
Anyone here quit smoking? What would you say was the greatest factor in the quitting process that helped you succeed?
I've heard the craving never goes away, is this true?

Quit for three months, I used to even dream about smoking kek. Unfortunately relapsed after a night on the town but quitting as soon as I start my new job.

gonna quit after I finished my cut

Alan carrs easy way to stop smoking

The best way is to isolate yourself from all forms of nicotine in a situation where you cannot easily obtain said nicotine such as a 3 day camp trip or something.

The first 48 hours are brutal.

That's brilliant, cheers for the advice

Smoked for 15 year. I became a vape flag to get off cigarettes. Started stepping down nicotine level in my fluid until I got to 0. By then it was easy to put the cape down. Took about 3 years but it worked as I could never stay quit before.

Fucking shit tablet aurocorrect

Read Allen Carr's easyway to stop smoking.
I smoked 20 a day for years. After reading that book I literally stopped and have never considered smoking since.

No replacing nicotine with anything. No cutting down (the most retarded way of trying to quit, it is literally torturing yourself by keeping yourself in withdrawal and reinforcing the "hard to quit" illusion)

That was over 5 years ago.
You can easily download it for free if you don't want to pay £4.
Look at the amazon reviews.
And I know "how could A BOOK help me stop smoking etc etc". I said the same, and so did everyone else who was told about it.

You've nothing to lose.

Cliff notes?

Is this you?

May as well be. I know vaping is autistic, but it helped me quit and stay quit, so I don't give a fuck

Don't mentally give in into the stigma that smoking is hard to quit. That just tells you that it'll be hard to quit.

I quit drinking and doing any and all drugs, started smoking much more heavily. Split up with my wife and after getting some hot chicks into bed and not being able to get hard, found out smoking is leading cause of ED in men under 40


I am also a vape fag. IDGAF, I don't smoke anymore and my dick gets rock hard. Now if I could just get some qts to jump on it all would be well.

>tfw none of those girls I went soft for will text me back now. Forever known in their memories as limp-dick user.

I love books.

I want to quit the vape faggotry. Is it pretty easy to taper down like that?


I smoked from age 14 to 27 and I was terrified of just thinking about stopping. I downloaded the book and started reading without thinking much about it, smoking while reading. I finished the book and never smoked again.

7 years and counting.

Just quit cigs and vaping for good a little over 2 weeks ago. Never felt better in my life.

Surprisingly, i had little trouble trying this time. First three days I felt nothing at all, with wanting a cig occasionally over the 2 weeks. But yeah, I feel great

Exactly my experience, I'm I think it's probably some hipnotic shit or something, the way it's written but, hey, it worked for us.

I quit snus cold turkey after ~5 years of constant use. It wasn't hard.
You just have to decide to quit. And I mean actually MAKE the decision, don't think about doing it, just do it. Think in binary, 0 and 1. No wiggle room to rationalize and argue with yourself. 0 means you quit and never smoke again, and once you put it there you don't go back to 1.

I smoked a pack a day for a bit over 10 years. Been smoke free for about 2 years now. First month a replaced cigarettes with a vape. After that month I replaced work smoke breaks with walking, and started flossing everynight.

Work had been the previous hardest part when trying to quit. I'd get stressed or upset and just "need a fucking cigarrette." Now I get stressed upset and do laps around the building every couple of hours to get away from the desk.

But the craving haven't gone away 100% but I don't miss the morning coughing fit, the way food always tasted vaguely like ashtra, or how much better I can do cardio. I do miss the occasional cutie goth chick asking for a clove.

Remembering how awful smoking felt and the money that I wasted on that vice. And how I felt when I became winded after playing with my young nephew for only an hour.

And yeah. The cravings never go away. The moment when smoke smells familiar and the situation called for a cigar or cigarette will sometimes pop up. But over time it will lessen till it's merely an unpleasent sensation that you'll, if you really try, associate with how bad smoking made you feel and how it negatively impacted your life.

I was at a point in my life where i felt like a piece of shit. Went out into the woods, chain smoked until i felt sick, threw the pack into the river and never smoked again. Smoking till you feel sick is a good way to turn yourself off it it long enough to get through the really hard first period. I also have really strong self control though, i understand cold turkey doesn't works or most people.

Forcing yourself to do cardio. For me if I do tons of cardio and then go back to a cigarette, it makes me feel like complete shit. This further reinforces me to stop.

Maybe try getting some Ventolin and a some kind of detox regime, like Vit C and NAC. I remember with NAC I would hack tons of shit up everyday when I stopped. Cleared my lungs out good.

Been using gum lately for cravings. But, psychologically you have to give yourself time, to progress out of the habit and realize that its slavery.

Good luck.

this is good advice

btw, I never smoked more than a pack a day. my way to quit smoking was dimishing number of cigarettes smoked per day. when it got to 1~2 a day, it was quite easy not to smoke more. actually, you probably start thinking of smoking as something nasty once your olfactory system improves from not dealing with all that smoke.

I haven't smoked a cig for about 10 days now. I was just fantasizing about buying a pack on my way in to work. You gotta nip that shit in the bud and realize those fantasies are your drug addiction forming thoughts for you. Remind yourself of all the great reasons to quit, and remind yourself of the lack of good reasons to continue.

I can also second these
I didn't stop immediately after finishing the book, but it definitely gave me some good perspective on quitting. The key takeaways are not to focus on how you're depriving yourself of something you want (because you're really not), nicotine physical addiction is very mild and quick to break, anyone no matter how bad can quit right now and be fine.

me too bro

"good form, pupper"