>lifting won't bring her back
Lifting won't bring her back
why not?
It doesn't fix autismo
It will if she's now somehow standing below you.
Lifting will however prove that you dont need her to come back, there are plenty more 'hers' in the world.
Lifting will allow you to get a better her.
Maybe it will
But it will bring me up user
>saw thread on first page
>thought about my granny who passed away a month ago
>she was a great old lady who cared about me since my first week
>after she passed away I often found myself thinking about how little time I gave her chasing girls and education
>there is no way to help her now
>and I wasn't there when it was
>on a brink of depression for a couple of weeks
>scroll a bit down
>thread is actually about autists who can't let go a girl they fucked a couple times
>I am actually the same as them being on that Indonesian log lifters gathering
>lifting won't make you any less autistic
really can't believe I couldn't figure this one out beforehand
It's okay, I don't want her back.
She's a whore and got a bunch of terrible tattoos.
>Have a choice between 8/10 sweet Colombian woman who lives in Colombia but moved back to the states and a fat bitch who lives in my city
>choose the fat bitch
>makes my life a living hell for over a year
>eventually break up with her
>Colombian woman doesn't want me back
>not that I can blame her
cus u a bitch
>Talk with grill
>We fit together
>First meet was very good
>She nearly freaked out via text to see me again
>Second meet even better, definetly chemistry between us, made out etc.
>Says she doesn't want to go
>We write 3 days
>Suddenly she gets strange, more quiet she does not write with that feel anymore
Tell me Brehs am i fucked?
I really like her but she makes me go freak out because of that behaviour...
I mean she was totally crazy about me and all that she even wrote me after the meeting how much she likes me...
Shall i talk about it with her or just dump her and say fuck it?
Same shit happned to me.
Found out that she was dating/fucking another guy besides me, while we dated.
That guy dumped her after them fucking. I found out 6 months later, and during these 6 months she was in a relationship with me. I was basically her second choice, especially cause she told me how she wants to wait to have sex because she is only doing that in relationships, even tho she fucked that guy who dumped her.
tl.dr: she most likely found another guy and checks him out, you are basically her
If you are smart, don't contact her and wait until she contacts you or writes first at least.
Life is such a shithole, it disgusts me.
The only thing really working are my gains.
But ty for advise.
I want to "bring" her back and smash her stupid cunt head with a sledgehammer
Fuck you yes it will, it has to
Sorta similar thing happened to me
>oneitis breaks up with her ex
>Wait a month
>Start getting really close to her
>We're inseparable
>People literally think we're dating
>She comes over and we make out and confess feelings for each other
>Two days later she says she doesn't want anything serious
>Ask if there is any hope for us in the future, she says she doesn't know
>Immediately go back to how we were, still close. But haven't brought up what happened at all
I haven't given up but fuck it's confusing. I think I'm gonna try and have her come over again and see what happens
I really would like to ask her whats up with that nigger behaviour i really hate that but thats such a cuck move i will take first anons advise and just chill out, maybe get some pussey in a bar to not go full autist about her.
Sad to hear that breh, maybe she needs some time maybe tell her that you are confused and how you feel about all that if she cant give you a normal response i would say stop with her cut everything she will only make you feel sad and confused 24/7 because you cant even try to forget her.
>implying i had her in the first place
>love of my life
>4 year romeo and juliet style relationship
>stick with her against all odds
>suddenly she doesnt feel anything anymore
I can't be mad at her, deep down I still love her
Now my house of cards which I called my life is blown apart, all my dreams for the future fade away and I ask myself if there was ever love.
I don't think she will get anyone as good as me desu, I look like a greek God without my shirt and am close to finish my masters while she failed her uni and is chubby. I don't understand women, maybe in the future there's a device that can make one gay.
are you me?
that happened 3 years ago
it gets worse, then it gets better
she is beneath me now anyway.
Literally? High five!!
>tfw I asked her out but she had a bf
She still agreed to going out with me to lunch, should I wait it out while being under the guise of a friend?
>should I wait it out while being under the guise of a friend?
NEVER DO THIS! I hate it when guys do this!
best case scenario: she actually goes for it eventually. This means she's shallow and will probably leave you too it's just a matter of time till someone else comes along!
More likely scenario: you'll piss her off when she finds out, ruin any friendship you've developped, waste a lot of time, piss off her boyfriend too, missed other opportunities due to tunnel vision.
I can definitely see the worst case being true, but can you explain the best case? How does going for a friend make her shallow? I'll be going to lunch with her then fucking off, but I don't quite understand the meaning behind your first point.
I suppose many would disagree, now that you point it out, but IMO she shoudln't be dating her boyfriend just because "nothing better's come along yet". If they genuinely like each other, then they're happy together and I don't like it when ppl try to intervene. I resent that ppl treat relationships like capitalism.
That's a good point, the girl I was talking about decided to be with her best friend, so it would be a good idea to let them be, they honestly make a good pair.
But in regards to the capitalism comment, capitalism isn't the root of human selfishness, we've always been a species that will do anything for affection and sex.
>It's been 7 months
>still have hope
I'm slowly dying from the inside ;_;
Thank God she's gone away. Now you can focus on banging bad bitches.
Shut the fuck up retard. Capitalism is a system of exploitation where the 1% fuck over poor people by giving them just enough to keep them from starving to death but not enough to lift them out of grinding poverty. The next economic crisis will be the one where everyone dies.
Just become an mma fighter. Fighting is more important than romance
You forgot to say No homo
>tfw she left
>tfw when it hurts a bit cause I did love her
>tfw I actually feel a lot better single cause her and her family were so damn stressful.
Honestly a lot less stress in my life. I am going to miss that booty though. She could definitely fuck. Besides the love, that's definitely gonna make me miss her.
>lifting doesn't bring her back
Let's examine..
She broke up with you for a reason. Bottom line: she wasn't enjoying her time with you as much anymore for whatever reasons.
My guess is, you started focusing on her too much. Your life become centered around her rather than yourself. You became boring as your life as an individual ended when you got together, while her's did not. She continued to live outside of the relationship rather than put %110 into it and sacrifice who she was as an individual.
If you want a relationship to flourish as a man, you gotta not give up on yourself for her and cater to her in the relationship like a bottom feeder.
try to live as you normally would if you weren't in a relationship with someone
>hanging out with friends
>improving your mental and physical gains
>trying new things
>being interesting for fuck sake
Most of the time women leave is because they are bored. A pet is initially fun to get to know its personality and what it likes to do. After that it becomes more of a casual pet than an exciting one, so you feel less inclined to give it %100 of the time and attention then you initially did.
A relationship should become part of your life.
Your life shouldn't be a relationship.
>implying I ever made a move
doin better for herself than I am, so it prob for the best anyways. too bad she still pollutes my mind
need to unfuck my shit first
Your right, but on the other hand some support should still be offered. In the final days of mine, My ex never would even talk to me. Like to the point where I would create conversation and she wouldn't even ask me so much as how my day was.
But still your right. A relationship shouldn't become your life.
>she lifts with another man
OHP imo
Funny enough I started doing muai thai and it really helps and gives me an even better way to push my frustration out than lifting
tfw when you can do all of these at 5'10 175lbs but still no gf, just whores who i hate myself after fucking :(
>implying I even want her back
update on this shit
went to lunch with her, but holy fucking shit I may have dodged a bullet, I couldn't get a word in edgewise
i had a similar situation with a girl
she was all over me in college, we hit it off so god damn well i even fell in love during the few weeks we spent together, just so much in common and all. She even asked me out twice and in one of those i had probably one of the most beatiful moments of my life. We didnt make out or anything, but i dont want to get into why. She looks like the sweetest most innocent girl, and she's just so beatiful to me.
Anyway i later found out she had a boyfriend the whole time. She actually got into a fight with him and they ended breaking up. Everything was okay at First but then she started acting strange, and kinda colder, like she's trying to avoid me.
I told 2-3 girl friends about it and they told me she probably just used me for attention since she didnt get any from her boyfriend. They ended up getting back together.
But me being the loser that i am still spend time with her and she started to get more intimate with me again, but i honestly dont knwo what to think anymore so i dont do much.
My point is, women are capable of some disgusting stuff that men wouldnt even think of doing so it wouldnt even cross your mind that she might be doing something.
A woman will always have a better persective of another woman than a man ever will.
>Have a choice between 8/10 sweet Colombian woman who lives in Colombia but moved back to the states and a fat bitch who lives in my city
>choose the fat bitch
What the fuck man?
storytime mate
In this situation right now. GF has basically made me the center of her life. Gets real upset when I try to live my life, makes me feel like a heel when I want any space. Granted I'm an autist and not super emotionally open but she's still over the top by her own admission.
It's flattering and nice to have someone you know stands by you and loves you and basically lives for you (and always wants to fuck), don't get me wrong. But it's also destructive, and it's draining. It also makes you feel like a garbage person knowing your partner loves you more than you do them. You hurt them just by virtue of having interests, hobbies, friends outside of them or even just needing a day off to recharge, and she shoves that in my face.
Hell, once we almost got walked in on by her family while we were screwing around; kinda freaked me out and made me softer than overcooked spagetti. An hour later, she starts climbing on me again, I tell her that no I'm not feeling it right now, and within 5 minutes I'm the bad guy because I'm rejecting her and not being sensitive to her feelings in how I tell her I'm not super down to fuck with her family around.
IDK, I love her but this really isn't healthy. I want us to be together but when she talks about stuff we could do in a year I just think that I don't know if I can take another year of this, let alone any longer.
>has bf
>Knows you have romantic interests
>Accepts the date anyway
Either she's a cheating whore or she's using you for free food.
easily both desu
As someone who has a very hard time trying not to be the type of gf you have rn (granted not to her extreme completely).
Cut it quick before letting it fester. You will gradually stop putting any effort and attention into and start resenting her instead. This will hurt her insanely, because she will notice. Don't waste your time and hers. Do it quick like taking off a bandaid. Obviously if you've tried talking to her about it and she doesn't try to change/get some hobbies then it's a no go. If you're already wondering how you're gonna make it. I know what it's like to feel extremely sensitive to someone just because you love them. You get very attuned to any minor differences in behavior that she will pick up on.
Good luck and if you can keep your relationship that's awesome, but if not. Just be upfront, honest and quick.
True, I've had female friends of mine be upfront about having a bf when asked on a date, guy still insists. They tell bf about it and bf apparently is fine with it because she says she's just gonna get free food.
Either way, still shit.
I know, it was money and social status she wanted
>meet girl on discord that lives near me back at my hometown
>chat on and off for a few weeks
>drunk calls me and tells me next time I'm back home she'll fuck me
>sometimes she doesn't respond for a couple days, sometimes I don't respond for a couple days, but we still talk every so often
>girl eventually gives me her number to text since it's easier
>text back and forth, being alpha
>tells me I'm crazy, and that "it's the only thing attractive about you ;p"
>joke about her touching herself to me
>teases me back, saying it was to her usual hentai not to me "nerd"
>say "I'll bring the tentacle, you bring the titties. We'll make our own hentai"
>she never responds
>it's been two days
Feels bad man. I don't even know what I did wrong.
Ya see this? listen to this advice. You're wastin both of your times. You aren't happy, and she could be with someone who is happy to have her.
But I've pretty much lost all interest in relationships and sex. I have a theory that's been proven every fuckin time no matter what I do to avoid it so i've given up and decided to focus on building relationships with friends.
Now if I could just find some of these "friends" I hear so much about. Not on Veeky Forums. But ya know. At the grocery store and shit
>girl into hentai
Fish outside your comfort zone.
This is brilliant advice.
Had a similar situation sort of, recently.
>be seeing girl
>she asks me to enter a relationship
>few months pass
>she tells me she's still in love with her ex
>dump her
>go no contact
>get a message a month later saying she's back with her ex but we should still be friends
>tell her flat out no, I still have feelings for her and I want her back so I'm not going to pretend to do the whole friends thing
>haven't spoken in weeks, she's blocked me on everything
Best decision I ever made, really. Who the fuck gets back with their ex anyway? A total loser.
>Implying I can't run a buff necromancer
I'll bring not only her, but the gains lost, just wait and see
She obviously felt inadequate around you
I was in the same sort of relationship for nearly 5 years. Really feels great being free of all the bullshit baggage that comes with that type of relationship. My advice get out and get with someone else who doesn't drain you like that.
EVERyone in this thread needs to search Coach Corey wayne. Look at his basic guide for relationships.
>tfw i have no her
Sometimes I wish I had somebody to chase, at least I'd have something out of the routine to do
Chase yourself, user. Chase yourself.
same thing happened to me 2 weeks ago today, she said i dont love you anymore, but they had just put her on depression meds and anxiety meds too. idk what to do wait or what... but the pussy on the side has been awsome
i needed this, thankyou
>lifting won't bring Hazel back
who to bring back :^)
Honestly all the Exes I pined for I just dont give any shits about anymore
Old Ex just came to town, wanted to crash on my couch. Never replied
Another old ex just took me out for drinks and gave me a 4 page long love letter. Haven't talked to her since.
>Falling for the gender Jew
I was seeing a physical therapist for a few sessions, it was always tense between us but got to know him, caught feels and ended up fucking him and then he stopped talking to me :^)
tfw me and gf break up mutually because she thinks im a turbo sperg
start lifting
get turbo mad gains and less a of sperg now
tfw she wants me back but i told her to stop talking to me cause i just wanna fuck traps.
you made it bruh
feels fucking great, i hope you make it too.
Thanks dude, only 200lbs to go.
Can't wait to look like a floppy, deflated Jabba the Hutt!
I don't want a """""better""""" her. I only want her. There isn't any better girl out there
What do you mean?
Part of me says to just drop her because she's looking for attention and isn't interested, part of me says to message her for St Patties. I just don't know any more man.
You'll be fucked within the week. I just got done with something exactly like that. I was the happiest I've ever felt with that girl even if I only knew her for a few weeks. I don't know why or how but in such a short amount of time she managed to bring out a happier, less anxious me. I could actually be myself around her and not feel strange. And she liked me for me. I've never felt like that before. Girls have never liked me for me.
Then she did a complete 180 and said things won't work out. I cried myself to sleep twice this week. And to her it's just another thing that happened. But to me she was a lot more than just another girl. I've liked girls and gotten close to some but never like her. I've always had the feelings of fear and dread with the other girls but with this one I didn't.
I'm sorry man. I know the feel and the experience :(
Buddy, she can't be all that great if she doesn't want a guy like you, user.
oh god you went full circle
>St Patties
I'm not that great of a guy to want to be with user. But thanks for making me tear up a bit
It still hurts a bit doesn't it?
I know these feels. As soon as I pieced everything together, it was a sudden change. She knew right away when I brought it up, tried to run full on damage control "But I'm with you, user! you're the best guy I've ever dated! why don't you believe me??"
Given we weren't "official" at the time, I felt played and just didn't want that sort of shit in a long term partner. I wasn't that desperate
We're actually Canadian, but still.
After listening to that user who recommended Corey Wayne, I'll probably just let go and not reply. Expressing desire without attachment and being able to turn around and walk away, since she's not into me enough to text me back after that anyway.
Who cares about her? Lifting makes you feel good, and that shows you dont need anyone else to feel good.
>tfw you realize that you don't want a gf. You just want her to be your gf.
Exact same story for me, only 7 years and she's not chubby. Going to finish my masters degree and don't know what I'm going to do with my life, everything seems so pointless eventough I'm quite good looking, greek god body and best student in my faculty. I just don't care about that stuff anymore.
Honestly, I sometimes wish I were gay, are you me!?!?
maybe she got offended because you're a normie that thinks hentai=tentacle porn
Well she goes on Veeky Forums too and I was just teasing her. I thought it was pretty funny.
Whatever man, that's fucking annoying. Just gonna leave it until and if she texts me back. When I get back home in May though, I'll just hit her up and go "I'm back in town, let's go get drinks" or something and we'll see what happens. If she flakes then I'll drop 100% since I'm only in it for the pussy anyway.
>say "I'll bring the tentacle, you bring the titties.
goddamn how are her panties not already wet?
>this oneitis
the sooner you get over her the sooner you'll make it
but take your time with the "grieving" process
My entire convos with her have just been bants and shit like that, and usually she responds back though sometimes it takes a couple of days. She takes it well usually I guess though she brushes it off sometimes.
The fact that she said I was crazy and that "it was the only attractive thing about me" made me think I have a chance but I guess she's just not interested in me at all sadly. Oh well, the bants were fun while it lasted. Just gotta let go and move on, which sucks because I rarely get any female attention.
>seeing this sweet grill for about 2 years
>always try to be very nice and loving to her, even if i'm all fucked up in the head
>during the first year of our relationship, on the very first weeks, still kept seeing some side chicks
>an year passes, we start to get real serious
>make plans about moving together, travel, stuff like that
>on a particular bad week, started to talk to one of the side chicks i used to go out with
>she ends up calling me to see her, but make some excuse and dont go, since i'm really loving my gf
>in a fit of rage, she sends all our texts to my gf and tell her about all the times we hooked up
>get my relationship destroyed by a girl i haven't see in 2 years
>lift everyday ever since
it just wont leave my mind, i feel fucking terrible about all that happened.
>on a particular bad week, started to talk to one of the side chicks i used to go out with
>she ends up calling me to see her, but make some excuse and dont go, since i'm really loving my gf
>in a fit of rage, she sends all our texts to my gf and tell her about all the times we hooked up
You screwed up pretty badly recontacting her, but still it doesn't mean she had to be vindictive enough to send them all to your current girlfriend and try to fuck that up. How long ago did this happen?
Fucking hell Veeky Forums how long has it been since you hugged a girl? (family doesn't count).
Its been almost 1.5 years for me. The loneliness is fucking getting to me.