you have to make yourself feel better is "hurrr i dont need roids look at how special i am." Theres no more pride to take in natty lifting than there is with being jacked and taking gear. Its just two different life choices
Yeah, that's cool - the thing is, no one here arguing against steroids is trying to attack people like you.
It's literally just about the idea that taking steroids is somehow "the right" way of lifting.
Which it clearly isn't.
Thanks, yeah I think on top of the fact that I've always been rainman tier this is part of what got me, when I started lifting young I went to a "hardcore gym" and wanted to be like all the cool giant dudes, I lifted hard and made what I know now was good progress but I never moved towards being like them, looking back they were obviously geared out, I may not be a good influence but I also don't want to contribute more to issues people have.
>hes one of those faggots falling for these painfully obvious b8's from masT
I sincerely feel sorry for you. I can already imagine what kind of faggot you are.
>Why are you shilling that hard
Do you realize what thread you are in? Have you read the initial post?
Read it. Now, do you know inserts tan why I wish to argue against the idea presented in it?
If you think it's normal to inject illegal, uncontrolled substances into your system then something is just painfully wrong with you.
You are also in your 20s using steroid, talking about how harmless they are from your anecdotal experience of using them and the random collection of "studies" you found on pubmed.
While factually doctors all around the world spend their entire life working with clients that have abused steroids in their youth and now deal with a range of serious problems as result.
But yeah I know; those were all just doing it wrong right? This won't happen to you, because you read your studies and you read about steroids in Reddit right?
How delusional.
>years off my life
No thanks!
>defending an adult male that "bait" posts on Veeky Forums to annoy people
>using that same guy as a reference for a healthy adult
Are you 16?
no you can't, maybe if you cruize test for 1 year and pin some tren and anavar for cutting and even gaining some more mass, then you'll look close to this (suposing that you already lift)
life is not a game that you can turn off and chose another one, not chosing the path thats easier its just plain stupid, its like chosing to be poor because getting things easier doesn't feel fair to the others
>healthy adult
never said that
>defend him
i didnt defend him, i pointed out how much of a giant faggot you are to get b8'ed by his low tier troll threads. It reveals how much of a faggot you are.
>While factually doctors all around the world spend their entire life working with clients that have abused steroids in their youth and now deal with a range of serious problems as result.
[citation needed]
seriously, how many cases of death have resulted from steroids?
Most people who died of "steroid use" already had an underlying condition, took an insane amount of gear, or were under the influence of other drugs and/or alcohol. The average guy who blasts and cruises a safe dose of testosterone with the occasional addition of tren or something isn't anymore unhealthy than your average person.
tell that to all bodybuilders in the world
You named him as a counter example the degeneracy I pointed out in /fraud.
Who said that I was baited by him? Where do you even drive that from?
It's simply an observation, it's hard to miss his posts since they are literally all over the board and generate a lot of attention.
>citation needed
Know at least 5 docs personally.
Try talking to one yourself.
Never said anything about deaths. You would have to take in account statics that include deaths from something like liver failure. Which surely isn't happening.
Not even zyzz' a death was officially linked to steroids. It's not a direct cause of death and can be linked, of course statistics will be fucked at that point.
The only way to count into them is probably injecting steroids in your veins and then dieng from that.
he looks like a natty lifter, but you can bet his left ball that he doesn't eat right, neither he lifts as hard as he can, on my first cycle i did 8 weeks on test E, 800mg a week, and holy shit i gained about 13lbs on those 2 months, got leaner and stronger, yeah roids are magic if you lift harder and eat a lot more than a natty lifter
Prove it, most the weight gained from test is water retention and it does not lean you out it bloats you.
as tempting as roids are for getting an amazing looking body that in itself makes you seem like a weird insecure person. it's pretty rare that an actual normal person decides to roid. most roiders are people who, in some way or another, believe all their awkwardness and problems will go away once their biceps vein is more pronounced.
who told you it was water retention? after the cycle i lost about 5lbs, i could do a better pct but i was short on cash, now i'm gonna pin a gain and gonna add tren to the cycle, still 8lbs of lean muscle on 2 months, my first cycle was only to see how my body reacted to test and to correct some imbalances (left arm smaller than right and shit traps genetics) now on my next cycle i'm gonna do a little more and add anavar too so i can cut lot faster
You probably don't need the var with the tren, that shot will cut you up on its own, and if this is your first cycle with tren, keep it tren and test only, not everyone reacts well to it so take any variables out of it by using less substances.
>as tempting as roids are for getting an amazing looking body that in itself makes you seem like a weird insecure person. it's pretty rare that an actual normal person decides to roid. most roiders are people who, in some way or another, believe all their awkwardness and problems will go away once their biceps vein is more pronounced.
yeah, insecurity is a huge part of roiders, but its also its really shitty to live while insecure about yourself, and its also definitely more than a more pronounced bicep vein lol, try a more pronounced everything
a little more would be more test and not more substances, i'm not jumping on tren yet, gonna up the test to 1g/w and the Ana would be to cut a little, after 1 month of a lot of projects at work and a lof of tests at college i'm bulky as shit
You could use the same analogy for getting a plane instead of swimming the ocean, or posting your comment on here instead of sending everyone on here a hand written letter.
Ok cool you sound like you got your shit together, I thought you were trying to add them all, just looking out for you
i dont take drugs
i barely touch any when im sick unless its very serious
thanks for the concern for a user bro, i was afraid as fuck before pinning, and i read a fucking lot about test and i am reading a lot about ana too, so i'm pretty secure about it, i also doesn't really feel the need to pin more things, i lifted for 3 good years natty and i decided to get step it up and i have to say its worth it
get surgery in poland
I feel you, I was shaking so hard in my first pin I thought I was gonna snap the needle off inside, damn the pip was rough too, worst part is I used to be a medic, I've done tons of injections and I'vs, used to start ivs on myself in my drinking days to recover quickly, but god was I nervous, I got better but I actually have my wife pin me now it works out better for me as I still get nervous sometimes
It's quite reasonable to be nervous about injecting something into your system that you obtained illegally and have absolutely no confirmation of.
For anything you know the Chinese motherfucker could have sent you some good rat poison.
> being so autistic you are life as essentially world of warcraft
>Nobody cares about ball size.
That's what someone whose already shrunk their walnuts into peanuts says.
I dont understand how you guys even manage to get them. I searched for hours the other night and its so hush hush that it makes it impossible for a retard such as myself to figure it out. I went on that subreddit where they talk sources but still couldnt figure it out. Maybe its best I dont get involved with AAS if i cant manage to get it anyways
Nb mods this is not a source link but a link to a source reviewer
What are you poor or something?
Because I'd rather earn my good looks the manly way than piss away my future and as well, health. Fuck right off, friendo.
>rat poison for £20 profit
Sounds a good way to make dosh from multiple return customers
If in UK or EU don't bother with plebbit. Use
yeah but they never have direct links? I kept seeing something about a PGP key and have no idea what they are.
waiting till my physical therapist says i can squat and deadlift again....fuck injuries