Any way to boost my test and HGH levels without injecting?
Any way to boost my test and HGH levels without injecting?
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be constantly edging
I heard sucking dicks increases test levels so maybe yeah give it a try
Test - yes.
Lift weights
Get enough dietary fat and cholesterol
Do cardio
Be under 13% body fat
Sleep well
Don't eat soy and other shit
GH - no.
But doesn't cardio lower your test levels?
Does this really work?
No what the fuck?
Pretty much everywhere on the internet it says that cardio lowers your test levels
Get to and maintain 11-14% bodyfat
Gain some muscle
Occasional Intermittent fasting
Eating well over maintenance on days of high activity
Heavy resistance training
High intensity exercise
Strengthening the cardio vascular system
Getting relatively high levels of activity throughout the day
Eating meat and animal byproducts
Resting and taking naps when needed
Get as much sunshine on as much of your body as possible
Learning the ancient arcane art of chilling out
Being in the presence of smelling and interacting with a healthy attractive fertile woman
Giving up porn and masturbation for lent
Having some of that good rapey sex.
Being in violent aggressive situations
Doing things that will lead to victory and give a sense of accomplishment
It doesn't say that anywhere.
>Chilling out
>Being in violent aggressive situations
Really made me think.
Masturbating lowers test?
Are you sure test isn't lowered by cardio?
You get into those situations every day as a man. If you don't learn how to deal with them or learn to enjoy them a bit and then learn how to drop the ordeal and chill out then you'll be knuckled under by them.
Yup. Excessive masturbation essentially mimics castration.
Excessive cardio with low calorie intake? Definitely. Moderate cardio with a good balanced diet and more then enough calories occasionally? No, it's helpful.
Well, that sucks. I'm trying to lose weight.
key word.
Ejaculation is good for you. With or without sex you should be ejaculating like 3-4 times a week.
Eat more protein, sleep more, work out more/harder than you already do, have more sex and fap more
>Giving...masturbation for lent
Masturbation doesn't lower test
No, if your not just doing cardio and slacking off on everything else you'll be fine
If you're cutting hard and exercising + being active then your test level is going to take a hit.
If you're obese or merely fat as hell, you'll be okay for a while. But your libido is going to get hit and hit hard.
If you do a slight cut of 1000-250 while exercising a lot and being active and you're fairly heavy then you'll look and feel better. At least that's how it was for me.
Go check forums and other places on the net for men's experiences when they cut and how hard they cut.
Use what you learn from them and your own experiences to change your diet and exercise plans so your test levels won't be impacted and will even be enhanced.
Take orals :^)
doing god's work user
All of your shit was blown out of the water multiple times by me personally.
I am going report your stupid fucking ass for spam every single time you post that list of utter fucking retardation.
No, you should not. You do not need to ejaculate 3-4 times a week or at all.
Show me one single solitary piece of scientific proof that says otherwise.
I'm obese, but all I do is cardio. Is that going to be a problem?
For HGH, try warrior diet. There's a study somewhere that shows intermittent fasting (like 20/4, 22/2) increases HGH production. Google it.. I'm on mobile.
With Grindr, some weeks I'm up to 7 hookups a week. That excludes the 3-4 daily faps (no porn, just imagination). I have a high libido for a 34 year old.
Not really.
Right now you're so big that your body will begin to use your excess fat right away and you don't really have to worry about starving or your test bottoming out. As a matter of fact you might start feeling better.
BUT I would suggest doing some form of resistance training to keep the fat boy muscle mass and even build some mass right now. It'll help you lose weight, feel better, and keep the weight off for longer periods.
I suggest a basic bodyweight workout. Pushups, leg lifts, squats, chinups bridges etc etc. It's really simple and there are dozens of calisthenics workouts out there for you to follow.
>7 hookups a week
and scientists are baffled how AIDS is so much more prevalent in the gay community
Is this real?
>All of your shit was blown out of the water multiple times by me personally.
You haven't blown me or anyone else out and all scientific evidence is against you if your going to say masturbating decreases or negatively affects test
>I am going report your stupid fucking ass for spam every single time you post that list of utter fucking retardation.
Then have fun being so up your own ass about pseudoscience there
>Show me one single solitary piece of scientific proof that says otherwise.
I just did
Okay. Thank you.
You realize you'd have the same side effects right
All of that "evidence" is some trash as fuck blog opinon pieces and badly misinterpreted science.
You have nothing
And you've been posting that list of stupid bullshit that you barely understand for almost a year now.
Fucking stop it.
No they're not, they've known since the beginning.
no orals will kill you everything else is a meme
too much cardio does
stress (cardio) = cortisol
cortisol VS testosterone
still, as long as you're not running 2 hours a day it's fine
try to avoid doing "stressfull" activities such as gaming, and taking stims
Tim Ferriss and some woman have a research on saunas, or "core cooling training" smth like that. It is supposed to multiply your HGH levels easily
how the fuck is an obese man gonna do that?
bridges lmao
time to relapse boyos
play a sport and be competitive. Male competition back in tribal days raised t levels, and the alpha had the most t because he was the better stronger aggressive one. Now there's something called tactics which allows humans to bypass all that shit and become soft, weak humans. But anyway, competitive environment like MMA, power lifting (not commercial) gyms full of beasts will increase T
You start from the bottom and work your way up.
It's not fancy, it's not awesome as running up stairs while the rocky theme song plays. But it works.
And this combined with extra aerobic activity and a strict diet will get you down to a very healthy 15-18% bodyfat with ease.
>All of that "evidence" is some trash as fuck blog opinon pieces and badly misinterpreted science.
>Not reading
>This level of projection
>You have nothing
Except I do
>And you've been posting that list of stupid bullshit that you barely understand for almost a year now.
>Fucking stop it.