Veeky Forums webm thread

Veeky Forums webm thread
I'll post what I have


you're all cunts for overlooking my thread I need webms



holy shit

speaking of shit

i expected his legs to snap at the bottom

i wonder how much weight that was


something tells me those are fake

sorry for namefag it sometimes does it automatically

not a webm but still

t. Deltlet weakling

im guessing the amount that was more than he was able to bench


yeah but still funny


>fuckin weak
gtfo my Veeky Forums fuckin beta crablet

Top banter



how do you think crabs get bigger?

oh god


I wonder if crabs can make sick gains, and if they did, would their shell break or would it be like Larry the Lobster and their shells would conform to their body?


they lift how the fuck else

when crabs malt and shed their old shell they become bigger.
heres a man showing them how to do farmer carries


Is he actlly retarded? I'm just starting out and even I can tell there's a reason you don't hold heavy weight in your fucking elbows


Did that guy die?

Wtf why?? That isn't acceptable form for a front squat in any plane of existence.

It's a legitimate exercise. He's just too stubborn for his own good and should've dumped it.

God damn these are hilarious




god their fucking reactions make me laugh and i feel so bad about it

only a few left

last but not least

the ol UTD gym huh. I recognize that shit

oops i lied

>Out of my way manlets

inb4 a 1 arm pullup with two missing limbs is just as easy as a normal pullup

dude must be a master of fapping and fingering



just noticed the third red light lol those asshats had the nerve to make the signal clear in case anyone was curious if it was a good lift or not lol also i keep finding goodies


It's a Zercher squat you mongoloid

Holy shit. How hurt was this guy?

lol this isn't fucking crossfit, this is Mattie Rogers who's one of the more famous American female Olympic lifters right now.

She can snatch more than you can probably squat, and she's in the 69kg weightclass...

fuck me dead

just keeping the thread going at this point

>metal gear rising

funny you should mention that

Yes! She clearly did such a great job in the webm.

Wow, that 6'2" guy really made a fool out of that 5'10" manlet

that just seems like that was just an accident waiting to happen. Why would they not put some protection in front of glass that's like 4 feet away from a lifting platform?

>that form
>that determination as crabbro pushes through that last rep

Stay perfect crabbro

iirc he came out with just a bunch of bruising, but nothing was broken or strained in any major way thanks to that there strongman core strength



>those fat, disgusting legs
>baby weight on the stack

this is awful

>Lmao fucking manlets

that kid should dress like slenderman for holloween by just wearing a suit

Do fat people think wearing tight spandex really fools people into thinking they're not fat? The second it comes off, it's a shapeless mound of cottage cheese

That lanklet can't even run lmao

the joke is that crossfit is stupid and the placement of this wight infront of a window was also stupid. Get off my Veeky Forums

things didn't end well for mr crabs though


that's actually really fucked



How is that not bad for his back or am I missing something?


how the fuck is that even possible

that's why they call it suicide grip.

To be fair there are plenty of videos where guys get fucked bench pressing with proper grip.

With huge weights, if it starts rolling forward, your thumbs are only going to do so much. Also a spotter is useless for anything other than helping you grind out a rep. If 350 lbs suddenly rolls out of your hands your spotter won't be able to do shit.

That's why you should always do heavy bench with safeties.

you arch a lil above the safeties anyway but i guess it wouldnt be quite as bad

anyone who suicide grips is an idiot

it's not, why would it be?

He dropped it though. The weight wasn't too heavy, it just slipped out of his hands because he wasn't gripping it properly.

You need to arch above the safeties to bring the bar to your chest. But if you eat shit that way, it pushes you back into the bench, then the safeties catch it.

It's the difference between being bruised and getting your chest/neck crushed.


jesus christ, i thought this was one of those basketball video game and a character glitched out

dont forget to do leg day bros

lol at the girl in the far left of the vid

do you even squat?!

squats are an important exercise for leg day

dont fully extend during leg press like this ho

do you squat on dick

in the end, you will get legs this thicc and juicy

Kill yourself

Pretty funny, but I'm glad to see him trying. That already makes him better than all the other fatties who don't even lift.

Its a zercher squat, you dummy.

yeah it's better than tomorrowfags but I don't know why he'd put that much effort into raising his arms to assure good form then fuck up his form by making his legs go apeshit

Why are they all so angry when he makes it over?

ayyyy lmao

>seen this webm enough times that i now unironically do that fucking arm thing that red shirt guy does whenever i do deadlifts or cleans or rows

that's not anger that's awe + disbelief

Because they can't