How's your bench press progress going?
How's your bench press progress going?
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F-finally benched 1pl8 for 3x5
Best lift as always.
fucking terrible i cant progress im stuck at 143 lbs x 5
Where are you sticking?
Worst lift as always.
Really well thanks for asking
Just did 215
Gonnna go for 2pl8s next week
I dont bench atm i just do strict and push pressing because I wanna hit that 2 pl8 ohp then i'll get back to benching
Do 3x5 180lbs... normally do a 6th rep on the last set.
Go up to 185 last week. Stalled out on the 5th rep on the first two sets, and the 4th rep on the final set.
Still not bad as thats well above my own weight, but the stalls have killed my confidence.
2.5PL8 5x5
5x8 @ 197.5
Doing IF cutting, and I'm able to go up 2.5 every 3-4 sessions.
How is only one of you above 2pl8 holy shit
Most of Veeky Forums has been lifting
My BP went up from ~65 lbs to 120 lbs 5x5 while trying to escape from auschwitz, but I only have a bench and very little time to workout due to work, so the question is for how long can I do only benchpress until I need to do supplementary exercises in order to progress?
Good progress. I'm up to 325 from 280 last summer. 5/3/1
125 lbs 5x5
sooo close to 1pl8
im at 85 kg x 3
for months. doesnt get better. dunno.
~1 month of lifting in from starting at almost nothing, currently 60lbs on the bar. That weight ain't shit but I'm aiming to get to 1pl8 by the end of April
*rolls eyes and scoffs snarkily*
bench press is a meme exercise favored by reddit
finally got 1pl8
>tfw shit lifts
Going to try 67.5 dbs this week. I'm up from 30lbs dumbbell when I started.
I bought a gun
made progress on decline but chest/shoulder pain hit me
switched back to flat and it feels good
>decline bench
How does flatbench compare to incline bench?
My flat bench should be higher than my incline bench, right?
is decline taboo here or some shit
He's memeing because he wants others to think it's shit so they look like shit.
it's a waste of time you could be putting to much better use
How long can you only do BP's before you have to do other lifts as well
Slowly climbing up from 175 to 2pl8.
I just did 65 lb dumbells for 3x5 and it felt light. My gym literally doesn't have a bench so I can only do dumbells.
>struggling on 33kg
>can't do 35kg
Ahh talk to me and weep with my tears
>tfw can't even bench lmao1pl8
Yes your incline should be about 75-80% the weight of your flat.
I feel you bro. I remember how happy I was when I finally managed to do 30+kg. currently struggling to get past 45kg. just keep at it, we're all gonna make it.
i'm up to 15lb 3x12
no bully pls
I can't even work out how to lay on the bench
Poorly. Consistently my worst lift.
>stalling at 165x5
Failed on 127.5kg today...because I'd been meaning to do 125, my safe and comfy 1rm, and accidentally overloaded one side.
Now my shoulders hurt. I'm switching to a hypertrophy routine to build some mass and lay off the intensity for a while, as I think my muscle mass is what's holding me back.
I'm trying to up my weight, I hit a 175x1 last week and I wanted to try a high volume bench workout so yesterday I did 8x8 at 135lbs. My chest is probably the most sore I've ever felt so I feel like the high reps with my 70% is gonna help my overall growth and strength. Chest for me has been the hardest muscle to isolate until it's sore but I think the 64 reps did the trick. Stoked to eat sleep and try again in a few days
Did 225lb for first time today
got 3 reps
bad, stalled at 1 &1/2 pl8
im pretty sure the only place you can stick on the beach is on the way up
I tried PPL not knowing it was a beginner routine
My bench has dropped from 100kg to 90kg
I am not a smart man
Flat bench 225x1
Incline bench 210x1
I feel this shouldnt be right
Before this? 3x5 230 lb
Did 3x7 70kg today
Been lifting for 2 months after years off. Used to do 2pl8+
My biggest issue with this and pushing movements in general seems to be lactic acid build up in my triceps. I have to wait 3+ mins between sets. It's even worse on dips. One time when the bench was taken I did a couple sets of dips first then when I went to bench I failed on my warmup set.
I've been thinking of just doing pushups all day might help
Got up to 250x3 while I was at the peak of my bulk.
30 pounds later and I struggle to hit 215x5 :(
Literally just benched 270x5.
Third time in the 2 week cycle for TM.
Easier this time. 1 more and its up to the big 275.
Chest work started hurting my right shoulder in late november. Stopped working chest and instead focused on back and rotator cuff as a possible fix. Just started and have had 2 chest sessions so far. DOMS like a bitch, still not up to snuff.
pretty good thanks to 4k calories a day and greg nuckols 3x int high bench program
how did you do that
Maybe I can add 10kg this year if I work really really hard
I've been lifting for like 7 months and I've only managed to increase my bench from 0 to 30lbs
I honestly don't understand how some people can lift 1pl8 within a month. I go to the gym 3 times per week, easily spend an hour of intense workout yet my lifts are still shit.
you will user!
keep it going we believe in you and the other anons!
lol damn dude, you're a GDE, I'm talking about getting past 145kg
pls Boris grant me gains
pretty good Veeky Forums, brought my 3x5 up from 185 to 245 in about 3 months. Shooting for dat 275 soon enough and then 315 by the end of the year if i'm lucky
Idk. My form was decent but I think it was unracking too high a weight incorrectly (just pushing off) and maybe a slightly too wide grip (not wide by PLG means though). I really don't know though.
which Sheiko? I ran the over 80 and it didn't do much for me, but I'm a GDE benchlet
having some success now with greg's 3x int high
It's not worth it to unrack yourself Tbh, unless you're Filip and somehow managed to master self-unrack, it's always worth it to get a spotter to do it >=85%
advanced med
I'm a benchlet too (more like everythinglet GDE hahahaha)
>I've been lifting for like 7 months and I've only managed to increase my bench from 0 to 30lbs
The bar weighs more than tha dude.
You pressing 30lb dumbbells?
What type of bench?
I ask cause if its a good bench with a high rack you can unrack yourself safely
the gym im at currently hsa shitty old equipment and they have these cheep benches with these low rack and big sloping things on top. So my arms are already like half bent when i un rack. Always have someone give me a liftoff cause of that.
baby's first PR
>Bench pressing
155 for 8 today, threw my back out a bit today doing DLs oh well
145kg isn't benchlet if you've been training for a couple years only, i've been lifting for literally 6 years and my training max right now is 135kg (best I've hit was 130)
>counting the bar
What's GDE ?
Overall I think I wasted too much time on the chest press machine, maybe bench press will increase my gains faster
Little over 3 years, but I'm probably way heavier than you.
If you have an adjustable rack it's mostly fine, but most find that they can hold their arch much better if somebody helps with the liftoff.
>adjustable rack
Mever seen one.
And ya thats semi true.
>>counting the bar
I wasnt memeing. So youre saying you bench 75lbs?
Finally got 120 kg, Feels good but it's still shit by Veeky Forums standards
All that matters is your pelvis has to be level with the racked bar
Like a competition rack, seen ca. never in normie gyms
doubt it I'm 100kg
took me two years of consistent training to even hit 100kg bench at around the same bw
looked up 120kg for conversion. Found this lol
Yea...and I never learned to whole "engage your lats and pull the bar down from the racks" unracking technique...was always push off and go.
Non adjustable bench with low and high racks that tilt up. Not the most inconvenient set up.
My life is now DL, rows, squats and careful OHP now
kek, it's 264 lbs
Dropped from 5x5 at a pl8 to 3x15 with 25s
assuming you aren't a troll or a sufferer of some kind of muscle wasting disease, that's abysmal progress for 7 months of consistent lifting.
you need to eat more food and follow a goddamn program
I was 115kg when I lifted that, seems we are fairly even in GDEness
What is GDE
this one's better
>poo in loo training
1pl8 is 135lbs, correct ?
I think it's pretty crazy when some people who claim to have no former gym experiences say that they can get to 1pl8 within 2 or 3 months of training though. I'm just wondering what kind of routine and diet can cause you to increase your bench press so fast. I've heard people saying that you need to add 5lbs per workout
height? do you have chimp arms like i do?
Mate im not trying to make fun of you but theyre right.
If you cant get even bench 135 you absolutely have either
A hormone problem
Insane manlet genes
Or have never done a single days work/sports in your entire life
Seriously go to a doctor and get your T levels checked.
I don't have particularly long arms, very proportionate I think (wingspan a little shorter than height) so I guess that makes it worse, lel
Genetic Dead End, see: George Seeger, cuckold pornography enthusiast and infamous GDE
>when you deadlift 300lbs more than you bench
Go meme yerself.
I started only benching 50lbs and now my 1rm is 350. The only people that start benching 1pl8 are hamplanets
Good job anons! Keep on following your dreams
I just got a 225 5x5 after a fucking year of lifting. Not sure if this is good progress or not desu
Youre lying, we all know it so stfu.
Or youre a fraud.
George tier Tbh, I only deadlift 270 so I guess it's not that bad
it's really fucking good desu, i could only dream of progress like that on bench
>I've heard people saying that you need to add 5lbs per workout
Either have no arms/pecs or you're elite strongman tier.
75 dumbbells 4x8
i started with 35s, which was 7 months ago.
he said he'd been lifting for 7 months, 3 times a week, with high-intensity gym sessions.
that's enough time to hit 1pl8 even starting with the bar
very long limbs, but my chest and arms are big
i actually build muscle in my upper body pretty easily, it just doesn't seem to transfer to any kind of strength increase most of the time
i ran nothing but meme PL programming and it made me bigger, but not a whole lot stronger (even Sheiko)
>I think it's pretty crazy when some people who claim to have no former gym experiences say that they can get to 1pl8 within 2 or 3 months of training
Why? That's like a pushup for a lot of people. There's just a difference in stabilization