How you holding up Veeky Forums?
How you holding up Veeky Forums?
Fucking college and ROTC is raping my gains, but at least I'm not losing anything. Dumped my spaghetti in front of the oneitis today. But other than that it's not too bad I guess. What about you brah?
I failed 2 of my midterms and have a 2.5 GPA. I'm screwed
Not too well. Been lifting for a year and I still feel like I'm a DYEL skinnyfat. Even though I've made plenty of progress I see all these progress threads and feel like I should be making more.
It probably doesn't help that I'm constantly working long hours at my job, then doing homework at night. Tonight I'm barely going to get any sleep, and probably won't be able to go to the gym tomorrow.
I'm hanging in there though, Spring is coming.
Trying to squeeze 90 years of life into what will optimistically be somewhere around forty
Career is going pretty well but i have zero friends and never had a gf
Still looking for a job/waiting to hear back from applications but I picked up some reasonably steady freelance writing work, not enough to live on but at least I have some money in my pocket at the end of the week.
My fucking ganglion cyst flared up again after being dormant since early November right after I skipped going to the gym for a week, I think it's the universe punishing me. It hurts like fucking hell to bend my wrist backward but I'm still going tomorrow, and then hopefully Wednesday then Friday. I tried squeezing it myself but I don't think it did anything; I wish I could just pop them and be done with it. Lifting should help it, at least the physical pain part since holding up 150 pounds or whatever my bench is at should make it hurt so much that anything else will barely register in comparison. I really hope I grow out of this thing, I got surgery to remove it 3 or 4 years ago and it grew back right away since no one told me beforehand almost all of the data for recursion is based on adults who got the procedure, not teenagers.
My dad used to get cysts on his ears and he said those went away in his early 20s so maybe I'll just wake up one day and this fucker in my wrist will stop making my lifting life so hard.
Breetttyyy good op. Basketball season just ended for my club team and I MVP award for the season. No gf but I'm not to caring about that currently. More and more I work out I feel better and better as I started around August 2016. Loving life right now, hoping you guys are too and if you aren't itll hopefully get better.
Not the best, man. I'm the most depressed I've been since my first year of college and binge eat almost every day.
On one hand that's helped me escape Mr Skeleton mode, but on the other it's not ideal for obvious reasons. Overall strength gains have been going great but life gains have not.
>had flu for 5 days, felt terrible
>finally over it, work out for 3 days
>now have stomach flu and puking out my guts
Kill me.
Having anxiety because I stopped drinking a few weeks ago. I've definitely had cravings. Having a beer after quitting fucked my shit up. I got 4 plane flights coming up and one of them is a cruise. Fuccckkkkkk
You know cysts can get surgically removed right?..
Failing one of my classes hard-fucking-core because it's an awful class format and it's way too early in the morning but it was literally the only time available since they cancelled the previous one i tried to take. fucking bullshit
im stressing like crazy about it and have to spend this whole next week basically teaching my own fucking self how to do everything ive missed because of how bad the class is
just thinking about it makes me mad, god damnit
Feel like shit honestly.
Gf of 3 years moved away when she graduated college. She goes out and gets drunk most weekends and doesn't really seem to be phased at all. I on the other hand stay home every night and have at least one point where I cry everyday. We've been texting each other lately talking about how hard it is to do long distance. My mind changes constantly about what I want to do. Starting to feel as if it would be easier just to call it quits now.
>tfw listening to the smiths wishing a 10 ton truck would crush my tiny car on a daily basis
have you thought about telling her this stuff, like just how bad it makes you feel? Maybe her going out and getting drunk is how she copes with the same feelings
In the process of trying to break up with a 5 month thing. Was a coward and did it over text, now I'm paying for it. Expecting a call any minute now. Wish me luck Veeky Forums, tfw no gf is coming soon.
This is ass I feel, I had bronchitis for fucking THREE MONTHS, then I got back to the gym for a few weeks, then fucking flu for two weeks, then barely got to step in the gym when a fever hit again - bronchitis. Again.
Now I've been finally well and back at the gym for a week but jesus, all my strength is gone,
I'm 27 and still live at home
I was never able to afford college and I was not eligible for any scholarships so no degree
I work a pretty dead end job and make shit pay
I have next to no social life and no free time to develop one
I'm trying to apprentice under a family friend to work his job (If I can it will be a decent job with good pay) but it's mostly going over my head because I'm stupid
No gf, pretty sure I'll die alone and even if I have a family I will never be able to give my parents grandchildren before they die
All my friends have either moved away,died or gone to jail
there aren't enough hours in the day
And today my gym suddenly shut down forever without warning
So peachy
GF of 8 years left my apartment in one single day almost a year ago and moved 4 hours away to her parents. Shit hadn't been great for a while but I thought we could salvage shit. We'd been planning a wedding and everything.
She called me out of the blue a month later crying her eyes out that she chose wrong. We met up a dozen or so times, fucked, cried, said we loved each other, all that shit. Then she suddenly wouldn't meet anymore.
Texting all turned bitter and it's completely over now but I'm still in love with her. But it's obvious she isn't and the happy life together will never come back.
I'm a social fucking autismo maximo and she basically just fell into my lap. Back when I was at least somewhat good looking with hair. No fucking way it happens again.
The crushing despair keeps me awake most nights unless I down some zzzquil and a melatonin pill. I have to double dose that shit so I don't dream, because if I do it's usually about the happy life I had with her. I've never been that fucking happy before or since.
I put on a cheerful, optimistic mask for friends and family so they can't see just how fucked up I am now.
Lifting was keeping me going for a while but now it just feels routine and no longer staves off the horrible sensation that nothing will ever equate to those blissful years.
I know how fucked up I was after my first few relationships fell through, and for how long, but those were nothing close to as serious or as long. I'm not sure I want to ride this one out anymore.
This qt3.14 at my gym, always there when I go.
Always in baggy grey sweats but you can see her big tight ass when she squats and perfect abs when she benches.
Always walking back and fort in front of the power rack during rests, staring at the floor. Always looks sad.
Stalked her facebook occasionally but she seems to have deactivated.
Tfw too autistic to work up the courage to strike up a conversation with her. I just want to give her a big hug and spin her around.
thinking about doing this. whyd you do it?
I'm making gains and losing weight. 2xl shirts fit me big again and i hit some new PRs recently. mrw co workers tell me my face looks slimmer and i look more "built"
I'm not attracted to her at all, I just wanted my chance at being happy. how about you?
all my reasons sound stupid now that I have to type them
were you happy?
Please help me bros, talk me out of hiring this escort. I feel like a degenerate and I haven't even done it yet.
>talk me out of hiring this escort
Because it's a tranny and it's cheaper to get a tranny instead. I don't even want to do it I don't understand myself.
Then pick up a non hooker tranny then, whatever floats your boat.
yeah, I was for a time. I've gone on plenty of dates but I never crushed on anyone for close to 10 years now. I just wanted my chance, but I guess not yet. My attraction went so low that I faked an orgasm to get out of sex.
Under 90kg now from 105kg, feels good. Aiming for 85kg, not far now.
School is fucked though, can't sleep properly.
Also, my opiate addiction is almost tapered off.
I snapped up my back and got some serious pain but luckily it's muscular so I'll be back at it within a week.
I got accepted to a great grad school master's program but now I don't give a single FUCK about my bachelor's so I been slackin' hardcore and the stress is getting to me.
My gf and I are probably gonna split when I leave for grad school and we're both sad as fuck and crying about it a lot but we love each other so neither of us know what the FUCK to do.
I'm doing alright tho.
Good luck user.
Thought the same. She won't commit after a year. Which was great until we developed feelings for eachother.
She kept encouraging me to go on dates. She said she has the perfect girl for me when she leaves (hence our lack of commitment).
Actually go on date one time and she has a little meltdown. Other night I pull this perfect girl and she got jealous.
I'm not sure I want these gains anymore.
got admitted to the hospital again today for water retention lads
3rd time this year,
this happened because i ate mexican food with my gf at a restaurant and it had too much salt
im still trying Veeky Forums but its hard, i need another heart transplant already and i need to drop more weight
send me your energy i believe i can do this
>5 months ago. University dorms.
>Meet girl. We become friends. I have no interest in pursuing her
>Few weeks go by, we spend every day together
>I catch feelings
>We cuddle a few times, I finger her
>The next week she says she wants to just be friends
>i agree
>fast forward 4 months
>I realize i still like her
>Delete off of social media and stop talking to her
>still miss those first few weeks
maybe you always will lad
but there are other great girls you can finger and catch feelings for
just keep going until you find the right fingerhole
Same boat, but less intense. It still hurts, but it's alright user. Pick up a new hobby. Work some more. Learn something. The only time it really hurts is when you're not doing anything, so stay busy.
i work at costco and i hate it, losing weight and getting Veeky Forums though, down a grand total of about 105 pounds and lost my virginity a few months ago so thats cool
I really need to get my career life in order though because If I'm still at costco in 5 years im going to probably be an alcoholic by that point.
Other than that the girl im in love with is joining the marines so she'll be gone for a long time so im feeling pretty bad Veeky Forums
Living a pitiful existence
Been liftan for 2 months and only now do I see any sort of visible gainz
Doing great.
>Quit job I hated
>Get better job with more free time
>Use free time to get back to the gym
>Nice gains
>Chest and shoulders bigger than ever
>Abs for the first time in my life
>Girlfriend noticeably hornier, wetter, more adventurous
>Actually achieve penetrative orgasms with her, contractions and all feelsgoodman.jpg
>A hot mutual friend of ours flirts with me, nice ego boost
>Tell GF about it, expecting to laugh and shit
>She says its hot that other girls want me
>Fast forward a few weeks
>The three of us end up having a threesome in the back of my truck during some early spring camping
>Nobody fucking believes me
>GF wants to do it again
>Not sure if trap
Degenerate as fuck but I don't give a shit. Never had anything like this before.
>Friends gold digger mom comments that my "chest looks big... nice work!" in front of her scrawny cucked third husband
>He looks uncomfortable kek
My bench isn't even that good desu no idea why I've accumulated so much mass
Sorry for personal blog. Maybe posts like these motivate others to achieve fitness who knows.
Thanks for the story, m8. My deep dark fitness goal is to cuck some other dude, probably feels real fuckin neato
>pic related
I'm 5'5 with a Babyface but my face is fucked by acne scars and discoloration.
How do u think I'm.holding up
desu i have no fucking idea how i'm doing