because fitness includes healthy sexual behavior too
worried about your porn habits? constantly find yourself in shitty situations in relationships?
ask away
because fitness includes healthy sexual behavior too
worried about your porn habits? constantly find yourself in shitty situations in relationships?
ask away
I guess this may be the right place to do it. Lately I've been incredibly sick, for the past... hell five weeks now. At first my body would randomly go numb in parts, my left arm would throb, my chest would tense up and hurt, and I'd get a headache.
I became broke and ended up eating nothing but canned vegetables and bread, with the occasional frozen steak I had saved over, and saw that it actually left me feeling almost back to normal. I'm desperate enough to try to become a health nut, even more so than usual Veeky Forums routine, so I'm going to start something called a "water cleanse." I've seen it mentioned a few times here on Veeky Forums, and I'm wondering if any of you can explain how to do it? I'm figuring it's nothing but drinking water nonstop for a few days. So for this weekend I'm planning on just eating nothing but a few slices of bread and chugging water until Monday.
Any advice? (aside from seeing a doctor.)
Started a thing with a girl in college for about a month-month and a half. Decided we should put a label on whatever it was before spring break and she said that she didn't want to be exclusive or tied down (Both seniors). Now I'm no Cuck so I said its over I'm not doing it anymore. She has been reaching out over break asking how my trip is etc. And snapping me. I keep the conversation typically light and ignore for hours.
How the fuk do I get her to stop being interested in me and talking to me cause it's makes it hard to move the fuck on
do it or you're a pussy
it just takes time user
i always find myself getting entangled with girls that have bfs
the counter number is currently 7
i can get them to cheat, i can get them to sleep with me, but i cant get them to ever commit to me
I've met this cute girl, been getting to know her over the past 6 months. I'm constantly really nice to her complimenting her and listening to her problems, She get's the hint that i like her.
It's been so long and not got me anywhere that I decided to just give up, this week I didn't bother speaker to her over social media or at college.
yesterday and today she's starting to act weird, all of a sudden finding excuses to talk to me but I just give her blunt answers, as well as this she's just staring at me from afar with puppy dog eyes.
that's actually a huge component of my issues, except it's usually when i am also dating someone
user, try to keep away from taken girls. it's hard for me too. sex is easy but unfulfilling, and they won't commit if they're already committed (even if shitty at it)
smile more user
That's cool. I was planning on doing it anyway. I was kind of hoping you'd post advice instead though...
Should I just cut ties, I'm getting nowhere.
are you incubus user or led on user?
Don't cut ties but don't pursure her either
If she comes for you, cool, otherwise, go chase other girls
Threesome. Pay close to exclusive attention to the other guy.
>this is Veeky Forums after all
Flirt with her friends in front of her. Especially her guy friends.
>where do you think you are?
Alright, tomorrow I'll speak more to her best friend, she doesn't have any close male friends though. I'll keep the conversation to a minimum with her.
led on
why dont you ask her out fucko
I fap much better without porn, and most of the time I don't use porn. I should just get that out of the way before everyone recommends "stop looking at porn". I have always been attracted to really attractive males, and attracted to average and above females. I have very specific types with males, whereas with females I like them as long as they aren't obscurely ugly. I don't like traps, and I am not just attracted to feminine dudes, I like some twinks and masculine dudes alike, but I don't like all twinks and all masc dudes. Is this normal? Is there such a thing as selectively bisexual or whatever?
3-4 months ago I had an encounter with my ex and resulted in us banging. We continued having sex here and there and I didnt think much since we were just friends. But within last month she has been excessively needy of me and getting really whiny if I dont see her for more then 2 days and angry when I hesitate on wanting to bang, or make out. Her needy behaviour along with other problems is what ended the relationship. I feel like she just got used hanging out and thinks we are dating but I want to break it off.
I know a lot of you will think I am probably retarded for ever letting this happen, and I am. Reason why was I got really busy with school so I haven't had anytime to really reflect on my actions and events in life. Should I just explain to her the we should stop doing what we are doing and stop talking so we can move on? She has depression (or bi polar) and has threaten suicide in the past, this is a main reason why its hard to converse with her what I want because I´m afraid she will just get suicidal again.
Yeah. Who cares? If you're worried about social reactions just don't bring it up. No shame in what you're into.
Just block her number and stop it.
Take responsibility for YOUR actions but NO ONE'S reactions.
You're a fucking retarded ass normie with normie probs. Now now I'm a married man. But I detest stupid lives like yours. It doesn't matter what you do. You know you'll still keep talking to her
>Being friends with an ex
You millenials wonder why you suck at relationships yet refuse to do things old fashioned and treat your intimate relationships progressively. Well there you go there's your retarded fucking fruit to bare stupid.
Fuck off /saa/ is advice zone not judgment zone fag.
You ghost her. You block her from everything and ignore. See? You know You have these options too but you're too much of a fucking pussy. so that rut you're stuck in is your own and you should quit asking for advice