My upper body is slim, my arms are thin and my ass and legs are YUUGE. Here's my dilemma: if I lose weight I become even more anorexic looking, but if I gain weight I'm still disproportionate. I already do a bit of bodyweight squats each week and it does help, but after months of strength training it doesn't seem like my upper body has much potential for growth. Should I just become a wizard and let this Veeky Forumsness thing go or is there some solution here?
Am I skinnyfat?
Same thread every fucking 10 minutes I swear.
If you eat PROPERLY and actually lift and PUSH YOURSELF you won't be skinny fat simple as that. Rome wasn't built in a day fag, read the fucking sticky
You have like 0% muscle so gain some how hard is that to understand???
It's been a fucking year and I've got practically the same body with a little bit more mass (I think I've got fatter). When was I suppose to witness these amazing results?
After a few more fucking years. Welcome to lifting.
Thas shit mayne I'll stick to anime girl pillows
>falling for the SS meme
Do you actually eat proper foods? Do you lift enough? Do you have an actual program that suits you?
Skinny fat isnt fucking real you're either just getting into lifting or you're an aspie doing something wrong. There isn't an instant next day solution for insta-gains, even steroids requires a proper frame and a lot of effort/time
Either admit that your routine is shitty, that youre not lifting consistently, youre not actually pushing yourself when you are, or your diet is still holding you back.
Your first year of noob gains should be significant. At least 1 or more of the above is probably true, and you should realize that youre not gonna get jacked as fuck by doing bodyweight squats 3 times a week for an hour.
Seriously re-examine what youre doing. Your disproportionate body wont be so when you change your overall composition with an effective regiment.
I've done no strength training for lower body since it's big and muscular without any exercise (YUUGE calves too), but arms are shit. Torso is aight but arms are spaghetti.
I've done plenty of liftang and my arms are still small albeit more defined. I just want some mass up in those bitches.
>since it's big and muscular without any exercise
No it's not
Is the best thing I can do just overeating like an american while still lifting and hope fat will distribute more evenly?
Its called genetics. And of course your arms are small. Youve been lifting for a year and theyre one of the smallest muscle groups. You should probably stop complaining like a fucking woman and just stick to lifting for another year.
I'd take pics but dats gey
do you read any of the responses or do you just mentally block out anything that isnt HERES A DAY 1 INSTANT FIX UR NOW RIPPED
Pics don't mean shit
If your back is untrained, it's weak, even if you have some flab on it
Do your deadlifts
By lower body I meant ass and below
Dude youre not understanding. Youre weak, hopeless, and youre looking for excuses rather than thinking about weight training logically. If youre only lifting to look big, might as well just fucking roid because it seems like progressive overload, gaining strength, and understanding mechanics are all probably too boring for you and your YUUGE JACKED LEGS BRO
b-but I wanna fuck around the gym and eat shit while getting YUUUUUUUGE GAINZ so i can be like zyzz !!!1 i mean itz been a year of me doing rand squatz why arenT i bulkk
So you got me thinkang, since the only correct approach to lifting is making a blog of my gym progression and doing homosex exercises like squats and deadlifts (extremely popular here, everyone wants a juicy ass to please their gay lovers), maybe I should not listen to you fags at all and just eat a tonne and train upper body and arms indefinetely, don't see why it shouldn't work.
I'm not even being ironic with this post. You helped me come to a conclusion. Thanks Veeky Forums
woa wait a minute, d-do you mean a program! what a brand new idea, i cant believe you've come up with a way to balance your working out as to suit your body! revolutionary stufF
glad it took you like a year to figure it out, I wonder how long itll take you to work out how a PROPER diet works
>being so full of crap you literally have to straw man how horrible of a routine I must have
Just admit you have no intelligent advice other than "BUT DOOD U GOTTA STICK TO DA PROGRAMME UH OH"
except you ignored legit everything I said above because you want thos gains by doing squats once a week
if you refuse to listen to normal responses I gotta go down to your level
but then again hey what do I know, im not the one who spent a whole year working on his legs and wondering why im not swole
you probs eat maccas every day and a multivitamin before you spend 20 minutes @ a franchise gym before your mum drives you home. shame ur skinny fat : (
Are you doing SS or stronglifts?
>by doing squats once a week
Didn't I adress you on this in my previous post? Lack reading comprehension much?