Have any of you butt fuckers tried Tren?
How did you like it?
What advice and dose would you suggest to a first timer?
Have any of you butt fuckers tried Tren?
at least 1g/week
Ask Bradley Martyn.
Starting Monday 100mg eod
Bradley is on a whole list of shit.
never gonna make it brah
10g a day for best results
That's a high dose to be starting, right?
Brah you gotta microdose it. 200mg every 4 hours. If you microdose it you don't even need to take test because you're tricking your body and it keeps producing testosterone by itself.
a bottle a day keeps the haters away.
Running it with 350mg/wk sust which should help with sides, can adjust dose if sides are bad. Have prami on hand for prolactin sides and letro, Adex and aro on hand to keep e in check. 6 weeks of tren A, then switching to masteron and finishing up with winny. 16 week cycle.
Are you mixing the sust and tren into the same syringe and doing a single shot, or are you pinning yourself more often?
No I'm not mixing
I'm on 400mg/week and about 7 weeks in (bit more cause I always overdraw ayylmao) and the only sides I get are slightly more sweat. Otherwise insane strength gains, size gains, insane libido, this shit is the real deal. I would stay on it all the time if I could feel like fucking superman 24/7, looking forward to trying a higher dose, prob 700mg, next cycle.
I would suggest to pray to Zyzz that you get lucky and the sides don't affect you much.
Good to hear about the libido. How has it effected vascularity and definition/striations ? What else are you running and what dosages
Advice to a new user
Go with ace
50-100mg is good for every day pinning
Test e base, trt dose is good
Aromasin and Arimidex every 3rd day
Keep asin thru PCT
Proper PCT!
Keep cabaser or primi at hand incase ofprolactin issues
Week 5 of 700mg/wk with 250mg test e/wk
> incredible strength, all my lifts going up a lot
> vascularity and hardness is gone thru the roof
> never in my life have i gotten this much compliments and attention from grills, even ones I considered 10s before
> no tren cough yet, but i am a medical professional so i know how to inject properly
> Jaw coming out finally
> I find myself only attracted to ridiculously hot women. I have paid almost no attention to grills under 9/10 that I'm being branded an asshole. Last fri drinking with friends grill goes "oh ever since user got swole he doesn't talk to normal people". She was a 7, and approached me later too. Btfo.
> ever decreasing empathy levels. I don't care about things anymore. Friends are saying that I'm saying some pretty fucked up shit. They are more available to hang out these days tho, so i doubt it's having that big of an effect in my social life.
> being challenged to a fight by every insecure neckbeard who's girl checks me out at the bar or house parties.
> night sweats and appetite increase. I'm finding it hard to sleep through 5 hours without waking up to grab another towel. Also, using mfp is pissing me off lol i find it hard to say no to my impulses when it comes to food, esp with knowin that tren is chopping me up anyway
Anyway, this has been a great run so far. Very excited to finally see abs where there was flab 5 weeks ago. Makes me look up to the remaining 5 weeks
Do you have any pics?
No homo
Also mainline it. IM is for pussies
we have /fraud/ for a reason...
But on topic: I'm on it now. 200 mg Tren E twice a week.
Gains are unreal but tren cough is a bitch and trensomnia would be terrible if I had a job or school or something
i inject in my veins?
Duh. How else do you think you would get it to spread through all your body
w-where do i buy tren?
>Asks if someone's ever tried Tren on a board for body dysmorphic meatheads.
I'm starting my first teen cycle soon.
Test e 600mg/week 1-12
Tren e 250mg/week 1-10
Pinned twice weekly in half doses.
It's a cutting cycle so I want to do lots of cardio. But I'm worried about heart growth. Can someone give me some good info about just how much cardio you can do on tren? Is the heart growth meme a myth?
read the fucking label, moron.
do you know what 'intramuscular' means?
>doing tren on your first cycle
>doing a 12week long cycle
>CUTTING on a fucking cycle
cardio is generally impossible on tren, but it may work on such a low dose. you'll have less stamina tho, much less.
It's my second cycle. Previous was test e and var.
12-15 weeks is as long as I'll do. I don't like being shut down any longer and think gains taper off towards end of the cycle.
Cutting cycle because I don't want to get any bigger. Just be able to maintain muscle on an extreme cut whilst gaining strength.
Can someone who knows what they're talking about reply to my comment please.
Is it safe to do heavy cardio on tren?
I do 50mg tren a ed and I do cardio 5 times a week. No issues at the moment. Also taking 250mg test as prescribed by my doc.
>know what they are talking about
haha lmao i injected more gear into my quads than you have lean body mass
why do you ask if its possible to do heavy cardio on tren? Why dont you just pin and see for yourself? I told you that cardio is extremely hard on tren for most people, and thats a fact. I literally answered your question so dont complain.
>he thinks hes going to be super duper over shutdown with 15 weeks, compared to 12 weeks.
lmao, it makes 0.001% difference. Being shutdown for 20 weeks or 10 weeks is the same fucking thing.
If you dont want to get any bigger then aye lmao thats up to you.
Scientific evidence to prove that being shutdown for 10 vs 20 weeks makes no difference?
Also can you show scientific evidence that doing 20 week cycles of gear is no harder on the heart than doing normal 10-12 week cycles?
Have you ever taken dnp? I'm asking because I'm wondering if tren sweat is worse then dnp sweats (I took 600mg dnp for 21 days and sweats where 8/10 on a worse scale)
No joke, someone in this thread is going to die.
Dnp sweats are worse imo. Maybe cause it's coupled with lethargy.
Yes. And I ain't posting. Be mad.
Why do high test low tren when cutting? Aren't you cutting? You will have more estro sides and prolactin problems if test is that high, with Tren, for a first cycle. Also, why are you doing cardio? Let the tren do its work. You will need an AI for your cycle esp with how high your test is, and need to do PCT afterwards or your balls will not work.
See If i were you, I'd up the tren to at least 400/week and focus mostly on lifting.
Walmart veterinary pharmaceuticals.
God... yes. Also do this knowing you'd probably die of coughing and sweating if you try this
Got horrible trensomnia from as little as 50mg EOD
Great gains and vascularity on it but it's not worth the lack of sleep
Similar to what I did on my first tren cycle because I was an idiot and didn't read up enough
Swap your numbers around and cut your cycle in half and you're golden-
Test e 250mg/week 1-8
Tren e 600mg/week 1-6
Maybe AI of choice every third day.
Also if you're concerned about heart growth why would you add tren AND more cardio? It's like you're seeking out what you're trying to avoid
>Science trumps experience
You're taking steroids, use your brain
Like what kind? I doubt he takes HGH desu
Try ED pinning then you fag