I just want to be loved, Veeky Forums. I'm 28 and I've been alone my entire life.
I just want to be loved, Veeky Forums. I'm 28 and I've been alone my entire life
get fit learn east asian language go to said cuontry
Why don't you, like, stop being alone?
Thanks, great advice.
move to south east asia, like thailand or vietnam or someshit. Problem solved.
That's unfortunate, OP.
Can you think of any particular reason why?
If you're a loser in the West you'll be a loser in the East. The girls worth having as gf/wifing aren't retarded brah. Only do this if you just want to bang dumb sloots, which you could do in America to begin with anyway. Sounds like OP is looking for more than just a quick lay though.
Glad I could be of service, OP.
This is pathetic. Don't do this.
It doesn't lead to love. It leads to being used.
The most important thing you need to realize OP, is that ultimately, you're the only one to blame for not having a girlfriend. The choices you've made in your life led you to your current situation, and lack of encounters with women.
You're gonna have to step out of your comfort zone and change.
1-Maximize your physical appearance
2-Watch this video
3-Spend as less time alone as possible. Go to shows and clubs alone, who gives a shit. Leave your house everyday and interact with people
It's gonna be scary an awkward at 1st but if you practice socializing, it's impossible that you won't get better.
Just remember that only you can change your situation. If you do the same shit all the time, then don't expect different outcomes
at least he can have sex for a few years then when he's like 32 he can come back to his home nation a non-virgin non-bitch and really get his shit together. it's all part of the process. By 35 he could be better off than most 35 year olds. It's not too late for him. It's pretty close though, I give him eleven days to do something.
But starchild. You're alive aren't you? I don't recall your name but I believe in you OP.
You are loved. Maybe not the type of love you think you need. Look around you lil nigga
Also stop being a little bitch and hit the fucking gym man. The GAINS TRAINS DONT STOP FOR NO MAN YOU GOTTA EAT BIG TO GET BIG COMEONNNNN
This is a good answer.
While I do agree losing his virginity would be good, i have to ask you an important question.
Does OP, from the little you get of his personality in his post, seem like the type to come back as a non-bitch after being used by poor Asian women or the type to come back bitter and hating women?
Be honest
Why the fuck do you assume that video has any relevance to OP?
I haven't even talked to a non-related female in over 5 years, that stupid fucking video is pointless to me.
I don't obsess over one girl that doesn't like me, nor would I ever. Is this actually what normals consider a problem? They're actually fucking cucks that hang around females that won't have sex with them, and the girls are actually so stupid they think that any heterosexual male would just wants to be friends with them?
This is off topic, but that image is so fucking stupid. Why did you post it?
Of course, people who are the best in the world get paid more than someone who isn't even top 200.
It doesn't matter if he can beat them or not that's like comparing a champ in a much lower weight class vs a pretty good person in the highest
>the girls are actually so stupid they think that any heterosexual male would just wants to be friends with them?
You know normal people can manage to have a mixed group of friends just fine, right?
>Simple Pickup
Can't believe I used to watch that shit when I was 15. That Asian guy is way uglier than I remember.
I want to do #3 but I'm not even close to #1 yet. Deep down I know that I should talk to more people but man I'm still insecure. I'm not as ugly as that Asian guy, though. I think we shy people all know we have to get out of our comfort zone. It is hard. Thanks, though.
>Why did you post it?
People don't read posts without images.
>It doesn't matter if he can beat them or not that's like comparing a champ in a much lower weight class vs a pretty good person in the highest
Oh so women are that inferior to men? Mentally and physically because basically the same exact thing happens with chess too, women need their own female-only chess league because the best female chess players in the world can't even beat men that are way below the top ranks.
They're not directly friends with the female, that's just someone's girlfriend who hangs around with her boyfriend's group of friends.
No guy actually just wants to be friends with a female, or at least 99.9% of cases they don't, but females are actually so stupid they think their "guy friend" genuinely just wants to be friends with them.
Women are that inferior physically for sure. There is no doubt about that. Lighter men have similar disadvantage to heavier ones as well. My example was intentionally gender neutral.
Mentally, I don't know. I don't think there is any consensus on that scientifically and I can't say that's been my experiences anecdotally either. I've heard that about pro chess.
I don't want to put words in your mouth, so could you explain what your point is exactly with the chess example. I have an idea, but I don't want to argue against something that you aren't actually saying.
I've been genuine friends with both girls and guys for most of my life. We grew up together and the girls are basically sisters to me.
You're a faggot?
Nope, I've also never had any trouble finding a girlfriend. Honestly, quite a few of my girlfriends have been girls my female friends knew first.
Isn't it interesting how having healthy relationships with women can help you get more women
>I just want to be loved
Get a dog or go gay?
Women aren't actually capable. Sorry to break that to you.
Do you like yourself?
You didn't say a country.
>implying fucking Asian women will get you anywhere with white women
>I knew the ramifications of playing video games all day during childhood and adolescence
I know now and am trying to sort myself out, but my parents should have thrown me out and not left me back in until dark.
This. It's all about perspective.
>Why the fuck do you assume that video has any relevance to OP?
The last half of the video is relevant. Picking up new hobbies and talking to new girls will get you laid. Women are attracted by men that lead interesting lives; not men that only lift and shitpost on Veeky Forums
Confidence and social skills are far more important than your looks. But when you do get in shape, you feel better and get more attention from women, therefore boosting your confidence. I always thought it was a meme that confidence is the #1 attractive thing to ladies, but I realized eventually that it was true.
Though if you're a 6/10, don't expect to get 9/10 Stacys, as they will obviously go with the confident very attractive men
my parents did that, really doesnt help.
Love is merely an unconscious projection of narcissism. It's really not special at all. You should focus on your gains
I'd like to think it would've helped me.
just made me want to play games more. and enjoy them more when i could.
I'm sure that's a nice thought and all, but it's the past. Keep focus on sorting yourself out like you said you're doing.
Roid rage is apparent.
>No guy actually just wants to be friends with a female, or at least 99.9% of cases they don't, but females are actually so stupid they think their "guy friend" genuinely just wants to be friends with them.
this is true for the non dumpster-fire chicks I'm friends with, but I'm too much of a sperg to try to date them
>being this retarded
womyn complains about the wage gap
some people try to explain than being a civil engineer is more valuable than being a pop culture critic
>male privilage patriarchy shitposting ensues
can you see the point hes trying to make?
OH WAIT but theres more.
Picture 2 persons doing a job, one is better at such job, that person should be payed more because of its skill and shit. no gender no skin color only how valuable they are while performing the job.
2 black cunts underperform in tennis compared to a white cis male, yet they make 20000x the money.
OP, I would check out going to therapy. I'm 26 and in the same position, sometimes people need help and guidance. I just had a serious wake up moment and don't want to die alone either. If you're in shape and successful you can still make it bro.
Not that user, but did you actually read the image?
I agree with what you're saying that image just makes a really shitty point
Please stop. You're really bad at making a good argument and I don't like when something I believe is misrepresented by idiots.
If anybody wants to read the author of that article get BTFO here it is.
not him but men have more connection along the two brain hemispheres and women have more connections across the two hemispheres. there's also a difference in the white/grey matter ratios that men and women have. its all in the book The Female Brain written by a neuropsychiatrist with citations to research papers throughout
That guy kind of BTFO'd himself. The first article was horseshit but this guy just seems like he has problems.
Stop blaming your parents for being a piece of shit
How does that even work?
>i agree with you (defending the point)
>shitty point
got told
>uses the subjective womyn defense
>I dont like
I'd say grow a pair, but we know its imposible for you dried cunt.
Whats the point? If you get a gf or wife they'll just leave you eventually and you'll be right back to square one.
>a gurl goes non stop in the dick carousel while she is young, beutiful and full of privilege.
>she gets old and shes loosing those eggs, the tits are getting saggy, ass is obliterated, rectum is bruised and twisted, voice is raspy for all the cock deep throating
>this dude doesnt want any of that
>"he has problems"
Maybe you should check your privilege sad twat.
have you ever asked anyone out op?
it's no one else's fault you're alone
i did.
on a bus
after small talk.
because the internet told me you should ask women out in public instead of in clubs.
i took the next stop.
I was a loser in the west and now live in KOrea and slay mad pussy all the time tho
Whats the last time you asked a girl on a date
2 years ago, she crushed me, though.
me too
>Confidence and social skills are far more important than your looks.
>Don't expect to get hot girls without looks.
Bruh the good things in life are earned. Gotta grind it like 90% of us, can't wait for them grills to take the lead
I have no male friends. How am I supposed to get a girlfriend like that? Just talking to strangers seems like a waste of time.
What do you do all day. Don't you meet people? If you do stuff, especially together, you bond and will have stories to share with others.
Is there not some country you want to travel to? Some record you want to break? Some skill you want to learn? Life manifests itself through activity, and when you are full of life you WILL be able to make connections with others. It takes time, but that is the way of man
>What do you do all day.
At work and once I come home I stay there.
>Don't you meet people?
I have no friends, so no.
nah man you gotta talk to strangers, expect about 1000 rejections before anyone is receptive, but when you do find people, you need to hang out with them, then it grows.
I went from moving to a new city not knowing anyone to now having 50 contacts in my phone and seeing 3 separate girls and 2 i just fuck for fun. I literally just spoke to every single person, if they seemed interested i introduced myself, if they didn't say anything i just smiled and kept on my way. In about 40 days I spoke to about 200 people per day, always took different routes to work, ate at different places, visited parks, museums, bars, clubs, food markets, bookshops, libraries, coffee shops,
first week 2 people gave me their number, one flaked, the other invited me to a weekend dinner party as a date (was a dude, no homo). There I met his extended friends, one hooked me up with a job interview, others wanted to hang out after, this snowballed into meeting more people, getting a place to live etc.
I kept going, right now I am eating free lunch and dinner for the next 12 days. I think I've spoken to about 10,000 people, I'm sure some are repeats. People love when you remember their names so this one is my biggest challenge, when I meet someone new I associate their name with a word that describes them.
spoiler: Even though being relatively popular now, and casually friendly with about a hundred people, some girls are showing marriage interest, job is going great, it has not made me happy and I can't wait for the moment when the girl goes to sleep so I can be alone, without having to smile, be funny, check my phone, responds, and always be on. I'm fucking trapped now though, think i will move to another city in a few months and maybe start over.
>all these normie replies
Is Veeky Forums just trolling when they say they are lonely or nogf?