How has being Veeky Forums improved your life?
How has being Veeky Forums improved your life?
>doesn't eat sushi
>more energy
>better mood
>more discipline
>more confidence in my body's look and ability
>destroyed my relationship with gf I loved because she thought I spent too much time at the gym
Th-thanks fit
well.. I get used by girls for sex, mostly when they are drunk at parties but it never gets past a one night stand..
you're welcome, same is happening to me but its happening because i ask her to eat well and workout so she can be her best for me and for her, but she takes this as an insult so i told her to fuck off and get fat instead, i also started roiding and now i want to fuck everything in my sight
It hasn't, I had the aesthetics and personality to get chicks when I was skinny. I've never had trouble with bigger tougher dudes either.
I began training as I wanted to see IF it will improve my life. I guess I need to put 20% less effort when I hit on girls and I can intimidate people more easily, but that's all.
Unfortunately I'm emotionally broken now senpai and even though I have a lot of bitches hitting me up I can't feel anything for any of them.
Considering suicide tbqh
>not being proud of other men raising your children
I feel better about myself. That's it really. I've had a gf since I started lifting so it's not like I'm getting any more pussy than before :(
In highschool I was a 135lb virgin. Went to the gym, hit my first weight, and BOOM...still a virgin
if this isn't fucking fake then
>tfw no bitches hitting me up
>tfw emotionally broken anyway
At least you have that going for you. I have nothing.
Embrace the loneliness. Volunteer or go to college/trade school. Become successful and let that fill the hole that women can't
You don't know shit about Chad senpai
>roiding douchebag talks shit to his girlfriend
>somehow disgruntled about his relationship not working out
I no longer jerk it to BBW porn, and am comfortable fapping to better looking hentai chicks.
jesus christ that grammar
I learned to love and respect myself, not in a narcissist way but rather in a way that I feel like I'm in control over my body and mind.
That newfound self respect has allowed me to find new motivation in all aspects of life by proxy.
its normal bro, you need to go out with friends, hang out with them, get bitches, go to concerts, experience new feelings and new things, after my first breakup i sold my car, bought a older one so i could have the money to travel and party for a good while
you need to start enjoying your life for yourself, and not because of some girl that you loved, yeah you loved her! change that in your life, she is part of your past now, live fucking hard and aim for the future
She still wants it
Veeky Forums doctor here, nothing can fill the hole of loneliness
That is the degeneracy of the millenials. These are the people that will raise the next generation
Sushi doesn't mean eating raw fish moron
no she doesn't retard
>>roiding douchebag talks shit to his girlfriend
i started roiding after we broke up, and also i'm not talking shit, i want her best, but she doesn't, for two years she says she is going to start working out, dieting, searching for a fucking job, but all she do is get her parents money (it isn't much at all) spend on her hair, nails, make up and some clothes... she said to me that she wants to better herself, but she never do, i'm tired of listening to her shit, so i threw everything she needed to hear and do at her and as she is a spoiled lazy girl she won't do shit,
and i'm glad it doesn't worked, i loved her for way too long without realizing how much she holded me back
Found the bitter virgin
Kek put them in their place
she was just a parasite user and you have stockholne syndrom
No, I'm still a bitch
>Girls all want me to smack them or choke them or some shit
>One girl even wanted me to cut her
>Grew up in an abusive house, later joined the army and spent 2 years in Iraq
>Don't need a safe space or anything like that, i don't spaz out, but violence takes me to an unsexy place, makes me tense
>It's fucking infuriating that they all dig their nails into my back
>For some reason they ask me to say mean things to them
>Haven't enjoyed sex in years
I just wanted to look good. I have no intention of being anyone's "daddy." Where are all the vanilla girls people complain about?
what the fuck am I supposed to do after I get her number? call? text? dickpic? request nudes? meet at my/her place to fuck? cinema? bar? this evening? a week later?
what is the reason for all that ultra autistic teasing and endless shit talking?
You can just keep it simple and still have success.
>pic related
I fucked her 2 days after those messages and we didn't even watch the show (which I was actually bummed out about)
4/10 bait but somehow caught 2 cunts off guard haha. solid
>violence takes me to an unsexy place, makes me tense
Man, you need to specify this before the sex starts. Just explain you're a veteran and you want something more tender than aggressive. They will get it and I'm sure they won't mind at all
>never actually laugh out loud even when watching shows i like
>have to fake laughs at the right time when watching stuff with other people
Most women who were abused as children were "loved" tenderly. So they want rough, violent sex to escape those memories. Stop chasing after damaged goods faggot
Hot bitches keep giving me their numbers and agreeing to go on dates with me then just str8 up stop talking to me. Shit is getting so annoying and it's depressing me
But he's right. There is plenty sushi without meat in it. That being said, it's for plebs.
Yeah, but I'm retarded and over think things. It's like, if I ask her to switch up for my sake, then she's not enjoying it, and the thought of her just putting in work for my sake weighs on me and I still don't enjoy it. I'm like a couple weeks from just jerking off a ton and avoiding females where possible
Lmao, nobody noticed she didn't reply?
Try rejecting a few yourself.
because they dont want to be ur girlfriend they just want to fuck you you faggot
you don't have to force laughs to seem normal to others, it might actually have the opposite effect.
I feel like it's easy to tell a fake laugh apart from a real one.
A simple smirk is enough, but besides that don't overthink it and when you are netflix&chilling the cuddling part is the main feat anyway.
But that's my goal too
That's not what tinder is for m8
Shit, they usually ask me to marry them bro, u must be doing something wrong
You're taking to long. They swiped you because they want your dick, both of you know what tindr is used for. But by beating around the bush and wanting to "text" and go for coffee they sense you're afraid to assert yourself and know you're a betaboi.
I know. I've banged more than my fair share of tinder sloots. Usually I take them out, or she comes over for a movie, and we bang. But lately they've just stopped talking to me after agreeing to meet
Not true. Every Tinder girl I've banged that wasn't a complete trashy wash out demanded meeting in a public place before moving the party back to my house
Can we see your profile, user?
No. These girls are ruining my self esteem enough without you guys finding something to make fun of me about
Seems like almost every chick I meet anymore is a daddy issues whore like this. Shit gets old its not fun or sexy
Apparently of you pay the Tinder Jews a few sheckles you can change where you swipe. Swiped in Pittsburgh.
Where should I be swiping burgers?
Lmao didn't know this was so common, same thing is happening to me. Gf asked for a routine and a diet plan and as soon as I tell her what she needs to do, it's abusive and impossible. Bitch I did it myself I know it ain't impossible.
Fucking women, Jesus Christ
found the jacked guy whose still a virgin because of autisim
how the fuck do you guys get away with these outrageous things on the first message?
i knew it worked sometimes but it doesnt make any fucking sense
i need an opening line, boys
you care too much, thats your problem. just say whatever the hell you feel like saying. that's what chad would do
How unattractive are you?
>not using completely free fakegps apps
You retarded bruh?
>both of you know what tindr is used for.
I didn't until this thread, I guess I took "no hookups" literally
Literal autism
> are you retarded
Mate, I'm posting on Veeky Forums
im not unattractive im just a pussy
>you care too much
how do i not care, user
im no chad
Dom's jokes on Veeky Forums. Really makes you think.
>how the fuck ... ?
cherry picking, random chance, lots of rejection. don't worry about it.
>i need an opening line, boys
just say something funny. The thing with dating is that you shouldn't be yourself.
If you're not having sex to make children then you're having sex for fun, right? So just have fun with people on Tinder, don't take it so seriously.
You weren't attractive enough
This bitch has the audacity to correct you.
What a world we live in.
Bitches keep greeting my
I usually reply but then I get offended if they have nothing more interesting to tell me
mostly because I can't be fucked to think of anything myself
Gentleman and scholar.
these threads are always so lame man, all these chicks are ugly or chubby. give us some actual hotties so we can at least be interested.
>5 hours a week
>too much time
Unless you hung out there just to talk with people there's no way that's too much time
"No hookups" is only to keep betas away. Chad does what he wants
Note to android users
>uninstall Maps updates
>turn on location
>navigate to________ city
>wait untill it starts giving directions
>close app
>turn off location
>open tinder
>allow location
For idk how long you can swipe wherever you navigated too.
I swiped in Cali, TX, FL and NY and Michigan.
Idk if this is just my fucked up phone or an actual thing.
Just fucking do it man. Its just a screen. You won't meet them unless they want you.
whats the point of swiping in locations you arent actually in?
I suggest finding a genuine and kind woman, who you don't fuck on the first date. Try for the third instead, and talk to her about this shit before hand, but at your own pace. I'd she doesn't show compassion and understanding, move on.
You'll find someone actually worth having sex with, trust me.
Practice with people you know you're never going to meet. Dont want to reduce the pool where I actually am.
For me it's fun. I'm just curious what it's like in America. Pretty much the same as the UK but more Mexicans and fatter girls.
She hot enough for you?
Y-yeah... GAY! Ha, what a faggot!
shows us ur pics unless ur using some fake model ones
Or her?
no, not really. she's plain. and her little self-righteous 'minimum qualifications' bullshit just tosses her into un-dateable territory.
Git gud
holy shit this is what i want. after being in a long term relationship, and after learning about what all these meaningless hookups do to women in the long term, hookups feel so shitty
just give me a non sloot
*tips fedora*
Shits and giggles?
Unfortunately I seem to have tremendous success in California.
Profile literally reads.
"six foot three
Just fu** my life up"
not even hot
those are some seriously low standards you NEET loser
>Like you'd miss out on anything not being in the USA
Welcome to online dating man.
Girls use this as a chat app, and 9/10 numbers lead nowhere.
whenever i insult girls and they keep responding back
thats the day ive made it
fukn hell
life aint fair
this stupid whore I'm talking to on tinder sent me a nude on snapchat at 3am.
She's a pothead and possibly fat (nude taken at angle, titties mashed together, could not see lower half)
I just dont' have the energy really. Everything feels like so much fucking work. Even talking to girls on tinder seems like an incredibl hassle. I think i've just lost all zest for living.
jesus christ, she's like a 6/10 at best in california
unless she lives in the bumfuck middle of nowhere i dont see how you can justify having an attitude like that at the age of 25