Vynz Brah Responds to Veeky Forums
how does he not know how to use a back button on a browser
He seems pretty chill. who is he and why does Veeky Forums bully him?
kek at just be confident
because hes a dyel twink who is trying to be zyzz
Fuarrrrrrrrk Return of the King
He fucking roasted my youtube channel ;_;
kek at not knowing steven molyneaux
He skipped the Adolf Hitler part because he's scared of being flagged or something kek
Also when he listed the social media he nearly said "Veeky Forums" but managed to eat his words xd
I unironically like Vynz. He seems like a genuinely good guy. He's a bit DYEL, but he's still probably bigger than most of the faggots on here.
Wait does he think Stefan Molyneux is the guy roasting him?
>he nearly said "Veeky Forums" but managed to eat his words
Didn't notice this before kek
This is the meme turning point
Vynz needs to bulk/roid up and he will be the next actual Zyzz
He's a special kind of stupid if he didn't look up "Stefan Molyneux" before coming to the conclusion that he is the one roasting him.
Feels good to be in a timeline where vynz ascends and becomes a meme god
Vynz is our boy!
This. He clearly browses Veeky Forums.
Saged and reported
BAN all Vynz Brah threads
STOP replying to Vynz Brah threads
I seriously doubt that
ITT: vynz posting to himself
you're not going to make it breh
I thought he was cool guy until VERY last minute of the video where he took his shirt off and kept sticking his tongue out, wanted to jab mofo so hard.
NO offense to the guy, but i've been lifting for how much? 4-5 months? I am still DYEL af but i am bigger than this guy while being 6'3.
He's probably following Zyzz Routine from Zyzz's Bodybuilding Bible lmao.
>literally his entire audience is made up of Veeky Forums
>act surprised when he acknowledges you
This is literally viral marketing, and it's working.
vynz is a ripped beast at the natty limit
He tries way too hard to be the next zyzz.
he's a good sport i guess
I subbed. Hopefully he goes on dem roids
Isn't it obvious that this retard is the one making all his own threads?
We're entering a golden age, user. Veeky Forums could become as good as it was back when Zyzz was alive. I hope this meme continues to grow tbqh.
>300 subs
>18 minutes
Do you actually expect me to watch this shit? Who is this fag and why is everyone shilling him?
Whatever you say Mr.Alfon
is vynzz are new king?
yea i watched most of his videos bc im a neet with nothing else to do and he seems a little genuine
even though he is small and weak he seems to give a positive message
this nobody made the "meme" himself
why are losers always doing this
I'm gonna lift for vynz tonight, this inspirational electronic music sure as hell is doing more for me than not fapping
>As a man, I'm flesh and blood
>I can be ignored
>I can be destroyed; but as a symbol...
>As a symbol I can be incorruptible
>I can be everlasting
the new king. Fuck the haters, we are all vynz inside.
Yes all hail the vynz baby
HOLY FUUUUUUUAARK. this is pretty much what the 2nd coming is to Christians.
Which one is supposed to be me?
reincarnation isn't rea--
obviously not F@@@KING VYNZ BRAH
so the left one duh.
this dude is so fucking small kek. Why is he making videos?
hes konfidunt brah why are you hatingg bro
The fuck I could lift more than him on my first day working out than he can do right now and I feel weak as chit dude is skeleton mode
post proof of suffer the rath of vynz brah
he's weak a fuck
all hail the new king of fit
I am Veeky Forums. I'm the biggest celery on here.
Who are you tripfag