Veeky Forums BTFO
How is he aware of fit
How is this guy calling anyone a beta cuck?
this. the guy can't even get out of his chair. if that's not omega, then i don't know what is.
This guy is the greatest argument there is against socialized healthcare.
>donation saying he's an inspiration for weightloss
>hasn't lost a pound in years
That's the point
>lose weight
>end up like Boogie
Pick one
yeah but he's thought about it
at length
that must count for something
and the shameless faggot is a berniefag too
>beta cuck
>being encased in your own tomb of fat
Yeah, you got me booger
I thought everyone was memeing when they said boogie sees shit here.
>beta cucks on fit
>inspired by boogie WHO LOST 8 LBS IN 5 YEARS
I think he's inspired because he doesn't want to end up like boogie breaking chairs while sitting on them...CHAIR CRUSHER
He came here for advice a few times, Veeky Forums was helpful as ever
you're looking at it the wrong way. in the same sense a smoking man on oxygen with emphysema and COPD inspire you to not want to smoke. looking at a 600 lb man makes me want to not be a fatass.
Being a big yootoob celery has fucked with his head so much, that everything other than asspats and enabling will enrage him. Fat fuck he is, fat fuck he will be, surgery or not.
>so fat he can barely open his eyes
Isn't half of boogie's shtick all about being so "ironically" fat?
>boogie thinking he's going to get down to 500 by summer when he's 519 right now
>has lost 8 lbs in 5 years
>willing to get life threatening surgery
>not willing to hop on the gear and get ripped as fuck
he lost 40 lbs at one point in time, many years ago
Well i'll be damned. I hope he proves me wrong.
If he actually turns his life around for the healthiness of everyone around him I wish him luck. However, given his *pay for my healthcare!* shit and not doing anything after this long I don't see it happening
I still want to see that fat fuck eat his own arm.
How fucking hard is it to at least switch to diet soda?
He'd have lost 100 pounds just from that.
40lbs out of a 500lb man is probably all water weight
I know you're reading this, Boogie.
You can browse Veeky Forums, but you'll never be welcome here.
>Was 260 pounds in august
>Down to 204 pounds with a significant increase in muscle mass percentage.
>Didn't need surgery, just busted my ass working out and dieting.
Meanwhile him
>500+ pounds
>Has lost 10 pounds tops in 5 years
>Needs surgery
But I'm the beta cuck, got it.
Because a percentage of his traffic comes from here, there's at least one boogie thread on Veeky Forums every day
>Growing up my friends dad was 500+ pounds
>Great guy, went to yugioh tournaments and stuff with us.
>He lost 400 pounds after surgery
>Ate until his stomach re-expanded.
I'm pretty sure he died.
Feels bad man. Surgery guarantees nothing if you're not willing to still make major life changes. You can lose it all and gain it all back if you eat too much. I still wish the guy the best.
>Surgery guarantees nothing if you're not willing to still make major life changes.
This. You can't teach an old hog new tricks.
the bariatric surgery will mean that he can't physically eat more than an egg cup worth of food, has to take supplements for the rest of his life, can't drink carbonated fluids, and a bunch of other bullshit.
That must suck for bulking. Or for going out for a meal with friends.
Even if I was boogey's size, I would never consider it.
While yeah there are a variety of surgeries out there this dude has been on camera eating straight mayo.
It's so weird when actual leftwing beta cucks use beta cucks as an insult.
How do they lack self awareness to this level?
Does the left actually believe they are alpha? I mean there is just no way right?
There have been studies directly linking liberalism with lack of masculinity.
Someone should also tell this fat nigger to read the sticky
it will have been that marshmallow fluff stuff that americans have
was there any ever doubt. Weak men are liberal.
I mean, protecting the water supply is second nature to men, but there are men reading this right now who are for open borders.... its fuckin crazy, they need to be castrated.
the sticky is hard to comprehend for a beginner you assfag
it's easy enough. All he should do for the first 3 months is use machines and get your body used to being used again.
The sticky is a little confusing tho, it should be revamped.
plus there's a lot of misinformation floating around from greedy fucks who prey on the desperate
who's to say that this is right and everything else is wrong?
(to a skeptical person of course)
Because he gets off to abuse and anything that in his mind validates his constant attitude of self-pity
Also he's the archetypal pathetic Veeky Forums user, he's been on /v/ since at least 2006
what the fuck that was actually him in that thread.
shit lol
hone your ideas and spread them along to your family and friends. more and more people are opening their eyes to liberal nonsense.
well I mean it's just bad. it says "this link covers ..." and then it doesn't give a link. The supplemental wiki takes too long to read. I just want a short, ten word sentence that explains how to get fit. "calories in, calories out" doesn't work and that's a proven fact.
>"calories in, calories out" doesn't work and that's a proven fact.
Thermodynamics confirmed for Jewish lie.
right? he's a LITERAL cuck, he gives some black guy his full blessing to pound his wife because he can't.
>needs surgery to not drink liters of soda a day
>calls other people cucks
Seriously. People place way too,much emphasize on food. It's really not that hard to not eat. And I can't even remember the last sugary thing to me that actually tasted good. Honestly, it all tastes the same.
Calories in Calories out literally is how it works. Stop eating trash and eat only what you need when you need it.
I weigh 360 lbs and I haven't lost a pound in 6 months of clean eating
I eat 3 sandwiches a day and rarely ever snack on things, rarely ever get sides with my sandwiches, and do 30 minutes of dumbbells every day. calories in calories out is a fucking meme and you know it
lol kys fat fuck
If he hopped on gear he would die of a heart attack.
He's quite a regular here. Usually he advocates SS+GOMAD and "eat big to get big, dyel"
not gonna make it
30 minutes, nigger i'm 295 currently coming from 314 in just 2 months. You need at least 2 hours a day, get my fitness pal. keep track of your macros.
Might be a tad easier for me because i'm 6'5 but still
>takes too long to read
>"calories in, calories out" doesn't work
How do you plan to lose weight if you are fucking lazy and stupid? Just give up and play vidya 24/7 blasting Mountain Dew
Cico is 100% correct. You're eating more than you're burning, it's that simple.
What the user you're replying to doesn't understand though is that fatties suck at losing weight not because they dont understand how to, but because they're all fucked in the head (due to their warped psychology from being fatties for so long + their lack of appetite regulation due to their adipocyte count affecting their hormonal environment) and find it 100x harder than the average person to lose weight, and virtually impossible to maintain weight loss in the long term. It's doable for a year or even half a decade, but a fatty who loses weight and looks good by 21 will be as fat and probably bigger by age 30. Fact.
Kyle I know that's you you fat faggot
>fried chicken on a biscuit = "sandwich" #1
>big macs for 2 and 3
>fries with both big macs 4/7 days a week
>go through a gallon of Dr. Pepper a day
>ate a whole god damn cake for lunch on your birthday last week
>spend 20+ hours a day sleeping, rest of the time playing video games or watching TV
>dumbbells are literally just holding dumbbells in your hand while watching TV in your room
Anyone got experience with those squat racks? I was thinking off buying one and a free weight bench and just putting the bench between them to bench press.
I prefer oly plates and bar but shit is so expensive.
>fake news
Dude, plenty of people go through transformations get fit, and stay fit till the day they die..
I would even bet most people who are fit for the long term were fat at some point
I disagree. Anyone is welcome at Veeky Forums IF they actually put in the work to lose weight.
So Boogie, you can stay but you have to actually move and eat well.
Can't count
literally eat 1500 calories a day for 2 weeks and I guarantee you will see weight loss you fat retard.
Sandwiches add up quick. 1-2 oz of fatty cold cuts can be hundreds of calories. Plus I bet you eat slices for yourself when you make them.
Cheese is the same. Typically 120 calories for 1 oz/slice
Mayonnaise is pure fat so if you put that on there you can easily make a sandwich that is over 1000 calories.
t.250 pound fatty that came from 320 pounds 8 months ago.
My friend's mom and grandma both had surgery and the grandma still eats like crap despite it being painful to because of the surgery and having diabetes. His mom doesn't eat badly most of the time but she doesn't exercise so she still looks like crap but hasn't gained ALL of the weight back.
I haven't seen him in like 10 years though so for all i know this has changed now.
It's more about whether you were fat as an adolescent through to the end of puberty. The freshman fifteen doesn't count.
And only a handful of people on Veeky Forums stick around posting pics for more than a few years anyway. This isn't even worth arguing about, it's a fact that's been repeatedly verified that almost no lifetime fat fucks maintain weight loss for more than a decade.
>tfw name is Kyle
H-hey man, y-y-you got the wrong guy. I-i-i'm eating good now, t-trust me
Even when you widen the definition of long term weight loss to be as generous as possible (only 10% of body weight lost, maintained for 1 year), the success rates are still only 20%.
That's mostly the fault of psychology, but it's also partially due to how easy it is for fat fucks to regain the weight.
Skip to 7:40.
Hi Boogie
I assume by that you mean they told him to read the fucking sticky or get the fuck out?
Honestly why even is bariatric surgery a thing? If you can't loose weight by doing fork put-downs (literally something anyone can do no matter their medical history) why would doctors even bother? These people are already eating themselves to death either way, it is immoral to make money adding another 5 years of suffering to these people's lives and when they're dead set on self-destruction.
This is a message to Boogie
Theoretically, it should be a jolt to the system. Get people inspired by the progress they make and lead to massive life changes based on that. They get down see how much life better is and vow to never get to where they were again.
Also if someone is literally speeding towards death, it gives them the time to make the changes they need to keep the weight off. It is a last resort when you need change now.
Boogie seems to view it has a holy grail savor that'll end all his cravings, thats why I think he won't make it.
Boogie, you're a fat fuck. I'm not gonna sugar coat it, because you'll most likely eat that too.
You've been publicly 'trying' (it pains me to use that word, only trying you do is new flavours of chips and dip) to lose weight for at least half a decade. You have no interest in actually getting off your fat, chair breaking sickiningly bruised swamp ass and doing the hard work in getting fit.
This op won't fix it. You'll continue to have shit food, only you'll be blending your Doritos and Mountain Dew in a smoothie maker and guzzling it down while your wife keeps marking off the days till she inherits your business.
I get why you find it so hard. I really do. It's a mental illness. Thing is you're doing nothing to fix this and try to convince yourself and your fans that being fat as fuck is ok. No. It isn't. And trying to make it normal is part of what's wrong in this world.
Please, for the love of all that is decent, sort your shit out. You could be an inspiration to fat as fuck basement dwellers caked in chip dust and sweating fructose syrup.
Don't help the epidemic. Do better. Get therapy. Fix yourself.
I tried watching his video and I fucking can't. It looks like half of his face is melting and it's really discomforting to watch for some reason.
>I weigh 360 lbs
>rarely ever snack on anything
idk why i laugh so hard at "blob"
Fuck off
Please tell me where you live. I need to find you and bring you to my lab. The future of the world depends on your ass. It is capable of producing fat without any energy input. If I can hook you up to a liposuction fueled generator I can solve the worlds energy problems and win the Nobel prize for conclusively disproving conservation of energy.
pls be in
Why don't you fuck off you ponce?
Not just meat sandwiches. Growing up poor, lunch meat was a luxury at home. We had food shelf peanut butter and jelly with food shelf bread. That shit isn't satisfying, but it is delicious. I'd come home from school and eat three entire peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as an after school snack. A fucking snack.
pictured, what I looked like in middle school. It only got worse, eventually past 300lbs by the end of high school.
That's all ancient history for me now, though. Been under 200lbs since about 2006.
Have you tried *not* living off carbs and fat? I highly doubt you're eating 50g of lean protein with whole wheat and only mustard.
for fucks sake, in the time it probably took you to compose and post this you could have finished reading it
"calories in, calories out" has been tested and proven to be the most reliable system to gauge energy intake and expenditure - ask anyone who insists otherwise to simply provide proof that caloric intake is not linked to weight management. The only people I have ever heard make this claim in real life are, at the very least, borderline obese or habitually inactive, but hey, thats just my personal experience
Nice b8 m8. If not b8...then you are eating more calories than you think you are. Dead srs.
>Boogie is such a lazy shit that he literally shits himself sometimes while sitting at his PC because he's too lazy to haul his massive form over to the toilet. >His wife has to clean his shit up for him and wipe his ass whenever this happens. >Boogie gets all depressed and says he'll definitely make an effort to stop all this, but never does. >He got to lazy to go to the toilet and diapers in his size were too expensive in the long run so he just shat himself wherever he sat >Wife begged him to stop but he didnĀ“t care >Finally, the wife has had enough so she forces Boogie get a colostomy bag installed. >He never, ever emties it. says it's "too depressing and that it triggers his ptsd" >One day, it explodes while he's at a convention. The air reeks of rancid shit a mile around, and Boogie tries to play it off as a joke while rushing as fast as someone like him possibly can to get to the nearest toilet to clean himself up. >His wife had to clean him up in the con bathroom while he was crying and shouting insults >Was seen and hour later, laughing and wolfing down a 50-piece nugget meal >We learn in a future video, this fast dash to the bathroom did major damage to his back, making any attempts at weight loss in the future futile
He probably shitposts on here when he's not looking at trap porn on /b/ or posting on r9k
Boogie should make a food review of this restaurant.
the best part is that he keeps updating everyone with his life, I love seeing train wrecks that act so arrogant fuck up their lives
Boogie is one of the people who wont ever lose weight.
Jim Fuckingsterlingson, however...
Should get fit
"Happy because Hostess is back in business, motherfucker."