Reminder you can't lift your subhuman genes away
Reminder you can't lift your subhuman genes away
but at least im not black
right guy looks like a plank though
Guy on left looks better than if he had stayed skinny
who has narrow shoulders here?
still looks like a subhuman ape
gymcelling won't redeem your bad genes kiddo
Chad eats PIZZA and looks better than you because of his GENETICALLY PREDETERMINED FACE, FRAME and HEIGHT
Better to look loke shit with muscles rather than just plain shit
I don't get this meme, anyone can be fit and eat a pizza
Some more often than others
I think left looks pretty good, his traps are nice
every time I see a photo of someone on the couch with their bellies exposed, I always wonder if they are sucking their gut in.
Bruh I'm a little wider than the dude on the right, a little more swol but got that door-frame, and you know I'm pretty comfortable doing athletic things and in a fight you know. That motherfucker on the left, though, he's built for all sorts of shit. I had a friend built like that, those low, set-in shoulders and tight ribs, nothing to do with stretching or posture just how he was. He's 5'8 I'm 6'3, 150 and 190lbs respectively. Now while we could both do the same amount of pullups, run distance, backflips, etc., this motherfucker could stop my heart with one of his punches. There's something about the way those bastards monkey-joints line up, because he hit harder than a sack of bricks. I have been hit by a car at 30mph and felt better than taking a glancing blow from that dude. Not to mention he deadlifts almost twice as much with hardly any mass. Something about them dude. You might look nice and broad but that son of a bitch will fuck your life up in the wild.
Lmfao. Is this a joke?
The only women that like us Nerdics are 4 ft 6 thai whores with no ass and pudge bellies. It's at the point where most white men have to travel to southeast asia JUST to lose their virginities. I mean hell, have you even stepped FOOT outside in the past DECADE? White women HATE white men, lmfao. Literally ALL the hot, prime young white girls are with blacks, arabs, or at least Mediterranean looking guys. Just fucking look at breeding rates. White/German women aren't even interested in BREEDING with white men lmfao.
Fucking lol @ /pol/fag autists idolizing Patrick Bateman/Clint Eastwood or some other "strong Aryan man" who looks INFINITELY better than you EVER will, but you convince yourself you're on par with him because you're both white, lmfao. Face it. You're about as invisible to women as air.
ok tyrone
Some women have genetically superior fat distribution and they have all fat in ass, tits and some in tights + perfect figure, usually those kind of women looks good, even if they ate too much and get more fat they are thick in sexy way, this kind of girl do not have to do any kind of activity for first 30 years of life and they are going to look good.
On the other hand girl with shitty genetic wll have all her tights around belly + 0 shape + small tits and she will look like real human barrel with limbs.
thats where this meme came from
Chad with superior genetic does not have to be 5% bf if he has:
>aesthetic face
>wide frame
he is set as long as he is not auschwitz skinny or very fat.
height + wide frame makes them visually big and attractive.
aw look at the little larper, roleplaying out his cuck fantasy
Literally had pizza last night
Feels good to be a Chad
I'm white and this is sad but true.
fucking truth.
However the pizza guy clearly lifts. Possible roid
are 17 inch shoulders too narrow and like the guy on the left? should i just kms?
>White/German women aren't even interested in BREEDING with white men
The whole world isn't like your german/canadian cucked shithole. You've only yourselves to blame.
dude, it's an obvious troll
[spoiler]being born as a white you already won a life lottery and cuck trends won't really change this fact[/spoiler]
two different people definitely posted this
i love this meme because it's so cleverly cut off the bottom half of the guy on the right
in the full pic he has MASSIVELY WIDE hips. literally childbearing hips on a man. it looks hilarious
>But at least I renounce to superior test, superior muscular explosiveness, BBC and I embrace virginity and the cuck lifestyle, forever.
>White/German women
If you're looking for "racial" "purity" I really have no idea why you idiots look to Germany. They literally tried to purge huge chunks of the population before they got significant immigration because of supposed racial impurity.
jews aren't german just the "refugees"
relax bro dont get triggerd lift the anger away
Yes guys with narrow shoulders can punch harder. They also get zero pussy.
One went swimming a lot when they were young and one did not.
How subhuman am I?
If you put as much effort into yourself as you did shit posting your daily 'why even lift?' threads youd be happier
Most of the "chads" literally abuse steroids and drugs of all sorts you're so clueless that it hurts.
Haha bullshit, I swam all the time as a kid and teenager and I have narrow shoulders.
You should shave your chest. Then you're good.
This. Dudes built like that are usually strong as fuck.
The only way for people with average genetics ti mimic this is to focus on the neck, traps, upper back, forearms, glutes and delts
Are you having a good weekend, rabbi?
but steroids and drugs wont change your height, face, frame (they may give the appearance of a bigger frame though)
HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME are essential to good looks and you literally can't fraud it besides surgery
>incredibly skinny
>21" shoulders
So if I actually did put some muscle on, could I get it up to 22"?
remember that obsessing over things like this is a sign of autism or mental illness.
cool photo user
Guy on the right has mediocre genes desu, box hips.
these threads always make me laugh but im not sure if its shitposting or straight up incels sperging out