Does Veeky Forums have a workout partner?
Does Veeky Forums have a workout partner?
My 2D waifus
I used to have the best gym partner. Had similar ideas of working out, loved squats and deadlifts and would dedicate entire sessions to them. He was stronger than me, which motivated me to catch up. I could share dank fitness memes, laugh at people doing dumb shit at the gym, and eye those cardio bunnies.
Then I moved, and don't live close enough to a "real" gym, so I have to go to one of those outlet shopping area gyms that has one room and only a few things of free weights. Coworkers aren't into fitness and do dumb shit and clearly need to read the sticky.
He had a motorcycle accident last summer.
Swelling on the brain and in a coma for over a month.
He now has serious brain damage. He remembers who I am but he doesn't understand much of anything.
It feels bad desu. I miss him and our moments of douchebaggery.
Thanks for the feels today OP.
She slept with another friend's husband and is now moving away because of her own dumbshit husband. And she was more in shape than me being an athlete not long ago but she wasn't motivated at all after the first like 2 weeks :/
i have actually fapped to this .gif on /hm/
I Used to. random dude that was 7 years older than me, we both just happened to finish work at the same time so just worked out together
When i moved gyms didnt see him so could say goodbye
Yes. She is also my partner in just about everything else. I'm pretty blessed to have a girlfriend I get along with well.
His true life force lives on in your memories. Time is an illusion and part of both of you will always be there at the gym acting like turbo douches and having a good time.
fuck no. in my teen years all of my peers would just fuck around with weights using random amounts of reps/sets and using fucked up technique. they'd randomly lift like randomly playing a game of basketball. then they'd get mad that i wouldn't bench with them in a basement because my chest day was literally the next day. and all they'd talk about is who else they know who is jacked, preach shit broscience, and fighting. fuck off children. ever since i never had any desire to have a partner.
my friend never goes with me :(
fuck off degenerate
are you repressing something buddy?
The most degenerate thing about the whole situation is masturbating to a .gif
if you could supply me with better david laid material, I would be eternally grateful.
Same story except I bought a homegym cause my work didn't allow me to invest time into moving to a faraway gym
damn I am not that user and I actually caught some feels. cheers user
actually 3
we go together all the time
i dont have friends
all i have sorry famalam
i have a cardio buddy, we go jogging together every 2 days, but tfw no lifting buddy :c