>just lift and be confident around chicks bro
no, no, NO
the things that really matter are permanent, GENETICALLY DETERMINED traits: HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME
Just lift and be confident around chicks bro
Other urls found in this thread:
>pic on the left is a literal shop
>pic on the left is a literal shop
frame is life
ahshah he posted ìt again h0ly shit OP theAbIaZoLUTEMadMaN IT JUSTKEeps geeting FuNniER EVERy fuckingTIme he POSTs it haHAzhAHa OPErATOR give mE The pLice thEre's a MADmaNmaKIN MEmES in oUr MIDsT and I CAN'T bREATHe
>if you ain't down with wide shoulders, I got TWO WORDS FOR YA
>the things that really matter are permanent, GENETICALLY DETERMINED traits: HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME
So what's your point OP ? Should I stop lifting to look even worse?
Havent seen it for a long time,kekd hard.
Thanks user.
>tfw manlet with average face
At least I have broad shoulder, pic related is me being a fat ass not having done anything physical in years.
*broad shoulderS
Not that you aren't right, but my nigga on the left is visually weaker and less muscular, and could do with a more developed chest and upper torso to make himself appear bigger.
>wearing a dress
>dirty room
>basketball shorts
Fix yourself, dog
Yea this is the point most of these shitposters forget.
I was beyond saving before I started lifting and making conscious decision what to wear etc. It didn't make me 10/10 but I'd give myself a solid 7-8/10
That feel when large shoulders, barrel chest and overall large bone structure as if I'm a neanderthal while being a manlet. And I'm hairy as fuck.
Thanks, d-dad.
Pic related is my goal body.
I'm even fatter now :). I was 210 at 5'8'" in that pic btw.
>wearing a dress
It's fun
>dirty room
Not mine.
>basketball shorts
Are you autistic? Basketball shorts are fine.
>Should I stop lifting to look even worse?
you should remove yourself from the gene pool
>large bonestructure
>he's not on neanderthal mode
Never gonna make it, Sapiens.
>It's fun
I fucking hate this site.
Don't worry, I don't own any of my own. I've only worn my mother's and also the chick I lost my virginity to. She didn't want me to but she was a fat fuck so her dress was this big elastic floral thing that actually fit me pretty well. Wish I had taken pictures.
italian confirmed
is this why asians are manlets? they have the most neanderthal dna
Would you really wanna be with someone who values superficiality so much anyway? Wouldn't you want someone who had more meaningful principles and values?
No, it's because they have low sexual dimorphism and don't get enough protons
Jesus look at that rib cage.
They just look like regular white people to me f.a.m.
Neanderthals are literally me.
what are they
this is why i hate ''''''fit''''''''
dude just needs to ohp, it wont get him to the same place but it will at least make up some of the difference
Is 19" broad shouldered?
>look mom, I posted it again! :)
Why are you even here?
Like for real?
You keep posting this shit, it doesn't help anyone here.
Kill yourself if life is so unfair then.
This apologetic shit is the same fucking thing as fat people tell themselves.
You have a fat unhealthy mind and the only thing you're doing with posts like this is creating doubt in weaker individs.
back to the gym, cuck
the guy on the left looks ridiculous though. he is wasting his frame.
>tfw overall good genetics
>only (downside) is wide hips/lower body
>only one option for me to make it
guy on the right would still look better if he worked out
guy on the right looks cute
dwarves and orcs looked so good after the update
t. guy on the right
>playing wow
2004-2008 master race or gtfo
>I was beyond saving
> I'd give myself a solid 7-8/10
pick one, literally.
This is such a shitty meme just work your Adonis belt and lower your bf and no one will notice your wide hips
>>just lift and be confident around chicks bro
>no, no, NO
>the things that really matter are permanent, GENETICALLY DETERMINED traits: HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME
If you believe this... why are you here?
These are 10/10 models in the current age
Want honest opinions mates, is my frame fucked? Literally on my first week of lifting, what should I focus on?
Do I have a shit frame tho is it even worth it?
also sorry for the cum stained mirror got a little excited before taking this pic
Cody looks like he's about to steal your gold.
womanly hips, it's literally over for you
start hrt while you're young
yo that comment was hilarious i'm deadddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
I'm kinda standing on a slope so it's jolting out to the side, I have pretty small hips. I'm more concerned with my upper body.
You'll be able to make that work, just hammer your lats and delts hard.
Alright good to know. I'm pretty committed to working out, I'm doing pplx2 so 6 times a week. I just feel so pathetic next to everyone else at the gym now but I try not to let it get to me.
you're fucked user, sorry
Bad but salvageable
Just don't you ever quit lifting until you've made it
If you're on your first week of lifting, doing ppl is absolute mental retardation, enjoy your ticket to snap city, faggot
Hey man take it easy, what do you recommend instead?
With that face he should be a banker
the thing about this picture is while left is better, he looks really fucking weird
clean your fucking mirror
You're very pretty, like a manga illustration of a swan prince. Try military presses to build your shoulders while preserving the slimness of your neck.
thanks man, not sure if insult but i'll take it
I know a guy with exact frame as a guy on the right picture, pulls enormous amount of pussy because he's overconfident ugly shit
Had a couple of girl friends through my highschool years, they helped me a lot to understand chicks and even helped me with my current gf
Once you stop fucking rethinking what should you say, how to act in front of them, and being self-conscious little bitch, it will all come naturally.
You just strike a meaningless conversation and ignore them, then watch them desperately fight for your attention
holy shit jake is that you?
Okay these are both weird extremes
The guy on the left looks absurd, like biologically, is it okay to have shoulders like that, looks fucking crazy
looks more reasonable
it's almost like modeling photos are all touched up to make them look better
who tf are you?
it's Matt, who are you?
So what? You think being tall matters? Well news flash bub: plenty of people who are short are extremely powerful in life. Napoleon, Obama, the Pope! 5'6 is an entirely respectable height and I am going places. So how about you just FUCK. OFF. I get more pussy than you can even dream of
is this a meme?
sorry man, my gf just confirmed that even a 10/10 beautiful rich manlet just won't do it for her
Cody simpson is not a model. he's a singer. And ugly as sin.
Lol shutup fags. Some day I will be ruling over you little peasants
dude on the left is a slayer regardless. His greatest worry is having a bunch of nerds talk shit on the internet. The guy on the left 100% is happier than all of us.
>6'1 Obama is extremely short
>literally prince of manlets
when will this meme die?
also the manlet meme, i see so many guys shorter than me (I'm 6'2) with girlfriends. They all seem happy and their height isn't even one of their concerns.
The manlet meme is just that, it's a meme, there is nothing about being short that will not allow you to date a girl that's just a bit shorter than you. What's wrong with that? I'd take that, I'd take that any day of the fucking week. What the hell?
>always believed myself to be 6'0
>actually decide to measure myself
the day I gave up lifting.
I honestly considered suicide that day.
you now that the appearance is just Imagination.
No one have ever seen a neanderthaler, we have only the bone structure.
guy on the right could eat a little better and actually look alright, he's not even ugly desu
>no, no, NO
>the things that really matter are permanent, GENETICALLY DETERMINED traits: HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME
>there are people who ACTUALLY believe this meme
this is what happens when you spend all the time in the gym instead of actually talking to women
HFF is an easy copout for anybody that doesn't want to work hard to improve themselves
How the fuck do you even get shoulders that narrow?
By never lifting anything heavier than 1/8th of your body weight.
Is a 1.5 shoulder to waist ratio consider broad shouldered?
Same for girls: genetically determined breast size, ass size and waist size.
There is no empirical evidence that women will sleep with you if you do bodybuilding. I'd estimate like 1-6 percent increased chances of getting laid if build and even that'd be a vague guess.
Most people here are going to recommend Stronglifts, ICF, or Starting Strength.
Downside is they(we) manlets can't date 6ft tall amazonians.
Slept with one once, it was kind of awkward but still worked, wouldn't have looked right in public next to each other.
If you want broad shoulders, swim a lot during puberty.