If you arent going heavy on abs youre wasting your time. Planks are useless and you know it
If you arent going heavy on abs youre wasting your time. Planks are useless and you know it
Going on abs at all is wasting your time. Squatting with core braced and low BF is all you need for sick abs
I hear this a lot from fat power lifters
If I go hard on abs it compromises the rest of my workout since most exercises I do engage my core anyway. Squats, front squats, OHP, deadlifts, power cleans, weighted pull ups and chin ups, even running all take a hit if my abs are sore from doing high rep work the day before.
t. i'm a bitch baby and cant push myself
Just do abs last lol
I used to think that too, but there are a ton of people in CBTs who people ask what they do for core and they just say heavy compounds, and they look much the same as the people who give their long ass core routine. Hell, look at balcony bro, he does neither compounds nor core isolation and he still has pretty good looking abs.
Imo heavy compounds are def enough to maintain abs but i bet that all those guys did ab work when they first started lifting to make their abs grow
The problem is being fatigued the next day; I don't wanna go into a heavy 5*5 squat session with my core feeling weak. Same reason why I don't isolate the lower back much
What if i told you that if you keep training a muscle regularly after about a week or 2 youll stop getting sore
Absolutely retarded, 2 days later the rest of his body will be ready to go and his abs will still be sore as fuck.
Post body. Only dyels think getting big or Veeky Forums is all about "OMG ALPHA OMG MOVITATION THREAD? MOTIVATION THREAD. SPARTAAAAAAA!!!!" Assuming you're not a total limp wristed faggot, gains are all about careful programming and consistency. Which for the most part should not include heavy core isolation.
what if I told you that has never happened to me
>not doing weighted planks
compounds are enough if you don't want to go above and beyond with your core strength, but if you do you need a lot more. It's so hard learning the front lever when you have stab wounds through ur serratus :(
Well sore was a poor choice of words, I very rarely ever get DOMs. The problem is fatigue.
Then I'd say your a bitch who goes so soft in the gym he doesn't have to worry about overreaching.
then don't blame an exercise for your inconsistent training
abs recover very quickly. you could basically work them out every other, if not every day.
Honestly if your abs arent constantly sore you dont have enough sex
>abs recover very quickly
you've never trained abs, lol
Why would your abs be sore from lying on your back?
There are women on Veeky Forums?
Tfw my going 70% as hard as you do gets me 97% of the gains you get because of diminished returns but my chance of getting injured is like 50x less than yours
>he's falling for the compound exercises are enough for abs meme
look boys, in about 2 years when this tard has subpar abs, he's gonna be back on fit asking everyone what went wrong, kek
it's not that great. a lot of those guys have under developed abs. if you want to see great abs, look at gymnasts. if you want good abs, do heavy ab shit.
>tfw I literally have 0 "diminished returns" because I recover for just enough time for full muscle growth without wasting a single day for a single muscle
>tfw you going 70% as hard as me gets 70% of the gains and your change of getting injured is like .8x less than mine just because you're weak
heheh dimished reterns guys ur muscles are like "no i dont get stronger from exercise even though ive repaired all previous damidge hehe" -dyel
I've got solid abs NOW, from doing compounds, fucking idiot
>people ask them "what do you do for abs"
>a lot of those guys have under developed abs
good shit man, quality posting
Dont listen to this mong. Isolate your abs kids
yeah just listen to the weakling manlet tripfag instead...
Those are """"power lifters""""
Squatting like 4pl8 and never having competed doesn't make you a powerlifter. Also ab wheel Tbh
6'0 and most likely stronger than you bitch boi
my bad, turbomanlet
>most likely
fucking beta you can hold my jock
Why dont you faggots who never isolate abs post ur abs
>being this mad
Go back to benching my working weight with 1/4th rom and a spotter fatty
I'd like to think my abs are decent relative to the rest of my body, only ab isolation exercise I do is planks. Otherwise it's just compounds. Do you guys think I'd actually notice tangible results from systematic weight training on them or is it not worth it?
>>being this mad
lol 2009 /b/tard tier trashtalking, step it up
I could just do the lockout and it would be the equivalent of your entire RoM, little guy
bet my guns are the size of your quads
You'd notice tangible results from systematically getting a haircut
Physique looks nice though
>no picture
>named "chicken legs"
>tripfagging in a thread that doesnt facilitate a need for trips
you are the epitome of dyel
Thanks bud, that pics actually a couple weeks old it's short now, way better looking.
i was doing some heavy paused box squats yesterday and my core is sore as fuck
getting abs means being lean, having some muscle, as well as good genes.
you can get a decent amount of ab muscle from isometric loading, e.g. sets of 5s, or 8s, or whatever of something like a squat, or overhead pressing move
if you're aiming to get those lifts as high as possible, you're going to eventually have to start isolating abs.
maybe your abs won't get the proper amount of time under tension from isometric loading due to your proportions, form, etc. then you go isolate them if you want them to look good.
if you want to bench 400, good luck not doing curls and blowing out your elbows. of course if all you care about is looking good, and you have the kind of biceps that can grow from just chins and rows (long insertions), you can get away without isolation and feel superior about it on a fucking weaboo imageboard.
Sure lil guy, lets see dem fatceps
Will you post an actual mirror pic? I feel like you're probably way more aesthetic and less alien looking from a front facing angle yanno
Sure, once the faggot shows his biceps are bigger than my quads
uh oh, guess we can expect a pic of them "huge guns" any second now. I'll hold my breath.
What's your myspace?
nice briefs. did you steal them from your little brother?
My wot
The lighting bolts gimme dat electric hip drahve
I did ab wheel for the 2nd time today and decided to add a little sideways action to hit the obliques. Didn't feel it there but now my serratus anterior is sore as fuck only a few hours later. I had never even felt it sore before, pretty nice
>muh squatting
I guarantee my forearms alone have more definition than your entire torso, never mind your abs.
I laugh when I see betas in the gym doing those standing oblique side to movements holding a twenty five. That's the laziest core movement. Heavy compound lifts, and body weight(circuit style) core routines on rest days are all you need. I recommend hanging leg raises.
How do you get that v-dick ab?
I don't really care about abs but my posture is really fucked and I need a stronger core. Unfortunately I hate sit ups, planks, Russians twists, etc.
I've been doing squats and deadlifts but I'm worried any recommendations for workouts? Might buy an ab roller.
>Replying to tripfags
long lever posterior tilt planks are actually top tier ab exercise. regular old ass planks are comically shit. if you can't do rollouts long lever planks are amazing. also much easier on the low back.
You could do something for the obliques, like "thread the needle" planks and other variations.
I'm just doing this shit at the end of each workout for my abs, is that enough or do I need to isolate my obliques too?
I like cable wood choppers for obliques
ab roller is the shit my dude, just make sure you look up proper form because I see a lot of people fuck them up.
>caring about abs
just get low body fat and do all the other muscle groups
ROFL that's it? I was getting ready to post a pic but now I realize it would be an embarrassment to be seen wasting my time arguing with someone so tiny. Not gonna flex on the high schoolers at my gym either, rofl. Next time pick up a weight before you talk shit please.
>damage control
Fuck outta here tubby
>getting ready to
>wasting my time
>I was
>Not gonna
samefag harder twink
Not on your life idiot
Flex a 'cep user, dont be shy
So I can do multiple reps of hanging straight leg raises all the way to the bar, what's the next step in progression in this exercise?
Wow you keep a phone just for samefagging, sick breh
le tripfag army has arrived
seriously fuck off back to le d dit fucking cancer
guess what manlets not everyone is insecure as you. no one wants your approval
Youre delusional if you actually think thats all me. Your retardation is apparent to other people too
what do u guys even do for abs? i just do planks and russian twists, is that fine/enough
Your pathetic attention seeking is more than apparent, its on full fucking display. Glad I could be of entertainment to this male gym whore
You called me out though buddy
there are bottoms
I called you a weakling manlet and all you've done is confirm both those things sooo
Im stronger and look better than you though
3/10 made me reply... classic Veeky Forums comment on other people's physiques and giving lifting advice but it's always some fat fuck who's never stepped foot in a gym or counted a calorie in his life behind the monitor baiting hard
man the fuck up champ 100% likely we've seen a worse body
IMO the best thing for abs if you're already doing heavy compounds is gymnastic stuff like l-sits and front lever progressions. L-sits and dragonflags make my abs burn. The first time I started doing dragon flag negatives for reps I could hardly turn bend over the next day