who here /mealprep/?
I'm trying to get started next week so I can count calories easier. I dunno if I can manage to eat the same thing over and over though.
who here /mealprep/?
I'm trying to get started next week so I can count calories easier. I dunno if I can manage to eat the same thing over and over though.
Other urls found in this thread:
Buying sardines oats rice avocados and beef today.
Making fish patties for breakfast and beef rice and broccoli for dinners.
I'm saving up for pic related because they're pretty and I would prefer wood or glass containers to plastic
>Mexican flavored nuts
what do you do for lunch?
Leftovers from breakfast
Why do your testicles taste like illegals? And how do you know?
I got those
>is my scrotum
On a cut.
lel I just noticed that. it's a rando GIS pic
Something I don't understand is how people prep rice for 5 or even 7 days in advance.
Most chefs will tell you cooked rice isn't safe after about 48 hours, most official advice says no more than 24.
Yet LOADS of guys prep rice and reheat it after several days.
So someone is wrong, or a lot of bodybuilders are constantly shitting themselves.
i mash up a buncha lentils to make stuff for ez bean burgers for when im in a rush. taste good as shit too
you put it in the fridge
Jesus. I gotta lose like 10lb I have no idea how I'm gonna do it without losing my mind, I'm hungry all. the. damn. time.
I just use the freezer
You don't have to eat the same shit, just plan for IIFYM.
Tbh I'll prepare my lunches for the week ahead on Sundays (for work) and work my breakfast dinner and pwo around whatever my macros were for my lunch.
I used to be absolutely precise but as long as I'm 20-30~around my target macros I'm fine. It's a pain the ass and also it's impossible to be 100% accurate due to varying metabolic rates, activity that day, quality of sleep etc.
At the end of the day its all a guessing game anyway. There's no point in being so crazy about this, as long as your goals are being achieved combine it with some common sense and flexibility. Otherwise it will drive you nuts.
>bento boxes
Yes fuckin plz
God damn if I had a japanese gf I would suck her dick just so I could get me some of those handcrafted with love lunches.
Japanese food is fuckin great
Neither of these are safe btw. Just like not every egg has salmonella, not every rice has the fungal spores, but you're playing dice with you guts/life
>fridge/freezer isn't safe
t. Ungabunga
pic related, you and your brothers
>Otherwise it will drive you nuts.
Oh totally, I'm just trying to be autistic about it for 2 weeks to a month so that I "really get it down" and then I can do it on autopilot from then on.
>work my breakfast dinner and pwo around whatever my macros were for my lunch.
So you just prepare day-of? What do you do for a living that you have time for that?
how about noodles?
How do you guys pick/find recipes that fit your macros+calorie counts?
It's easy with just chicken breasts and rice, but I need to switch things up.
I work 9-5 standard Monday to Friday. So I'll cook several meals on the Sunday and fill my freezer with it. Usually roughly the same macros but not always. Chicken and veg gets old real fucking fast. If you can do it cool, not for me however.
Usually beef/tuna homemade patties with a side of veg (and new or sweat potatoes if need the calories) or steak. Alternatives are chicken/salmon rice/pasta n veg with sauce. Get seasonings and spices, Jamaican jerk/garlic/cajun/dill are some of my favs. experiment. It also means if I have a real bad fucking day or I really cannot be fucking bothered I can have two of these meals to save time cooking.
Your meals don't have to be complicated to taste good.
Also worth adding from start to finish this takes me no more than a couple of hours (from prep to cleaned up). I'll stick some music or sports on in the background and once you've done it a few times it becomes routine and easy.
Fungal spores are EVERYWHERE
If you have normal to healthy immune response - you're body/guts adjust/deals with it.
I never eat 'old rice'. It's lousy, unless heated with milk, next morning.
All poultry have salmonella! Prepare the shit, properly.
Salmonella, e.coli, and other bacteria come from fecal matter and are not inherent in the meat itself and contaminate when the meat is butchered and handled.
Learn several variations on your meals, like beans and rice has a gorillion regional variants, or it could be as easy as a different frozen fruit medley for your oats in the morning
Lots of water and complex carbs
>no chilli
Veeky Forums pls
Are people on Veeky Forums really this uneducated about the dangers of old rice?
Awesome, thx for the info. You mix beef and tuna?
I'll try it
You have to go back
>who here /mealprep/?
>Old Rice?
Entirely; enlighten us.
two cans of sardines
three quarter cup of ground oats
no rice
one avocado
a teaspoon of garlic powder
and as much Tabasco as you want
520 cal for 4 patties 2 inches in diameter (makes eight)
34 carbs 29 fats and 31 protons
does anyone have any other good sardine recipes
add an egg so they stick together
Holy fuckin shit what a faggot ass weeb
Fisherman's Feast bby
>Holy fuckin shit what a faggot ass weeb
> Anonymous 03/16/17(Thu)22:07:01 No.40731184 ▶
>File: Fisherman's Feast.jpg (231 KB, 1092x612)
> (You)
>Fisherman's Feast bby
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looks good mango thanks
Yeah. I have a big tub of oats, a big tub of whey, a big container of milk, a big container of olive oil, and that's about all I eat all year, along with the occasional fruits and veggies.
Cheap as fuck, and easy as fuck, and as a grad student I'm on the go a lot. When I get home my gf always has a hot meal made though.
so it's not really all you eat just what you eating beginning of the day
We've only been dating for a month, prior to that it was all I'd eat, going back about a year, with greek yogurt before bed.
Now it's about 75% of what I eat, since I spend most of the day out.
if youre in a dorm or your kitchen sucks cooking on cast iron might be more trouble than its worth, but it makes great chicken easy mode
and steaks come out great
prep, season, sear, throw it in the oven for 20 minutes,
>turning the oven to 500 to cook eggs over pre-cooked sardines
Fucking retarded. Just fry the eggs in a pan and toss the fucking fish in.
My issue with meal prep is that I like variety too much to prep for more than three days.
I just make a whole beef chuck roast with potatoes and carrots, and paired that with rice and salad. Got pears for a snack and kefir yogurt/rice porridge for lunch.
I have IBS, so some days are good food days, and other days mean rice and bananas, and hoping a flare doesn't hit at work/school.
>mfw just put some chicken, avocado, salad mix, cilantro, salt, pepper and cucumber in a container, mixed it all up and letting it marinate for work tomorrow
fuuuuuuuuuuuck yeah
I usually eat the same stuff, but I don't meal prep it, except for dinner. I make a big dish and then eat it for dinner for a few days.
Breakfast: microwave oatmeal + grapefruit + shake
Lunch: Big bowl of fruit, fresh spinach and cooked bean salad, rice/sweet potatoes
Dinner: Bean stir-fry or curry + nuts + potatoes
I should probably try to meal prep what I can from my meals.
do you still have a protein shake even when you didn't workout that day?
Yes of course. Your muscles build for up to 48 hours after a workout assuming you aren't taking dat dere celltech.
well you've changed my diet now user, know that your post has had an impact on a strangers life thousands of miles away
You should probably read up on protein and nutrition. You should be getting 0.7 grams of protein per lb of ideal bodyweight every day, even off days. This is assuming you are weightlifting. For non-weightlifters, protein requirements are much lower.
Protein shakes aren't just pre/post workout shake. They're also a regular food, just really high in protein.
Just get instant rice.
Couscous is good when you get sick of rice. Shrimp has a ton of protons and is a good way to mix it up when you get tired of chicken.
>Cooked rice is a generally considered low risk food item.
>you can store rice in the fridge for quite a long period.
>Rice cools quicker if removed from the hot container and divided into smaller, clean shallow containers less than 10 cm deep. Keep the containers separate, not stacked.
>Alternatively, you can cool the rice in a colander under cold running water before storing in a refrigerator below 5 °C.
Eat more beans and tofu.
>mexican flavored nuts
The opposite of what this faggot () says. Low carb high fat.
Remove 10 eggs from the carton and place on table.
Slice 3 grapefruits in halves, individually seal them using a food sealer. Throw out the extra half.
Cook chicken, bull testicles, and salmon on your panini press. Add some boiled sweet potato and canned green beans. Don't season either of the vegetables. If you can't find green beans, use green crayons and take off the labels.
Place remaining visible items on the table as well.
>Cook chicken, bull testicles, and salmon on your panini press.
panini press cooked chicken?
how long? what temperature? how big is the chicken?
what if you dont have a panini press?
If you don't have a panini press just use your george foreman grill. How long? Until the light flashes I think. It depends on what chips the chinamen put in your panini press.
dont have a george foreman grill either.
Why the fuck wouldn't cooked rice be good for more than 24 hours? It smells and tastes the fucking same after like a week, no way its bad by the 2nd day.
Best way to get the lines on the chicken is to place it directly on the rack in the oven. Put a pan underneath to catch the drippings to feed to your cats for those sick pussy gains. Mines been getting so swole since I started using this cooking method and yours can too
>God damn if I had a japanese gf I would suck her dick
I know you said this just hoping for a (you). It's okay, I've done the same thing.
you're retarded or uneducated
>Mexican nuts
how... how do you combine these...things?
if you eat anything besides oatmeal for breakfast than you're retarded simple as that
Scratching my head over my daily food budget.
Trying to hit 200g protein, though food is expensive where I live. Chicken i too expensive, pork can suffice. Although I'd rather not eat that much red meat a day.
Might settle for Tuna, beans could work but then there's the issue of complete proteins and all that stuff.
Daily intake in whey is a lot cheaper than chicken and pork, and almost the same price as tuna.
That's how i've felt for the past two years. down 100 pounds tho so thats neat.
I don't understand, do burgers not eat stew?
there is literally no easier way to prep food
Not quite
>get bullied a lot in middle school and high school
>bullies call me faggot
>everything in the book
>eventually give up trying to prove my masculinity and straightness to anyone
>one day bully comes along in hallway walking between classes
>we'll call him Eli
>"What's up gay bitch you got a quarter on ya? I want gum from the machine"
>"nah man I ain't givng you my money. I want gum too ya know"
>"Don't be a faggot user"
>*grabs my backpack and starts trying to go through it*
>begin moaning incredibly loud
>people awkwardly walk by
>"shut the fuck up queer and just give me a quarter or dollar or somethin"
>bully is looking flustered but undeterred
>initiate gay stage 2
>say loud enough for others to hear "but Eli, you're so rough with me. You know I can't keep quiet when you're just so rough"
>stare deep into his eyes
>"what the fuck did you just say?"
>"why are you so mean to me in public Eli? Why can't we just hold hands like we do at my house..."
>bully can't decide whether to defend his masculinity to those that are watching us or keep trying to get money from me
>decides to just give up
>"whatever go suck a dick retard"
>"I'll meet up with you later then!" I cheer to him as he stomps away
Did this for about 2 months and all the bullies just stopped doing bully shit cause I guess I made them too uncomfortable.
Now I just throw random shit like that into casual conversation cause it's funny as hell to see the confused reactions from people who correctly assume I'm straight.
Why do meal preppers hate fresh food?
well played sir
n-no homo
That's 5 lunches for me right there
>mexican flavoured nuts
I meal prep but it's 100% out of laziness rather than anything else
I buy about 10kg of grains online four times a year which takes maybe 20 minutes. I buy approx 5kg of meat every month online which takes an overlapping 20 minutes. I buy veg twice a week on the way back from the gym which takes 5 minutes.
I cook pic related which takes maybe 30 minutes at most, with a few hours of unsupervised oven time in between.
Ironic part is I actually love cooking and still do regularly- just with other fancy stuff rather than my main meals.
I also make a huge batch of various burritos and Veeky Forums tuna patties with different fish/seafoods and freeze the lot- this way I have lunches and protein snacks in 5 minutes whenever I want.
The autism really pays off in terms of time, food and calorie management.
It's also easy to be varied when you're buying veg 2x per week and changing it around with the regular foods you buy.
Woops, wrong pic above
Wait, cooking your own food is something unusual? Fucking Burgers, I'm telling ya...
The only food I don't cook myself is my diner on weekdays, which I eat at a cafeteria at my job
beat me to it
you people can't cook for shit.
It's funny seeing autistic niggers try to cook like a civilized person.
I don't know what kind of artificial food you are eating, but my 100 % organic 2nd world (Russia) food will become bad on 2nd or 3rd day of storaging it in a fridge.
Then you're buying dogshit or not cooking properly. Sealed cooked veg and meat will last up to a week in the fridge, you can even stretch a few more days with salt, sugar, lemon or other preservatives
Having said that though I rarely store more than 5-6 days worth of food in the fridge at any given time
As a tip, don't go complicated on the meals.
The more elaborate the meals, the more time you spend prepping them, and the less likely you are to keep it up.
When I first started, I watched Fit Couple Cooks on YouTube and did all of their meal preps.
Long story short, they're way too intricate and you're better off cooking 5 lbs of diced chicken, 2 lbs of brown rice, and half a dozen sweet taters then throwing them bitches in the fridge.
I also cook 10 tilapia filets at one time in my convection oven and throw them in the fridge for extra protein everyday.
Not related to topic, but I applaud your ability to adapt.
You're lucky. One could have showed up at your house to get his dick sucked
kill yourself faggot, I didn't know about bento boxes until I was searching for nonplastic food containers
I really don't understand how people can eat food that's been sitting in the fridge for 5-6 days. It tastes like absolute death
>It tastes like absolute death
lol no
I make this daily and it's pretty good:
4 cups of diced cabbage
2 cans of chicken
2 cups of shredded cheddar jack cheese
3/4 cup of bacon pieces
1/2 cup of tapatio
Jack cheese for mozzarella
Bacon pieces for pepperoni
Tapatio for marinara sauce
Jack cheese for mozzarella
Bacon pieces for sausage
Tapatio for alfredo sauce
not that guy but any chicken breast that are 2 days old are more are trash tier taste and texture.
Or you don't know how to cook so everything tastes like shit anyways
lol no
I have chicken that's been in my freezer for 2 years. Is it okay to eat?
>americans have to worry about eggs having salmonella
literally africa
sweet potatoez masterrace reporting in