Is my OHP weaker than all my other lifts because most of my previous shoulder exercises were lateral raises...

Is my OHP weaker than all my other lifts because most of my previous shoulder exercises were lateral raises? Because my delts look juicy but proportionately to my other lifts they're shit.

No, it's weaker because you don't do it enough. Press more.

bump for more opinions

one more bump for knowledge

no it's weaker because you're a little bitch and don't spend enough time training it

if youre delts looks juicy, yet you dont OHP much. Then its probably weak and small triceps.

I haven't ever done tricep isolations so this could be it

its very easy to tell. Usually the arm looks big from a side-way view, but small front a frontal view. Small triceps also highlights delts.

shit that's exactly how my arms look and i can also curl almost double what i can skullcrush. How to fix based friendo?

calm down on the curls and do more tricep work, or pressing movements.

lateral raises hit side delts, not front delts

if your OHP slows down and fails at around your nose, you have a front delt weakness (like almost everyone else does in OHP, a tricep weakness would be pretty rare and a chest weakness would be irrelevant)

You do tricep exercises, duh

I dumbell OHP 85lbers for clean sets of 6

Doesnt help your situation OP, but fuck it i wanna brag

Feels good. Could probably use the 90s desu but dont like gettin all redfaced and shaky at maximum effort. I like to make my exertions seems effortless to the crowd of DYEL skeleton cunts at the gym

I always do OHP for last. I notice that I do it way less than I do if I do it first.

I think it's more to do with me rockclimbing than curls but thank you for the advice. upboated

t. manlet with short arms

OHP is heavily dependent on triceps. Especially in the bottom position and where you describe the common sticking point.

Its usually triceps that holds you back on OHP

This is probably it as well, thanks famalam

>tfw hit 2pl8 on my The Press

Im 6'2 with a 6'2 wingspan

Been training 7 yrs and OHP is my fave lift

Bet u feel gay & horny now, dontcha faggot

>Lifting for validation from dyel skeletors

t. manlet with a vivid imagination

Best part is i ask the skeleton admirers to hand me one of the dumbells to set me up for the first rep. Theyre a little tok heavy to kick up with my knees

I choose a skele who clearly cant even deadlift 85lbs and ask him, knowing he will struggle

Last week the guy picked the DB off the floor by the handle, and tried to place it in my right hand. We were forced to awkwardly cup eachothers hands and shuffle the handle into my grasp

Shit got too awkward for the skele and he fumbled the DB and it crashed to the ground

He turned QUITE red and started apologizing

Havent seen that faggot at the gym since

hell yea bully bro sup

I like to leave my 275 bench unattended and kick people off that try to touch it


you couldn't be more wrong on this one user

it's almost always front delts, which are the smallest, weakest, and quickest to fatigue (within a session, anyway - they dump fatigue very quickly) muscles involved in the OHP

and that nose sticking point is characteristic of front delt weakness as well, that's where front delts have the biggest mechanical disadvantage

the only time triceps would be a sticking point is if you do absolutely no bench pressing or direct tricep work of any kind

>mfw I "accidentally" drop it on your shoulder and fuck up your OHP forever

Front delts are retty big, and attach far down on your upper arm to give it a good mechanical advantage.
People who get the sticking point at their nose usually have a technique issue. Where they arent leaning back or have the bar too far in front.
Strength sticking points usually happens once you get above the head.

you can definitely press more by leaning back but I don't recommend doing it on a regular basis, I herniated a disc doing that shit and had to stop pressing for months